Knowledge Management Features Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Education, Knowledge, Management, Workplace, Employee, Information, Organization, Tool

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/25

The first knowledge management feature that any organization ought to consider is the appropriateness for the job. The feature must be selected depending on the job function or area that needs improvement. The organization need to choose knowledge tools that will improve creativity and innovation among the employees (Liu et al., 2014, p.6033). This will ensure employees have gained new knowledge that will enable them to do their work more effectively and efficiently. As a result of increased creativity and innovativeness, the organization will achieve increased productivity among employees who work with ease and efficiently. Inn addition, the knowledge must be directed towards increasing organizational learning. For the knowledge tool should be aligned with the organizational learning plan in order to ensure it help the management to achieve their long term and short term goals and objectives (Sholla & Nazari, 2011, p.54).
Secondly, the knowledge management tool ought to improve collaboration and communication among the employees of the organization (Choudhary et al., 2013, p.1953). It should support both synchronous and asynchronous activities in the organization. Synchronous capabilities should focus at the natural communication through tools such private messaging, chat rooms, recording and hosting online meetings, presentations, seminars among others. On the other hand, asynchronous capabilities ought to be directed towards discussion forums, blogs, workgroups, wikis, facebook, twitter, announcements, and news among others. These knowledge tools enable employees to enlarge their network as well as to connect with experts from different fields. They are also able to work together with their collegues through sharing information over different communication platforms (Pietrzak et al., 2015, p.68). The emergence of social media platforms has enabled organizations to communicate effectively with their employees, customers and suppliers with ease. As a result, there is increased profitability that comes with less expensive communication as well as effective flow of information (Zhen, Wang, & Li, 2013, p.884).


Choudhary, A, Harding, J, Camarinha-Matos, L, Lenny, K, & Tiwari, M, 2013. Knowledge management and supporting tools for collaborative networks. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 51 no.7, pp.1953-1957.
Liu, L, Caldwell, B, Wang, H, & Li, Y,2014. A knowledge-centric CNC machine tool design and development process management framework. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52 no. 20, pp.6033-6051.
Pietrzak, M, Jalosinski, K, Paliszkiewicz, J,& Brzozowski, A, 2015. A case study of strategic group map application used as a tool for knowledge management. Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 55 no.2, pp.68-77.
Sholla, A & Nazari, E, 2011. Knowledge Management and Factors that Influence the Success of Codification Strategies in Medium-sized Companies that Develop Software: The model, Strategies and Tools. Journal of Information Technology & Economic Development., Vol. 2 no. 1, pp.54-63.
Zhen, L, Wang, L, & Li, J, 2013. A design of knowledge management tool for supporting product development. In Information Processing and Management, vol 49 no.4, pp.884-894

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