Mark Foley Email Conduct Case Essay Samples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Teenagers, Sexual Abuse, Harassment, Teen, Law, Civil Rights, Sexual Harassment, Alcoholism

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/22

In order to establish the case, plaintiff alleged that Mark Foley (Floridian Republic Congressman) had been involved in writing sexually charged emails and instant messages to sixteen year old teenage boys formally working as congressional page. The proof was also found since the IMs of those messages were taken from his office and the facts enforced Foley to admit it but in a different way.
Defendant alleged that writing such emails was involuntary due to the addiction of alcohol and it was alcohol which enforced him to write such emails. Furthermore, it was stated by his lawyer that he never had any inapt sexual relation with a teen aged and he is surely not suffering from pedophilia. In fact, Foley is a gay and actually, he was sexually assaulted by clergyman in his teen age and it took place due to wrong conversations and alcoholic problem. Primarily it happened when Foley was intoxicated.
I think that plaintiff should win since rights of pages are safeguarded by Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 applying federal employment laws to Congress under the head of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Not only Title VII but also the Iowa Civil Rights Act is applied on the case since Foley had violated Iowa sex discrimination statute. He is held accountable for indemnity against emotional distress caused to the teen ages. Same sort of decision had also been taken in past in which teens describe sexual harassment at their work place either by their co-workers or by their bosses. The examples can be found in the case of Doe v. Oberweis Dairy and Claussen v. Star Group, No. 06-16.


Foley scandal spotlights sexual harassment of teens. (n.d.). The Free Library. (2014). Retrieved Jan 31 2015 from

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