Making Conversations Article Reviews Example

Type of paper: Article Review

Topic: Community, World, People, Sociology, Information, Technology, Internet, Autism

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/31

A community can be defined as an area in which one lives. This may also include the place where they work and do other things related to human existence. A community therefor constitutes a group of people who live and interact in a certain locality. People belonging to a community usually share common values and sometimes attributes as well, as a result of social cohesion occasioned by their shared geographical location.
But the aspect of geographical limitation has been weakened considerably with growing interactions between people occupying different parts of the globe. Today, a person in Europe can interact with another in America with the same ease they would with their next door neighbor. The possibility of interactions across long distances has given rise to the concept of global community. There are several factors that have led to this kind of interaction which is commonly referred to as globalization and, in some quarters, cosmopolitanism. The creation of the global community can mainly be attributed to the developments made in the field of technology. This includes information technology, transportation and many other inventions that have enhanced long distance interactions. The use of the internet has made sharing of information much easier through the social media and other internet-enabled platforms. It is from these new changes that the idea of a global community has crystalized.
Appia gives a detailed background of cosmopolitanism. He founds is definition of cosmopolitanism on the interaction of individuals at the local level, with people they are closely related to, as well as the responsibility they owe to other far away, in other parts of the world through as interactions become easier. St He writes that cosmopolitanism is based on respect for localized values and universal values, which we must appreciate this to survive in the cosmopolitan world. I agree with Appia to the extent that cosmopolitanism is the thread that holds the global community together.
After reading the article, I would want the class to explain the distinction between globalization and cosmopolitanism state which of the two best describes the global community today.

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