Human Resource Management Essay Samples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Management, Human Resource Management, Principles, Organization, Human, Workplace, Employee, Project

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/25

Human Resource Management principles v operations management principles

Although they sound similar, human resource management and operations management are very different fields, with different principles. The practice is that operations managers and human resource managers interact on matters dealing with administration, for instance, payroll issues. Although the two fields are intimately related, they are separately studied and their principles are applied separately. The two fields are very different, with different principles and applications as explained below.

Operations Management principles

Unlike human resource, operations management employs human knowledge and capital to transform the available materials and services into either goods or services. This is a role that is monitored by operations managers
The second principle on operations management entails designing operations systems and controlling them. In a nutshell, this may include scheduling of tasks, arranging facilities, coming up with the relevant procedures for turnover and inventory acquisition (Heizer et al. 2004). Apart from this, the principle also dictates that corrective actions and measures should be employed to make sure that relevant changes are achieved where necessary.
Operations managers are tasked with a responsibility of achieving of using the organization’s resources productively. As a matter of fact, productivity is of utmost importance to any organization as it relates to the company’s ability to compete. Because productivity can be affected by various issues such as capital, technology, management, quality and work methods, operations managers ought to be keen to ensure that the motives of an organization are met.

Principles of Human Resource Management

Essentially, there are four key principles for human resource management (Snell et al. 2010). The principles play a major role in determining how management affects various stakeholders. Some of these principles are as discussed below.


In every aspect, an organization’s employees ought to show their commitment to their duties and businesses. This duty is fulfilled by human resource management by adequate staffing which is consistent with the needs of the business. Employees should expect to be part of the business over the long term. Organizations, on the other hand, are expected to demonstrate their commitment by investing in the employees through mechanisms such as providing training opportunities to the employees, engaging in goal-setting activities and carrying out performance evaluations. With commitment, an organization will be successful.


This principle of human resource supports the development of businesses. Job satisfaction is directly derived from this principle and handles issues such as the effect of the organization in the society. Competent workers are necessary if the organization in question is to be successful. The performance of such employees depends on the understanding that they may develop with their managers. Through adequate training, competency can be boosted among the employees of an organization.

Cost Effectiveness

Human resource department budgets tend to be insufficient to the extent that they fail to support all activities of human resource. As a matter of fact, human resource department does not entail generating income for the organization. Because of this, it is prudent that the department engages in cost effective practices to boost the operations of the organization in question. This principle is necessary if the organization is to develop.


It is the role of the human resource manager to ensure management goals are congruent with the business’ general goals. The human resource department should practice utmost care to recruit competent and talented workers who are innovative to develop the company’s operations. In essence, this principle addresses a company’s individual employees, rather than generalizing them.

Project management principles vs. Operations management principles

Unlike operations management, project management has five key principles that ought to be followed keenly. Initiation is the first principle, which entails defining what the project will be and getting approval before one can start working (Williams, 2008). This is not the case with operations management.
The second project management principle entails planning. This is a process through which the project manager comes up with a timeframe on how different tasks should be carried out and the specific timeframes. Operations managers do not necessarily employ this technique.
Execution is the third principle. This refers to the processes that are performed with the aim of completing the defined work in the project plan. Apart from this, the other principles in project management include monitoring/controlling and the closing process. These principles are very different from those of operations management discussed above.

Importance of professional service organizations in standardizing a profession

Professional service organizations play a key role in standardizing professions. In practice, these organizations offer services such as advising other companies on the relevant managerial and operational practices that should be employed to make the businesses a success. In the modern market which is defined by competitiveness, human resource managers have employed various strategies to gain the competitive advantage over the competitors. One of these strategies is by seeking external advice from professionals on any issues arising within the organization. This way, it becomes easy for the managers to get to understand the external perspective and consequences of any move before engaging in one. Trough extra studies, employees get to understand the dynamics that play in a given market, hence strengthening the performance of the organization. This may also strengthen the code of ethics.


Heizer, J. H., & Render, B. (2004). Principles of operations management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Snell, S., & Bohlander, G. W. (2010). Principles of human resource management. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Williams, M. (2008). The principles of project management. Collingwood, Vic: SitePoint.

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