Leadership Self-Assessment And Strength-Based Leadership Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Leadership, Assessment, Workplace, Rating, Teamwork, Team, Theory, Strengths

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/02


Leadership is a social aspect that is old as civilization itself. According to Chemers M, leadership is rather classified as a role in which individuals voluntarily take up to influence others within and outside the team to contribute to a common objective (Chemers, 2007). Managerial Position is different from leadership although managers assume leadership role during dispensation of their mandate. Managerial position may be solely packed by academic and technical prowess although most managerial positions are leadership position at the same time. Since leadership is a social aspect, many studies have linked leadership to behavior, charisma, intelligence, adjustment, extraversion, and openness to experience conscientiousness, and general efficacy (Lord, 2006).
This linking came about after the reemergence of trait theory. There have been several approaches to understanding leadership including the intergraded psychology theory that was made viable Scouller in 2001. This theory integrates the strengths of older leadership theories while dealing with their limitation. Dynamics of leadership never cease, and so is the endeavor of understanding such dynamics. In this paper, I will explore the significance of self-assessment leadership and its contribution to the understanding and practice of leadership. I will also explore self-assessment as part of strength based leadership.

Emergence of strength Based Leadership

Companies using strength finders to establish team’s strong points so that the employment can tap on such strengths are common in most companies. Strength-based leadership is revolution from what has been traditionally fixing of shortcomings of individual employees. This art has saved time and money and has proven to work without resistance from employees. This approach has also encouraged employees to take roles in areas they are passionate and comfortable in. The same trend has also moved to leadership. It might have been triggered by fierce competition and the need for invention but all the same, all companies embracing this perspective of leadership are benefiting.
According to Gallup, leadership strength has four domains: Influencing, strategic thinking, executing and building relationships. Four persons are incorporated in a team each possessing strength in at least one domain instead of one dominant leader who stretches himself to perform all the function. This will improve efficiency, specialization and possibility of innovation (Gullup 2015). It does not however mean that a leader should possess only one category. The category thy get assigned to is their strongest point.

Leadership self-assessment design

Self-assessment is meant to test leadership skills possessed by the person being assessed. The assessment is usually focused on desired traits and skills to suit the situation or environment of practice. There are eight common components for a typical business environment according to High Consulting Group. These components involves ability to perform the following; fostering team, directing, leading with courage, Championing change, training and mentoring others, motivating team members, acting with integrity and building relationships. The persons being rated are instructed to read every statement that carry a specific leadership aspect, and the rate themselves according to how well they think they can perform such task. Rating style may differ from one company to another, but the commonly used is the use of scale of one to three. Each number representing the degree of how the person being rated is conversant with the skill: 1) I neither possess this attribute nor apply it at all. 2) I rarely possess this trait and I apply it somewhat well. 3) I possess this attribute and frequently apply it well.

Importance leadership self-assessment

Self-assessment grants the persons being assess to rate themselves according to relevant leadership traits and indicators. This process eliminates prejudice and bias of the second party. Although there is a possibility that persons rating themselves may rate themselves higher in anticipation of recognition by employer in situations partaking employment, the variation may not be significant. If persons rating themselves understand that rating for self-analysis and possible improvement on weaknesses, then the rating will be honest.
One of the major benefits of self-assessment is to realize one’s weaknesses and points that may need improvement to guarantee efficiency in leadership practice. Apart from establishing weak points, self-assessment for leadership traits also helps in identification strengths may help the administration in posting and job allocation.

Self-assessment as part of the process of developing strength-based leadership

Self-assessment has been perceived to be a tool for identifying points that require improvement. Mishandled self-assessment may lead to loss of employee through resignation of such assessments are used against them. It might be the nature of humans to find problems and fix them or even create them so we may find solutions but the emergence Strength-based leadership has changed the motive of assessment from finding problems to finding strengths. Finding of strengths through self-assessment is a step on the process of placing leaders on the jobs they are passionate and good in.


Rating of employees and assessment of leaders had not been welcome by everyone until the emergence of Strength based leadership. The process of assessment has changed in its motive from finding problems that need improvement to finding strength that can be incorporated into a team. This has revolutionized leadership and management by linking leaders to domains they are passionate and best at. Benefit of this leadership style despite its potential high cost of employing four instead of one person if effective, efficient and opens doors for inventions.


Chemers, M. (2007). An integrative theory of leadership. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lord, R. G., De Vader, C. L., & Alliger, G. M. (2006). "A meta-analysis of the relation between personality traits and leader perceptions: An application of validity generalization procedures ". Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 402–410.v
HCG. (n.d.). Leadership assessment. Retrieved February 7, 2015, from http://www.hillconsultinggroup.org/assets/pdfs/leadership-assessment.pdf
Rath, T. (2015). Strength based leadership. Chemers, M. (2007). An integrative theory of leadership. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.: Gallup

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"Leadership Self-Assessment And Strength-Based Leadership Essay." WePapers, Nov 02, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/leadership-self-assessment-and-strength-based-leadership-essay/
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"Leadership Self-Assessment And Strength-Based Leadership Essay," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 02-Nov-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/leadership-self-assessment-and-strength-based-leadership-essay/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Leadership Self-Assessment And Strength-Based Leadership Essay. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/leadership-self-assessment-and-strength-based-leadership-essay/. Published Nov 02, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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