Merits And Demerits Of Nuclear Energy Research Papers Example

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Disaster, Atomic Bomb, Energy, World, Water, Power, Nuclear Energy, Technology

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2021/01/05

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The energy which is liberated from the atoms of the certain type of elements in the process of fission is called nuclear energy. This energy is produced as heat energy during the process. The particles of the atoms split up, and this splitting up become the reason for the energy liberation. This process is a chain reaction in which the initial splitting up of atoms requires heat energy. Later, the heat energy formed during the reaction causes other atomic particles to undergo fission processes (Hollenbach & Herndon, 2001, pp. 11085). The gradual processes of fission reactions release neutrons, an atomic particle. These neutrons are responsible for carrying out the chain reactions f fission processes. Thus, these continuous reactions together produce a large amount of energy.
Among the benefits of nuclear energy, the major advantage is the use of this energy in the nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors have become the point to ponder over for the countries which lack the huge supply of energy for the power stations such as, China, Saudi Arabia, and India. The Saudi Arabia contains enormous oil which is being used for the nuclear reactors. The nuclear reactors required uranium element which is a radioactive element. Hence, in order to run nuclear reactor for the production of power, more uranium will be needed. Subsequently, the uranium will have to be extracted from the mines more mines (Pistilli, 2012).
The energy consumption which is produced from the all of the sources except nuclear energy is equal to the energy produced from the nuclear reactors in this present era. Thus, the invention of nuclear technology provides more energy. In the whole world, the energy produced from the nuclear reactors which are used to deliver electricity is 11.5% of the total need of the electricity worldwide. On the other hand, the neutrons which are the result of the research reactors of nuclear technology can be consumed for the medicinal and industrial uses in order to carry out the reactions which need neutrons. Today in the worldwide, eight countries are running the nuclear reactors, and 240 civil research reactors are present in 56 countries which combined to form the one-third of the developing countries (World Nuclear News, 2015).
Besides the use of this energy in the nuclear reactors, some more benefits can be acquired from this energy. Nuclear energy, if researched properly and appropriately administered, can be used for the transport. The application of nuclear energy to the transport can replace the consumption of oil. Oil is in demand for the transportation in an amount up to 95%. Therefore, replacing the oil by nuclear energy can be beneficial. Nuclear technology forms the hydrogen atoms during the nuclear reactions which can be lodged to the fuel-cells in the vehicles. Moreover, it can be consumed as synfuels. The research pertaining to automobiles involves the use of fuel-cells in the vehicles which will be able to go around on the roads. Consequently, to apply this technology, the government of Japan, USA, and EU have introduced the commencing steps in this field. Conversely, in order to practically implement nuclear technology in the field of transportation will require enormous effort because it will require bringing out the amendments in the reactors and in the infrastructure of the automobiles (World Nuclear News, 2015).
Water scarcity is the main issue for the world today in many regions of the world. Therefore, the desalination of water can be conducted in order to provide the water to the water scarce regions of the world. The desalination of the water is possible by the use of nuclear energy. Today, the nuclear power stations in the number of 150 are running for this purpose worldwide and providing water from the sea water after desalinization.
On the contrary, the nuclear energy is responsible for many problems besides granting the benefits. The main demerits of the use of nuclear energy are the problem regarding the disposal of the waste generated by the nuclear reactions. The reactions are very hazardous to the life of the living creatures consequently, the waste contains the hazardous components too. The process of nuclear fission includes the immense radioactive and harmful radiations from the isotopes of the elements which are radioactive. Subsequently, the radiations emitted from the waste of these reactions are liberated for years and years (Pinto, 2008, pp. 65).
On the other hand, the aquatic life is also affected by these nuclear reactions. The power stations conducting these nuclear reactions need to cool down the reactors which are only possible by running the water through the machines. This water in turn gets hot and is again incorporated into the rivers, and lakes. The water not only increases the temperature of existing aquatic environment but also adds up the harmful substances such as dangerous salts and harmful heavy metals from the nuclear reactors into the water, ultimately, it affects the aquatic life badly because the water becomes polluted (Velma et al., 2009, pp.129). Furthermore, the nuclear reactions are the main cause of the cancerous diseases because to emits radiations. Hence, the persons who are involved in handling and conducting these reactions in the nuclear reactors are in danger from the reactions and can acquire cancer.
. Moreover, the nuclear technology can be used by the powerful states as the means of threat for other countries. The destructions caused by the nuclear reactions if nuclear blasts are carried out against other nations cannot be treated, and the hazardous effects can be seen over many years. Since, the effects if the nuclear reactions persist and continuously affect the human and environment of the region of the world. Therefore, the permission for the conductance of these reactions can bring the conflicts to a level to cause severe devastations among the countries.
The conclusion can be drawn that the nuclear technology although cause many harmful effects to the ecosystem but despite its adversity, many countries are using this technology and also elevating their horizon to conduct more research on this technology.

Works Cited

Hollenbach DF, Herndon JM. (2001). Deep-Earth reactor: Nuclear fission, helium, and the geomagnetic field. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.;98(20):11085-11090. Retrieved from on 11th march 2015.
Pistilli. M. (2012). Nuclear Power’s Critical Role in World Energy Mix Will Boost Uranium Demand. Dig Media Inc.Retrieved from on 11th march 2015.
World Nuclear News (2015). Nuclear Power in the World Today. World Nuclear Association. Retrieved from on 11th march 2015.
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Pinto, V. N. (2008). E-waste hazard: The impending challenge. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 12(2), 65–70. Retrieved from on 11th march 2015.
Velma, V., Vutukuru, S. S., & Tchounwou, P. B. (2009). Ecotoxicology of Hexavalent Chromium in Freshwater Fish: A Critical Review. Reviews on Environmental Health, 24(2), 129–145. Retrieved from on 11th march 2015.

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