Life Is Precious. The Oscar-Nominated Film By Lee Daniels Movie Review Examples

Type of paper: Movie Review

Topic: Family, Life, Literature, Women, Parents, Teen, Teenagers, Movies

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/01/11

“Precious” is an American drama by Lee Daniels shot in 2009. The movie represents an adaptation of the novel “Push” by Sapphire telling the story of a teen from ghetto. What makes both the novel and the film so special is the sincere and sometimes naïve narration in first person by the girl suffering inconceivable conditions created by her parents and still hoping for the best and aspiring after knowledge.
Claireece Precious Jones is 16 but she already has a child with Down syndrome and is waiting for a second one. Her father raped her both times, and her mother hates her. Precious does not succeed at school so she is advised to begin to study at the alternative one. At this point, her life changes – her teacher makes her believe that she can do better, and she evolves quickly. For the first time in her life, after finding out she is HIV-positive (her father infected her), Precious severs ties with her mother, takes her both children and starts her journey of the search for the best future.
The heartbreaking story of Precious addresses the issues of many social aspects the contemporary world is dealing with. The movie depicts life in ghetto, schools where children at the age of 16 cannot really read and write, domestic abuse, teen pregnancy, life on dole, problems of sexually transmitted diseases. Precious is surrounded by the dirt but she manages to stay pure and innocent in spite of body imperfection – her mind stays clear no matter what. This character is strong enough to get over everything she has gone through.
After watching the movie, I could not recover sense for several hours. Lee Daniels showed everything we already know but do not really bother. All the imaginable horrors are gathered in “Precious”, and it is difficult to hold back tears while and after watching. This teen had a psychological maltreatment and its source was her family, her home where she spent most of her time – she had nowhere else to go or learn that life can be different. Obviously, the girl had posttraumatic stress disorder which impacted her weight and results at school. But no matter how sad the story is, it still inspires and motivates the audience to appreciate life because it is precious.

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