Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace, Women, Gender, Difference, Salary, Job, Internet, England

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2020/12/16


The Equal Pay Act established in 1970 with an objective to ensure equality for genders. The hourly earnings of females after more than 40 years and even the existence of Equal Pay Act invariably insignificant compared to males, which is evident from the research that revealed the gender pay gap for permanent workers in 2013 at 15.699%. This figure revealed that females to a greater extent discontinued earning compared to males on 4 November 2014 which is a day of equal pay. Unfortunately, the gender pay gap in 2013 expanded compared to previous five years, the figure improved by 0.899% from 14.799% in 2012. A female that did job previously nowadays receives salary on average less than £ 5000 yearly compared to male, and for every employee including temporary and permanent, the gender pay difference rests at 19.099%, which improved from 18.595% from the last year. Numerous interconnected variables exist that contribute in the ongoing presence of the gender pay difference. These factors involved what is frequently denoted to as the motherhood penalty – the possession of children influence on females salaries and their careers extensively due to inadequate choices for quality, elastic working, and childcare liabilities are still largely the reserve of females – also ongoing occupational division that views females govern in low paid tasks, a deficiency in females in executive duties, and absolute biasness that views females paid insignificant for the job of comparable value. The focus of this essay is to investigate the reasons behind the existence of pay difference for more than forty years since the introduction of the Equal Pay Act. The author in order to achieve the objectives initiates the discussions that encompass equality and diversity considering the pay difference between both sexes. The author highlighted studies of different researchers that uncovered the concept of Equal Pay Act and critically evaluated the pay difference with respect to gender. Furthermore, the author explored the studies of numerous scholars to underpin the analysis.

Gender Pay Gap
According to the findings of The United States General Accountability Office (GAO) in the previous ten years regarding the numerous variables that contribute in pay gap culminated that variations in job structures between males and females are fundamental variables that really determine the income variations. Another study conducted by pointed out the individual flora of the enquiry behind the wage difference for executives. This research emphasized on data for administrative level employees from 2000 to 2007 which revealed that women administrators received less compared to their men administrators and they were as well not very old and very well academic qualification, and are inclined to perform duty temporary. The gender pay gap is known as the variation between male’s average salary and a female’s average salary in their jobs separately. The present average permanent hourly difference that does not involve overtime between males and females arrive at 15.699% ;. In a disturbing growth, this improved from 14.799% in 2012 and revealed the initial expansion of the difference for five years. When females stopped earning across the UK compared to males significantly on a specific day in a year then this day refers to ‘Equal Pay Day’. The 15.699% difference in wage is equal to males that received whole of the year while females performed duties for no charges just after Tuesday, November 4, 2014. The gender salary difference is even unambiguous while taking into consideration each job task whether it lies for temporary or permanent employees. With the help of this factor, the average wage difference arrives at 19.099%. This as well appeared an improvement on the last year, when the difference reached at 18.599%;. Averagely, females that worked permanent were able to earn nearly £ 5000 yearly which is not more than males . It reveals that through the life-course, it influences on the average males having age of 51 to receive income more than £ 100,000, whereas females are required to wait approximately 20 years long until they reach at 70 . It as well reveals that pensions of females are not much significant compared to males at retirement. Currently, the United Kingdom experienced its downfall in ranking from 18th to 26th in the Global Economic Forum in terms of gender equal societies , and UK nowadays stands behind fourteen European economies including Rwanda, United States and Nicaragua.
Initially, the six reputed developing industries in the rehabilitation emerged either women-controlled-low-salary sectors that included care segment, or greater-end-male-controlled industries, like real estate – therefore this segregation of gender established. Secondly, the previous five years reported job loss in the government sector and the development of job in the private sector where the gender pay difference was extensively greater that is 24.799% relative to 17.099%, and where earnings of females specifically at the lower end of the revenue division range, showed lower propensity. There is as well an additional need about the worth of the innovative jobs with most of them as temporary, and zero hours accords. As the crunch began in 2008, approximately 826,000 additional females commuted into forms of job that were naturally low paid and uncertain, and after this duration women underemployment as gauged by individuals that were involved in temporary job but are interested to work permanently became double about 789,000 and an extra 371,000 females commuted into self-employment, where the gender emolument difference arrived at 39.999%.

