Marketing Plan For Bodybuilding.Com Essays Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Business, Products, Customers, Protein, Company, Market, Distribution, Body

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/12/19

Recommended Marketing Plan for September 2015

Price Decisions
The main objectives of the pricing policy of the company in the selected market are to ensure a sustainable planned profit and sustainable competitiveness of its products. However, these tasks can vary depending on the goals facing the company at a particular time and in a particular market.
In the markets of non-homogeneous, differentiated products, where operates, the company has more leeway as to how to react to price changes made by its competitors. The main point here is consumer preferences. Since customer attitude to this product is dependent on several factors such as the quality and reliability of the proposed product, service level, the level of post-sales service, its duration and availability, as well as personal considerations and affection. These circumstances to some extent reduce the importance of the price for the buyer, which gives the company, which will decide on the definition, taking into account the actions of competitors, relative freedom. offers lowest prices. Its pricing policy is very reasonable depending on the bottle volume starting from $6.99. However, it should be more precise through the policy of raising the prices of goods with unique characteristics and declining for other products. Offered goods and services are different from existing in the market for quality, delivery time to customers, post-sales service, etc. The process of determining a price premium begins with a comparison of these characteristics with the best and worst in the industry, taking into account the views of consumers. According to comparative results the product price of better quality is determined. And the extra cost may reach 15-20%. Many companies try to reduce costs by increasing the soundness of its products. This makes it possible to sell products with unique characteristics for medium or low prices, which, of course, increases its competitiveness.
Using the policy of raising the prices of goods with unique characteristics and aiming at customers, who aged 18-45 and are interested in health life or actively do sports, including various fitness centers, products and services attract people, who prefer an active and comfortable pastime. However, the main purpose of protein powder is considered to still help athletes in maintaining a certain level of physical development. Therefore, people will pay attention to unique products in order to give the body new life or just improve it.

Place / Distribution Strategy

Marketing distribution channel is the way, approach of the organizational and economic bringing goods from the manufacturer to the end user. They can be direct or indirect. uses direct distribution channel, since it does not use resellers. Although the channel of direct marketing is the simplest, it is not necessarily cheap. In the case of a sufficiently diverse range of products, a large number of markets, and geographical factors, economic expediency dictates the use of more complex types of distribution channels. In direct marketing there are three stages of planning:
1. Raising (new clients).
2. Working with databases (storage and use of customer information databases).
3. Saving customers.
With fastest shipping distributed its products in 159 countries. It has one store in Boise, Idaho, where local customers can come and buy the desired products.
The company’s North Las Vegas warehouse, opened in October 2013, is one of six distribution centers for Boise, Idaho-based Company, promoted as the world’s major online nutrition location., which distributes to 12,000 wellbeing, health and nutrition goods from 400 brands at the North Las Vegas unit, chose the place to serve a huge market in the West, including Nevada, California and Arizona. It has five distribution facilities in the United States, together with its latest center in New Berlin, Wis., exterior Milwaukee to provide its products on the Midwest markets such as Chicago and Milwaukee. Additional distribution facilities are situated in Tallahassee, Fla.; Harrisburg, Penn., and Boise. There’s also a distribution facility in the Netherlands to provide the European market with all necessary goods. The company’s parent company, Liberty Media Corp., is located in Denver, which purchased a controlling stake in the company in 2007.’s CEO informed that he still keeps a marginal share of the company, which he established with his wife and brother out of a Boise, Idaho, garage.
As for other customers, it is necessary to order via the website. The website provides an access for existing and new consumers, who can log in or register and start buying. After filling the basket with necessary goods, the customer chooses the method of payment and shipping. Within the USA it is possible to take the product in the store or from warehouses as well as order the delivery. For consumers in the U.S. military, the company ships to all APO, FPO, and DPO addresses regardless of country. The company provides with the ability to pay for goods via Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and JCB, gift certificates, PayPal, bank wire transfer, money order (domestic customers only), and Western Union. International customers will be delivered with goods according to the list of existing state particular stores.

Promotion Strategy

One of the most important promotion strategies is advertising campaign. The main function of advertising in marketing is to inform the consumer about the quality of goods and activities of manufacturers. The effectiveness of the impact on consumers is determined by the assessment contained in the advertisement of promoted goods and arguments in their favor. If the consumer does not detect such an assessment and reasoning, the advertising effectiveness is significantly reduced. Promotional offer must be radically different from all competitors’ offerings. Its uniqueness may be due to the uniqueness of a product or target market, or of advertising appeal. Without the uniqueness of the offer the company should not rely on the uniqueness of demand.
As the company with its protein powder is going to target Aged Women and Sporty Women, the advertising campaign should include the explanation of protein usefulness. Especially Aged Women need protein powder during menopause, since the protein stimulates the production of the estrogen hormone, which development in the body is suspended. In general both women categories should be informed about the basic functions that protein consisting of amino acids performs are tissue regeneration, stimulation of digestion and assimilation of food, transport nutrients to organs, increasing protective reactions, and normalization of hormonal levels. Therefore, proteins for women are even more important than for men, especially if a woman puts permanent body strength training.

The company could place the following ad in the local newspaper:

It is the call for being beautiful despite the different situations in our lives. Women cannot forget about their destination to bring beauty in the world and give other lives. It can be placed in sport and beauty magazines, like Glamour or FLEX, Muscle & Fitness, etc.
The other promotion could be to write an article in sport or beauty magazines. It should include the identification of the main components of Whey Gold Standard protein, namely:

Micro-filtered whey protein isolate is ideal for those athletes who need a quick delivery of amino acids in the body.

Ultrafiltered whey protein concentrate. Due to the presence of alpha-lactalbumin it prevents cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases;
Lactase. It is designed to cleave lactose, which is relatively common cause of gastro-intestinal disorders. If the body lacks lactase, it can cause lactose intolerance.
Hydrolyzed whey peptides designed for enzymatic cleavage of proteins that are subjected to pretreatment. Due to this they are absorbed by the body almost instantaneously, giving it all the necessary building blocks.
Amidogens are proprietary compounds, which are intended to nitrogen retention and muscle cells to increase amino acid levels in blood plasma.
The most important thing is to provide with the instructions of consuming the protein Gold Standard. As it is known, in many ways the effectiveness of sports nutrition depends on its correct use. This product is a source of protein (24 grams of whey protein per serving).

So for the desired preservation of muscle mass it will be sufficient to take the drug twice a day.

For the first time in 30 – 60 minutes before the workout, and the second – immediately after its completion.
Calculation – 0.8 – 1 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Typically, such doses are recommended only to maintain muscle mass. If the primary goal is to build it, then you need to increase your intake of protein for at least 2 grams per day per kilogram of body weight, or take 2 – 4 servings of Gold Standard 100% Whey. The first portion is recommended to drink immediately after waking before breakfast. Proper dosing is effective and will be beneficial to health.

Method of preparation afre:

Need to mix one scoop dimensional protein (about 30 grams) and 200 – 250 milligrams of water or skim milk.
Sports Nutrition Gold Standard 100% blended quite easily and has a pleasant taste.

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