How To Use The App Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: App, Customers, Technician, Photography, Saloon, Literature, Books, Choice

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/30

Importance of Nails App

Nails App is an application which is used to book a nail technician before the actual nail polishing takes place. A saloon’s attendant or a nail technician takes his or her photograph which is well decorated. He or she then posts the photograph on the internet. Apparently the technician can send the picture to their customers and the customer can then choose which type of nail polishing they require. After choosing the type they require, they can now book a date with the saloon attendant or the nail technician to carry out the actual nail polishing. On the other hand, the customer can use the Nails App to look for the best nail technicians based on the photos uploaded by the technicians.

Importance of the Nail App

The App is very crucial as it allows the customers to choose from different types of real life nail polishing and patterns. They can also choose rings that best fit with the painting and patterns of the nails that makes him or her look good. The App is time conscious as booking is instant. The customer and the nail technician can meet within a very short period of time after booking. Another advantage of the nail App is that the customer does not need to go to saloon but only book date with the nail technician and they will come to their houses.

The user of the App needs to choose a photo from the gallery. He or she then chooses from the nail polish or pattern that deems fit. He or she then paints the nails simultaneously as they draw their own favourite patterns. The user can then decorate them with the rings of different colours. Finally he or she can upload the photo and send to the intended person.


The Nails App is more than just a saloon. It is actually a virtual saloon. It assists the customers and nail technicians to book date and carry out actual nail polishing as designed in the photograph uploaded. It is instant and saves time. The Nail App should thus be implemented with maximum support from all the stakeholders.

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