Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Religion, God, Middle East, Jesus Christ, Relationships, Christians, Church, Muslim

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/10/05


Edna and Todd decided to have a baby in order to solve their sour relationship. This is not a sound solution to a worsening relationship problem. Instead of facing the real problem in order to apply an apt solution, they are trying to escape the reality by knocking the wife up. There is no guarantee that after having a baby, the couple will stop bickering. Todd cannot keep a job while his wife Edna is a heavy drinker. In the course of their three years of marriage, they have endless fights as their personal problems marred their marriage. According to one of the counselling centers: “relationships thrive when they are bathed in love” (Philhaven.org 2015). With this philosophy, the kind of relationship that Edna and Todd have can be said that it is in the brink of falling apart. It is already a relationship that is full of anger, betrayal, judgement, shame and other negative energies. This relationship can only be repaired when the couple face the real problem rather than making dragging an innocent child into a messy family relation. It is only when Todd and Edna communicates effectively with each other that they will understand the problems deeper. Edna’s alcoholism will only be treated when her spouse sincerely joins her in a life-changing journey. When their personal problems are over and Todd finds a permanent job, it is only then that they can think of having a baby.
The Concepts of God The Christian concept of God like Judaism and Islam is monotheistic however, there are many differences. All the three religions believe that there is a God who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. It means, God is all powerful, everywhere, and all-knowing. The difference of Christian is the idea of the Holy Trinity where God has three forms which are the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Judaism and Islam believe that there is only one God who is the creator and that one God has no son. Unlike Christianity, Judaism asserts that the Messiah and his prophet are real but they are not divine. Yelnick, in an online article said that Judaism recognizes that Jesus Christ, the messiah did exist as a human being but they are not recognizing him as equal with that of God the creator. They consider him and his prophets as normal human beings.
Stacey, 2009 in her article on Islam religions mentioned that Islam believe of having them most powerful, most knowledgeable, and most merciful God who is Allah. They however do not recognize the presence of Jesus Christ as his son and any subordinates.
The three aforementioned religions have sets of principles, knowledge, and belief systems which are practiced through faith. Christianity has a Bible, Judaism has Torah, and Islam has Q’ran. They are all scriptures from the ancient history, and they are all about God and faith. They are just different versions of one concept which is the presence of an ultimate creator. The conflicting scriptures on whether or not Jesus Christ is also a God and his followers divine stirred the unending religious conflicts that even resulted to bloody wars like the “Battle of the Trench.”

I agree with the argument because during the end of the French and Indian Wars in 1763, the British Proclamation was made delineating the Appalachian Mountains which drew a visible line between the Indian territories and the British colony. The proclamation enforced that the territories occupied by the English men should be vacated by the Indian tribes as a sign of the King’s respect to the tribes’ autonomy. Those who are inside the English territory who belong to other Indian tribes were prohibited to practice their own values and practices. Furstenberg, 2008 mentioned that the British had not considered the Indian tribes as their allies despite the wars against France that they wage together. They considered all the tribes as their colony that further marred their unpleasant relationship. It was moreover destroyed by the British Proclamation as Indian tribes assert that they cannot be contained in the other side of the Appalachian mountain as they are the natives of their nation.

Works Cited

Brenner, Micheal & Media, Demand. “The Roots of Conflict Between Islam and Judaism.” Opposing Views, 2007. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
Furstenberg, Francois. “The Significance of the Trans-Appalachian Frontier in Atlantic History.” Oxford Journals: The American Historical Review, 2008. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
Philhaven. “Philosophy of Relationships.” Philhaven.org, 2015. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
Religion Facts. “The Christian God: Monotheism and the Trinity.” Religionfacts.com, 2004 2015. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
Stacey, Aisha. “Monotheism – One God.” The Religion of Islam, 2006-2014. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
Yelnick, Juli. “Monotheism in Judaism.” Education Portal, 2003-2015. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.

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