Meaning And Value Of Glossolalia As Paul Understands It Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Holiness, Gift, Spirit, Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity, Christians, Church, Religion

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/13

It is correct that Paul understood and appreciated Glossolalia as a gift of the Holy Spirit. He saw it as a valid aspect of one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Corinthians. The gift was meant to be a unifying factor in the church (Soards, Marion, 79). From the sentiments of Paul, it was intended to bring the congregation together and act as something that would bond them. However, Paul was not amused by the way the Corinthians interpreted Glossolalia. Even though he expressly stated that it is a gift to Christians, Paul did not take it as the most dominant sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit as the Corinthians did.
The reason he was in conflict with this mode of thinking was that it had brought about divisions in the church due to boastfulness. They revered Glossolalia more than they did the true meaning of prayer, which Paul insisted was meant to be orderly. In essence, Paul thought Christians had used the aspect of speaking in tongues for the opposite reason for which it was intended. The Corinthians assumed that it was mandatory they speak in tongues to prove the Holy Spirit was with them. Such a situation could cause tension and competitiveness in the Church. Therefore, Paul encouraged Christians to understand that Glossolalia was meant to bring them closer to the ultimate gift that was the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. The gift in question is love (1st Corinthians 13-14). The Corinthians were abusing the purpose of Glossolalia as is the case with contemporary Christians today. In churches, people will often judge others’ level of spirituality based on their tongue speaking ability, something the Paul abhorred.

Work cited

Soards, Marion L. The Apostle Paul: An Introduction to His Writings and Teaching. New York: Paulist Press, 1987. Print.

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