Human Resource Management Essay Sample For Your Inspiration

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Management, Coffee, Starbucks, Skills, Workplace, Development, Community, Diversity

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/01/09

Group Project

Group Project

Section 1

One argument advanced against globalization in the face of human resource management is that it leads to more challenges rather than opportunities. Multinational corporations such as IKEA have to spend more time addressing the challenges emanating from the diversity at the workplace rather than enjoying the benefits it brings. The fact the company’s workforce hails from different parts of the world implies that the management has to be more flexible in terms of its management practices. Management practices are thus dependent on diversity. However, the counterargument advanced in favor of globalization holds that companies benefit more due to the liberal movement of labor across the national borders and the ability to share and transfers both knowledge and technology.

Section 2

Step 2:
Anna Steele
415. S Main Street

Seattle, WA 98101

Areas for Development to Maximize the Effectiveness in the Current Role at Starbucks
“On the Job Training”
As a Partner resources manager, Anna Steele should pay attention to “on the job” training
She will be able to enhance her skills in managing the organization’s partners who have different attributes and need.
Anna can enhance her skills through apprenticeship where she emulates the strategies and mechanism used by a fellow employee at Starbucks, who has been in the same position. Apprenticeship will enable Starbucks to maintain consistency because Anna will practice and use the same skills used by her predecessor in managing her roles.


An important development area, which will assist Anna to address her weakness when performing her duties.
Anna will work under the supervision of an experienced colleague who guides his or her steps in the performance of the tasks.
The supervisor can prepare a periodic report to the management to inform of the progress that Anna has made in terms of dealing with the internal and external stakeholders of Starbucks.

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Human Resource Management Essay Sample For Your Inspiration. Free Essay Examples - Published Jan 09, 2021. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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