John Greene Cash Course On Globalization Movie Review

Type of paper: Movie Review

Topic: Globalization, World, Business, Countries, Products, People, Company, Consumption

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/26

For the aim of this paper, a discussion has been carried out in below by carefully viewing and understanding the two provided videos namely Globalization part I and II by John Greene.

Reasons of Increase in Global Trade:

John Greene has considerably mentioned various reasons that have been responsible for the need of increase in global trade. Firstly, the consumption patterns of the world have increased over the years where individuals demanded more for the products that were not present in the domestic economy. Secondly, people needed economic opportunities for which companies went global. The employees or labor that was hired by such companies were fairly cheaper because of the increased unemployed population. Finally, benefits such as travelling to father places in lesser time and finding treatments for the pandemics.
A tee shirt goes through various processes in its production. Initially, United States was producing its own tee shirts on a cheaper rate because the government has put subsided taxes on the cotton consumption. However, few years later, it became taxed for which buying cotton from different parts of the world become a cheaper idea. Therefore, in the present world, a t-shirt is produced with Brazilian or Indian cotton and shipped to Europe for cheaper screening. Finally, it is sent to America where it sells for a rate that is easily affordable and at the same time makes enough profit for the company.
Markets have changed over the last thirty years because countries have practiced the phenomenon of free trade that allows multinational companies to get the production, service and manufacture in a very lower labor charges.
The cookie monster is a very good example of globalization because its consumption patterns are never-ending. In the similar way, globalization has allowed people to consume more and more products.
Globalization is good as well as bad. It is because it has enabled us with a better way of living where diseases and cheaper labor have allowed companies to maximize profits and at the same time give economic opportunities to the masses. On the other hand, it has affected social values and family lives by large in a negative manner.
Global interdependence has actually shown some positive consequences. Countries tend to work together because they understand that war would actually deprive them from becoming economically sound. Developing countries know that they get labor options from the developed countries and the developed countries know that they can make use of free market to sell their products.
Our personal freedom has also been affected by globalization by large because we tend to look upon others for the trends. It is because of this reason that people are fighting for the causes that do not impact us positively. It is rather taking our focus away from the reality and practicality.
It is noted that the increased population have made use of the natural resources to the large extent. There are increased explorations that are affecting the natural environment. The exploration will not take place forever because we will run out of in the longer run. It is one of the reasons humanity is undergoing global warming.
Democracy and economic success has largely been dependent upon globalization ever since the nation state system came to existence. It is an evident fact that globalization has allowed people to get a better reach for their products. The globalization has led people to come across their rights as well for which they take respective parts to make a difference in the selection of representatives.
I agree that the globalization is good as well as bad. It is because we cannot deny with the benefits that we have because of the shipping of products that are not available in our home countries or that the consumption patterns have increased because of the variety and competitive pricing.

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