Logic Questions Argumentative Essay Examples

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Socrates, Philosophy, Life, People, Education, Apology, Plato, Gun Violence

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/10/25


Society has a tendency to be self-satisfied especially when coupled with an unawareness of controversy. In Plato’s Apology of Socrates, Socrates refers himself as a sort of gadfly to the society. According to the dictionary, a gadfly is a fly that bites and annoys livestock. Socrates precisely uses this metaphor to contend that he is a gift and that killing him would not be an injustice to him only, but to all of society. Socrates was inappropriately ineffective in his defense; nevertheless his gadfly metaphor still stands true. For this reason, Socrates refers to himself as one that acts as a provocative stimulus. Socrates is trying to provoke drowsily, and indifferent individuals by making them realize that they do not know themselves as well as they do not comprehend what they claim to know. His cross-examination of the some of the prominent citizens undoubtedly led to prejudice against him.
The Apology appeared to be most expressive and enduring defenses of the philosophical life. Logically, Plato’s Apology of Socrates turned to be a valid form of argument since defended for himself not only of his crime but also of his entire way of living. He considered philosophy as a way of not only generating facts but also stated that philosophy is not only based on generating facts but also clarifying and questioning knowledge. Socrates added that the philosophy’s role has dramatically changed over the periods; as a result, the duty of philosophy, as a consequence, remains to be the main concern. Socrates considered philosophy as a way of life and not a hobby or an occupation. For this reason, he opens a door for characteristic of the discipline of philosophy to be considered. Similar to any other philosopher, Socrates’ aim is to find the truth and live reasonably.
The philosophical life concept is possibly best illustrated by the statement that suggests that one is not worth living if his life is not examined. The humans’ philosophical responsibility is to apply their rationality to be skeptical not only to themselves but also to others. This can help them to live a reasonable and truthful life. From this perspective, the motto displayed outside the Oracle at Delphi, suggest that people should “Know Thyself”. Socrates can be considered as a gadfly given that he surprises societies into a watchful contemplation and also the self-satisfied majority never welcomes this jolting. Majority of the individuals prefer to live in ignorance rather than admitting their challenges. Eventually, Athens’ residents opted to execute Socrates instead of embracing their shortcoming of self-scrutiny as offered by Socrates.
According to Socrates’ argument for his assertion shows that the implication of the knowledge must somehow be involved with intelligent grasping of the structure and relationships of a thing. However, Socrates first denied earlier complaints against him. He used his intelligence, and he gives physical explanations of divine matters and that he charges a fee for teaching rhetoric. Socrates contests anyone to testify that whether he has ever done any positive claims about the earth or heavens or that he has ever charged a fee for his teaching. Therefore, I agree with Socrates conclusion since he seemed to have prophesies. Socrates and Jesus shared a lot in common. Both came from families with humble backgrounds, and they were interested in educating the masses on the importance of self-examination and sincerity in life. Jesus and Socrates had complimentary followers who chronicled their words and actions encountered in their life. None of them decided to document about their biography.
In conclusion, Socrates was similar to Jesus in a sense that he could not endure for long in the public concerns. During his time, the state was invaded by injustice and his trial was among many trials in the history of Athens. However, Socrates never gave up on living an ethical life as indicated by the self-knowledge on the personal level. In his perspective, a country could achieve prosperity and health if each of the individuals were as virtuous and wise. He concluded that no law can safeguard such wealth and health if the people act unjustly. Socrates had discovered that citizens of Athenians were in asleep, and he tried to awaken them and show them the reality that was going on and bring justice to their homeland. I agree with Socrates, if Athenians discovered what he deserved, he could be honored for being a service to the country. However, Socrates stoically admits the verdict and he had an observation that no one, but only gods know life after death. Therefore, it would be foolish to fear what one does not know.

Question 1
Deductive argument is considered as the argument that its conclusion is necessarily derived from the premises. In other words, the deduction begins with a hypothesis or a general statement and observes the possibilities to obtain a logic and specific information. For example, all politicians are corrupt and horrible. James is corrupt and horrible.Therefore, James is a politician. On the other hand, the inductive argument is an argument that its conclusion can only be probable given the strong premises. The premises are strong to the extent that if they were true, there would be no possibility that conclusion is false. For example, James is a footballer. James is tall. Therefore, all footballers are tall.
The argument that contains either inductive or deductive argument can be considered as a “good” argument. The above examples can be considered as “good” argument. Contrary, the argument that contains dubious premises, fallacies or hasty conclusions is a “bad” argument. An argument that also appeals to ignorance is also considered as “bad” argument. For example, “the scientific theories do not prove the existence of God. Therefore, God does not exist.”

Question 2

“All cynical people are disgruntled. Some meticulous people are cynical. Therefore, some disgruntled people are meticulous.”

Argument structure

All cynical people are disgruntled
Some meticulous people are cynical
Some disgruntled people are meticulous
Example 2
All fish lives in water (True Premises)
No mammals is a fish (True Premises)
Therefore, all mammals do not live in water (False)
Question 3
Reasons why “the possession, ownership, and sale of handguns should be outlawed”
According to the statistics, the firearms are third causes of death among the young people.
Gun violence is costly. For example, the National Public Service Research Institute indicates that wounds associated with gun violence cost about $6.6 billion.

Despite the prison terms and stiffer penalties, the gun violence keeps increasing.

The possession, ownership and sale of handguns are deteriorating the economic growth.
Licensing and selling of handguns is not meant to protect people but to increase the gun violence especially to the young people

An argument

Firearms are third causes of death and wounds among youths
Deaths and wounds are associated with high costs
High costs lead to economic deterioration
Therefore, the possession, ownership, and sale of handguns should be outlawed

Works Cited

Lane, R. "Introduction to Philosophy: Lecture Notes: University of West Georgia." N.p., Sept. 2010. Web. <http://www.westga.edu/~rlane/intro/lecture03_deduction.html>.
Leibowitz, D. The ironic defense of Socrates: Plato's apology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Print.
Miller, P. A., C. Platter, and Plato. Plato's Apology of Socrates: A commentary. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2010. Print.

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"Logic Questions Argumentative Essay Examples," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 25-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/logic-questions-argumentative-essay-examples/. [Accessed: 29-Mar-2025].
Logic Questions Argumentative Essay Examples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/logic-questions-argumentative-essay-examples/. Published Oct 25, 2020. Accessed March 29, 2025.

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