Existence of Gender Gap

The handling of the gender pay difference demand rigorous activity on numerous fronts and this investigates seven fundamental domains for accomplishment. Specifically most of the females found underpaid, increasing remuneration from the scratch of the revenue division scale added value in decreasing the difference that exists in the gender pay. Innovative study in this document performed by the Fawcett Society and Landmann Economics established that in order to improve nationwide least salary which is presently at £6.599 hourly to the living salary which is £7.65 countrywide, £8.799 in London, will instantly decrease for the difference in pay with respect to gender by 0.799% and improvement in the salary more than 100,000 females compared to males. Nevertheless this emerged as an uncertain decrease, it links to a steady speed of organic transition previously that experienced the difference of pay among genders decreased by only 6.199% in 16 years and as well exposed that the most of the females were involved in temporary jobs whereas most of the males influenced were involved in permanent job. There are joining reasons exist that outline the logics behind the gender pay gap. They subsume the influence of childcare responsibilities (the motherhood penalty), females being overrepresented in underpaid industries (work-related division), the shortage of females in exclusive tasks, and absolute biasness.

The motherhood penalty

Females frequently are concerned about experiencing a smash to their salary and status in the job market after birthing babies. This penalty is visibly described while salary difference statistics are not accumulated by age groups. The findings discovered by explained that the age bracket from 18 to 29, the gender salary difference is minimal, but it starts to rise after this point as evident in the following figure 1. The gender salary difference positions at 11.199% for individuals that appear in the age bracket from 30 to 39 and 24.099% for individuals having age bracket from 40 to 49.
Figure 1: Average Gender Salary Variation Hourly for each worker age-wise

Source: ASHE, 2013

Females in the United Kingdom nowadays incline towards handling childcare issues and voluntary domestic job. Current study from the Oxford University showed that as males undertook an improved amount of liability for domestic worker over the previous 50 years, females nowadays are involved in taking responsibility approximately 2/3 which corresponds to 65.499% of voluntary job at home . Consequently, most of the females came back to job in temporary roles after birthing children. Although in theory this must procure a standard for females that are interested in merging care with remunerated job, practically this regularly converts into decreased choices for career development and can as well emphasize females to undertake less executive and lower remunerated roles in spite of managing the determination to achieve in their career.
Temporary job entirely is far inferiorly remunerated with scarcer prospects for growth and approach to guiding than permanent job. Comprehensively, 73.999% of temporary employees are females and an existence of hourly salary difference of 36.999% experienced between the mean hourly wage of permanent and temporary job of workers; .
A study investigated that almost 50% of female experts that undertake temporary job after birthing children transfer them into low ability jobs and an important segment is that the females are compelled to live on insignificant salaries due to their incomes below right market value within present duty hours. In a current study employed by the Fawcett Society presented its findings that 21.999% of under paid females that appear in the earning category of 7.444 pounds hourly possessed degree level academic education and a few around 36.799% explicated advanced academic education . A study conducted by the Joseph Rowntree foundation currently reported that 2.999% of temporary job opportunities only in London marketed more than £ 20,000 plus FTE .
Additionally, females regularly experienced with unfavorable behaviors, biasness, and even release in the company due to their tasks-real or prospective, as mothers and individual that looked after others. The present evidence evoked that maternity and pregnancy biasness is nowadays very public compared to ever with as much as sixty thousand females forced to perform job yearly . As the outline of charges for recruitment tribunals in the previous years, 79.999% decrease in the number of females approaching sex biasness claims experienced.
A study conducted by on underpaid females; one out of ten of individuals interested in returning from maternity leave came back to a highly non-executive task, described that maternity biasness is not limited to expert females on extensive revenues. Furthermore, about one out of four that corresponds to 22.999% of individuals currently interested in returning from maternity leave considered that the choices for growth appeared unfavorable. Definitely, the huge barrier emerged as the perceived requirement to be permanent for development that corresponds to 52.999%. Observing, nevertheless, is as well that two out of five of individuals that experienced their choices appeared unfavorable and they made down to executive workers having the mindset pertaining to females that they are not be in favor of advancement or consider them skilled enough that correspond to 21.999% separately.

Occupational segregation

The historical gender standards and typecasts around responsibilities of males and females and value at place of job are still present that ultimately influence on females and males regularly that appear in division into varied sectors – this phenomena refers to the occupational segregation. The jobs conventionally performed by females including caring, catering, and cleaning are classically unimportant and underpaid compared to males including carriage, production and electrical engineering. Females covered 81.999% of individuals doing jobs in pleasure, caring and additional service sectors, 76.999% of individuals in secretarial and administrative roles, and 62.999% of individuals in customer service and sales jobs. In comparison, males encompassed 87.999% of individuals in science, engineering and technology (SET) sectors . In particular industries, the gender uncertainty is even plainer, along with only 5.999% of expert engineering individuals and 1.999% of female engineer apprentices . The prevalence of females in underpaid industries is an important factor for females that encompassed the under-paid sectors. Comprehensively, 61.999% of employees received below the living income that was set at £7.65 and most of the individuals were females .
Numerous legal contests under the requirements of the 2010 Equality Act which displaced the requirements established in the 1970 Equal Pay Act to contest the relationship between women-dominated jobs and underpayment. Few of these scenarios subsuming the milestone case of the Birmingham Council Employees are established as under.

