Math Anxiety: Reasons And Solutions Essay Samples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Mathematics, Anxiety, Life, Education, Learning, Students, Human, Christians

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/11

Mathematics is considered to be the most interesting subject for the ones who have a flair for it. On the contrary, it can also be the worst nightmares for those who have problems in digesting complicated mathematics concepts.
In my early school days, I was totally anxious about my issues related to mathematics. I found many mathematics concepts difficult to understand and digest. I later identified that much of my anxiety was due to a prejudice that mathematics is beyond my reach. I also handled mathematics as a dry and uninteresting subject. I was not able to relate the learned concepts with my real life. During my school days, mathematics was just an alien subject for me without any real life significance. It was something like the fear of the unknown. I slowly developed anxiety and frustration towards mathematics. Class room sessions were extremely boring and exam days were real nightmares.
However, later I discovered that the lack of knowledge about the basic structure of the main branches of mathematics was the root cause of the anxiety. One of my mathematics teachers was generous enough to explain the basic concepts in a simple way. This eventually helped me in overcoming anxiety for mathematics. He explained to me that mathematics is a natural phenomenon and observing things around us will make learning mathematics even more interesting.
The learning we had recently also supports this idea about mathematics. We should acknowledge the fact that the concepts of mathematics are not a human inventions, whereas they originated deep within the nature, even before we knew about it. The biblical verses on mathematics are definite to give emotional support and inner strength to people with math anxiety. There are forces which are beyond human control and perception. We call it divine and the belief in the divine God will definitely help to overcome performance anxiety. Knowing mathematics in its real sense surely made a big difference in my attitude towards the subject.

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