How Pasteur’s Version Of The Germ Theory Of Disease Contributed To, Or Changed Medical Practice Book Review Examples

Type of paper: Book Review

Topic: Medicine, Theory, Viruses, Health, World, Science, Louis Pasteur, History

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/09/29

Spontaneous Generation and miasma were the theory accepted before Pasteur’s version of germ theory of 1861; these theories suggested that diseases were the causes for the microorganisms. Game theory states that bacteria or tiny microbes are the causes of diseases in the body. Though the theory faced criticism, it has proven to be crucial in medical history. Pasteur work has proven to be the cornerstone of medical practice, and it marks a major revolution in science. His contributions to medicine include improvement in hospital healthcare, scientific research and development of immunization against pathogens. The father of microbiology, Louis Pasteur, entirely changed medical practices, and his contributions are remarkable in the science field.
Pasteur’s theory improved general healthcare because he turned people view on the causes of illness, he brought a revolution to medical practice by initiating reforms in the surgery world (Elliot 382). Germ theory made changes in theaters as surgeons previously had dealt with operations without use of antiseptics. The use of antiseptics reduced the rampant death rates, notably, a century after this theory life expectancy improved. Moreover, with everyone understanding the link between bacteria and diseases medical care and hygiene improved. Germ theory led to the dismissal of the nurse and doctor programs, their training dismissed the previous theories and attention to personal hygiene was of an essence. Bynum notes, over the centuries, since the theory was published quality healthcare have taken shape due proper hygiene (115).
Pasteur’s work laid a foundation for the work of other scientists and medical doctors. For instance, Koch used the germ theory to identify bacteria that caused anthrax and led his way to discovering TB. Pasteur method resulted in the establishment of vaccines (Anastasiaserg: The Story of Louis Pasteur). He found a way of using weakened microorganisms that limited the strength of the disease-causing pathogens and this initiated the immunization process. His contribution to the discovery of rabies and an immune against it has protected humans against this dog pathogen. Well, this discovery opened a new world of viruses and their causes. As more research has been done in this field, more life-saving treatments are being applied in the area of medicine. His remarkable pasteurization process has developed a way of killing harmful microbes and saved human life over the decades.
Germ theory of disease is one of the important in medical history, it’s the foundation of modern microbiology and by Pasteur effort more fundamentals of this discipline came into shape. Remarkably, he discovered three important bacteria: Staphylococcus, pneumococcal and streptococcus, the bacteria are the primary causes of human illnesses ( lecture 14). The discovery has laid a foundation to the fight against infectious diseases. Pasteur experimentation has been acknowledged in the modern world and if not his efforts the world of microbes would not be versatile as it is today. Interestingly, his indulgence in fermentation led to the knowledge of sterilization. Sterilization completely revolutionized the world of obstetrics and surgery (Bynum 116). His contributions are paramount to modern medicine especially to the field of microbiology.
Louis Pasteur, termed as the father of microbiology contributions to the area of medicine is significant, and his efforts brought a revolutionary to the treatment of diseases. Germ theory replaced the theory of spontaneous generation and miasma; the conservative medical field had led to lots of deaths. Through germ theory, medical practice improved notably in the area of obstetrics and surgery. The discovery of bacteria as the primary causes of diseases formed the sterilization process and the knowledge of vaccination. His version of the germ theory ventured in ways of improving hospital practices and with more emphasis on hygiene quality healthcare was assured. The version of this theory has contributed and changed medical practices by facilitating better scientific research, health care, and vaccines.

Works Cited

Bynum, W. The History of Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print
Elliot, C. Louis Pasteur, “The Germ Theory and its Application to Medicine and Surgery, Scientific papers”. New York: P.F. Collier & Son. Print
Oyc. ‘Open Yale Courses: Epidemics in Western society since 1600, Lecture 14-the Germ Theory of Disease’. N.p. 2015. Web. 17 Jan 2015<>
The Story of Louis Pasteur. Author: Anastasiaserg. 1936. Film

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