The underrepresentation of females in executive roles

A significant supplement factor to the determined salary difference between males and females is that females incline towards governance in the under echelons of the employees and invariably to a greater extent underrepresented in executive and administrative tasks. Entirely, females encompass 24.999% solely Chief Executive Officers and executive personnel in the United Kingdom . On the other side, male workers stay to govern in the upper levels in jobs with greater remuneration. Males encompass 68.999% of the 9.999% top executive earners. It links in segment to the motherhood penalty illustrated before that lowers females’ career development, but can as well be associated to males employing in their personal appearance and showed an insensible prejudice towards additional males while inducting and advancing.
Another barrier for females is that, after arriving at executive tasks, they are compelled to address the gender difference. CMI study conducted in 2014 revealed that women administrators having age more than 40 years availed take-home wages averagely at 34.999% which is less than their men colleagues. A similar study established that men directors receive salary on average £21,084 annually which is greater than their women counterparts. Furthermore, there is an existence of continuous bias in giving bonuses as on average, women directors earned £41,956 compared to their men directors that received £53,010 .

Outright Discrimination

The action that undertook by Dagenham machinists for more than 40 years outlines the overview of the Equal Pay Act where straight and not straight biasness against females exists at place of job. Straight biasness happens in the case of varied underpayment to workers for the similar job and not straight biasness comes into being when the varied underpayment is made for employees for the equivalent value work. These two forms of biasness appeared unlawful and workers may approach redress with the help of the legal network. There are numerous exclusive oriented lawful cases presently that subsumed the case of the Birmingham Council employees in which one of them is given below:

Birmingham Council Workers

This case included a team of one hundred and seventy four previous Birmingham City Council workers subsuming females that performed duties in the capacity of cooks, care helpers and cleaners and the required compensation due to their belief that the council consented to consider bonus payments to males doing job classified at the similar extent, waste gathering and road cleaning. In the bonus plan, mainly waste gathering individuals particularly men at times obtained up to 159.999% of their fundamental salary. A waste collector in a year earned £51,000, whereas females bearing the similar salary scale earned less than £12,000. The exposure of an equal wage law breech, the Supreme Court ran approval of the 174 applicants in October 2014 and directed the concerned body to release funds at least £757 million in return . Carole Smith aged 69 worked in the capacity of home care assistant declares that according to me it is good. Individuals perform their duties for amounts. It appears that there is a culture that consented females to receive less compared to males. The work was difficult, as well emotionally physical, and one states that individuals that care need to exert more efforts into their jobs as compared to barmen, and cooks.
The prominent individual rights law organization Leigh Day in October 2014 declared that they released a lawful case on behalf of ASDA store employees in which the most of workers were women. On these grounds, they considered 4 pounds less hourly compared to the mainly men warehouse employees that did the same jobs . The TSSA as well approached an exclusive – profile lawful case on behalf of women administrators doing jobs for National Railways and claimed that they received salary in the range of £3000 and £4000 which is lower than their men colleagues.


After the establishment of the Equal Pay Act in 1970, above 40 years has been passed and there is no significant development in women’s earning compared to men. As action on underpayment for this reason is important to handle the pay difference among genders and the living cost crunch more usually, there is a need for further action to fulfill that the choices exist for worth flexible and temporary jobs, specifically at highly advanced levels. Presently, nearly 50% female experts that undertook temporary jobs after birthing baby commuted into under-abilities employment. Additional domains investigated for action subsume activity on transparency of salary by executing section 78 of the 2010 Equality Act, the elimination of open service tribunal charges, and childcare which prevented females from approaching justice upon inventing that they are remunerated insignificantly compared to their equivalents. The design of the apparent recovery shows one of the fundamental elements in expanding salary difference. Chiefly, there are two variables including the jobs replacement in the government sector, where females prevail, with tasks in the private segment and the datum that development has been experienced to a greater level by temporary task frequently in underpaid female-dominated segments of the economy. An intensive action is needed on numerous stages along with the domains that are investigated as priorities for implementation subsuming increase in the national minimum salary, enhanced choices for worth supple and temporary jobs, transparency in salary, improved parenthood and maternity wage, a ‘use it or lose it’ factor to father’s consent, developed worth and daycare affordability, recruitment trials charges, and occupational segregation.


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