Lengthening The Course Of Nature Article Review Samples

Type of paper: Article Review

Topic: Life, Health, Increase, Society, Human, Time, Health Care, Market

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/01/08

The quest for immortality or at least a longer lifespan has been a concept that is continuously explored by science. This is not surprising for death poses a dilemma for those who claim that they want to achieve many things in life thus explaining why there is a market for the said quest. Often however, this possibility clouds what I feel is a more important question: having a better quality of life for what sense is there to live a long life that is bombarded with too much hardships. The answer to which is possibly the adaptability of human beings. Being able to live for an additional 300 years really does not change much, for what will possibly happen is people will be passive about it. To illustrate this point imagine that there is this field of research and the possible effect of which is a greater market for all types of goods. Having a lower death rate will mean a greater demand of goods in the market which will increase the price of many essential goods. All things held constant, one of the drivers of human beings to create a society is for self-actualization and one will need to afford the supplies that are needed to achieve this. Should supplies increase in price, there is a need to work harder to afford it. In the end, life will go on as is with the exception that most individuals will be alive to see the changes in the society.
In order to further the point being made, take healthcare for example. Healthcare is computed based on the lifespan of a person, the possible illness that the person may have with its necessary costs, and the number of years that the person will be able to work for the insurance being allotted to him/her. Should a person’s life span increase then there will be a possibility of an increase in the number of disease or illness acquired by a person this is then complimented with the number of years that a person will be able to work for that increase in possibility thus making healthcare relatively more expensive. Technology is another good that will tend to compliment the individuals in the society. At the transition to a longer life, technology will most probably lean more towards marketing the procedure towards a longer life span. In the long run, it will most probably tend to sustain the new society.
Wanting to live forever is dependent on many things, but I am a firm believer of Mother Nature. There is a reason why living things are included in the cycle of life and with it is time. Trying to extend what is given to us has its consequences. So far, human beings are not scoring that well with the current time given to us. As stated at the beginning of this paper, there is a much more important question that needs to be answered.
Contentions to immortality lie mainly on the capacity of the human flesh to endure a longer period of time. As of the moment, the tech that seems most promising to living forever is the research on transferring the brain cells into a chip that will allow the preservation of thoughts and memories.

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"Lengthening The Course Of Nature Article Review Samples." WePapers, Jan 08, 2021. Accessed October 22, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/lengthening-the-course-of-nature-article-review-samples/
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"Lengthening The Course Of Nature Article Review Samples," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 08-Jan-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/lengthening-the-course-of-nature-article-review-samples/. [Accessed: 22-Oct-2024].
Lengthening The Course Of Nature Article Review Samples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/lengthening-the-course-of-nature-article-review-samples/. Published Jan 08, 2021. Accessed October 22, 2024.

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