Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Google, Company, Business, Products, Internet, Management, World, President

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/13

Google Inc. Image, Identity and Values

My belief is that Google, the best/leading IT related company in the world. Its representation all over the world and the wide usage of its applications in the midst of other companies producing the same products such as Yahoo. This, to me, means that it leads to all aspects of the corporate culture. I also believe that it has the best corporate image with a well-established identity all over the world in addition to best values that ensure it remains the best in the world.
On entering the Google Inc. corporate website, immediately an imagination of greater innovations ensues. The large number of products ranging from Google search engine and YouTube brings the picture of a technological giant that offers products comparable to none. It is the same feeling one gets when using the Google products as they are the most efficient like the YouTube is the leading video sharing application (Google.com).
The values of Google Inc. are located at company overview of the company website on the front page when you click “our company” then “10 things we know to be true”. They include, focus on the user and all else will follow, it is best done one thing, well. Emphasis on Faster than slow operations, Democracy on the web works, access from everywhere in the globe, Integrity (you can make money without doing evil), continued research, borderless access to information, bringing fun to work and the continued search for greatness. It is clear from the way the brand that the company conducts itself that it strives to be the leading technology hub in the world. In addition, the quality and diversity are well represented in the company’s range of products it offers to the customers globally. Finding the values was easy as it is in only three steps on entering the website (Google.com).
The values of Google Inc. to a great extent represents the company’s claims about the culture of the company. For instance, diversity shows the inclusive nature of the company’s products. Its continued improvement and research validate the claim of the company of being more and more focused in improving the technology (Google.com).
The evidence offered for the claims of the company are easily seen when making use of their products. For instance, the search engine provided by the company provides instant results, and this is in line with their value that faster is better than slow.
Google has a vertical management structure. It is because it has an upward chain of management i.e. the executive officers and the senior leadership who are in charge of various departments in the company. The CEO, Larry Page together with the co-founder Sergey Brin are at the height of decision making for the company’s operations. Below them are the presidents and vice presidents of various departments whose duties are delegated to them by the CEO, Larry Page. Also, the presidents of each department delegate work to their juniors at Google Inc. and this is proof of a vertical management structure (Google.com).

Works Cited

Google.com,. 'Our Products And Services – Company – Google'. N.p., 2015. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.
Google.com,. 'Ten Things We Know To Be True – Company – Google'. N.p., 2015. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.

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"Marketing Critical Thinking Sample." WePapers, Nov 13, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/marketing-critical-thinking-sample/
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Marketing Critical Thinking Sample. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/marketing-critical-thinking-sample/. Published Nov 13, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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