Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Religion, Empire, Rome, Economics, Feudalism, Middle East, Muslim, Europe

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/10/29

What were the three aspects of religion in Egypt?

Religion in Egypt was primarily a polytheistic religion, in that they worshiped many gods. A second aspect to understand was that they believed the pharaoh was divine, so he was paid much respect. Finally, the had many different rituals and customs, including embalming, and other burial rituals

Why did Yahweh insist on ‘No other gods before me’?

Yahweh was a jealous god, and was thought to be the supreme ruler of the cosmos. Any worship to anything other than Yahweh was idolatry, which was against his rules.

How do Hinduism and Buddhism differ on the attainment of nirvana?

In Buddhist traditions, nirvana is the extinguishing of fires that cause suffering. Denying these sufferings and creating perfect peace is the goal. Hinduism states that nirvana is the liberation from the cycle of birth and death, which they give the term as “moshka.”

Why did Jesus object to this concept of a Covenant?

Jesus came to save all peoples from the wrath of God, not just the Jews who were under the old covenant. Therefore Jesus did not abide by all the concepts of the old covenant with Israel.

Why did the metics prefer Athens to other city-states?

Athens had the closest to an open border system, so it was easier to live and travel there than other places.

What was the fundamental principle behind Athenian democracy?

Ancient Athens was a direct democracy which meant participating citizens voted directly on legislation. Each participating individual had say on most meaningful issues.

How was democracy connected to the ancient mode of production?

It was the basis and foundation of the Greek city-state, so this would drive the economy, which in turn lead to a healthier political system.

Do the nine stories of the West continue to this day?

Yes, is many ways they do as they represent the various trends and ideas commonly expressed throughout the West.
How did Romans differ in their use of slaves from the Greeks?
Romans did not let their freed slaves to eventually become citizens unlike Greece.
What key event triggered the development of the slave mode production?
Economics triggered the development of slave mode production because it was an extremely profitable way to run and economy
What evidence do we have of an improved life for freeborn women under the Romans?
Freeborn women were allowed to be citizens, though they could not hold office. Many, however, had great wealth and power throughout the empire.

What was the weakest part of the Roman Empire’s defense against enemies?

The weakest point of the Roman Empire was that they were stretched too far in the end and could not defend their vast amount of territories conquered, especially at the end when Rome fell to barbarians.

How did the Byzantine Empire differ from the Roman?

They were the Eastern section of the Roman Empire, which survived after Western Rome fell in the 5th century.
Why was Jerusalem such a contested city?
Jerusalem was seen as the center of both Islam and Christianity. Therefore, both sides wanted to use that as their Holy land.

How did the Muslim concept of jihad change over time?

Jihad refers to “struggle.” This sometimes means military struggle, but can overtime, change to a meaning of inner or personal struggle.

Why did Islamic world move ahead of Europe?

Europe was currently in the dark ages when Islam moved ahead of them, which was a time of little scientific discovery due to social and economic conditions. These did not apply to the Islamic Empire.

How did feudalism manage to produce a surplus?

They profited from the peasants doing a lot of work for the enjoyment of the upper classes I feudalism. The peasants worked in exchange for services from the lord.

What two economic systems were fused to make feudalism?

Manorialism and specialization combined to make feudalism, as the manor was the basis of all economic function, and there were many specialized tasks and roles carried out by all the people.

Why was feudal England more centralized than other parts of Europe?

Feudal England was more centralized because the king was seen as the owner of all the land in England. In such, they had a central power stronger than many other places throughout Europe.

Why was the feudal Latin Christian Church full of images?

The feudal Latin Church was relic based. They believed images had power and that they became obsessed with worshipping the sacred items.

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"Micro Quiz Case Studies Example." WePapers, Oct 29, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/micro-quiz-case-studies-example/
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"Micro Quiz Case Studies Example," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 29-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/micro-quiz-case-studies-example/. [Accessed: 16-Sep-2024].
Micro Quiz Case Studies Example. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/micro-quiz-case-studies-example/. Published Oct 29, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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