Moral Dilemma In Society Essays Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Ethics, Morality, Education, Family, Children, Happiness, People, Life

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Published: 2020/11/29

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Morality is one of the greatest virtue of the society and civilization. Small acts of kindness in the society brings a lot of value to the quality of life in human race. There are many non-profit organizations and social welfare organizations in the society who works relentlessly in the area of moral goodness. In every society, there are a few anti-social elements. To counter act these elements there are equally good elements also. This paper focuses on the innate nature of human race of being morally pure and good. No human is without inner good conscience. Even the criminals and anti-social tendencies of people are situational. No one does bad things out of their own will. To understand this concept better, in this paper aims to prove the relation of moral psychology and happiness with the acts of kindness.
Moral dilemmas in education are very common issue in the society. Schools and colleges are the places where the children come outside of the protective cover of their parents and face the real world. Here, they meet all kind of people and get affected by them. A child learns to understand good things from the class, but he also learns a few bad things from his friend circle. The child who is learning good social manners and morality lessons in the class, learns about racial disparity, bullying, ragging, substance abuse, mischievous dares, etc. from the so called friends of his. This influence of the company kills the moral virtues of a child. Here comes the moral dilemma for the parents and the teachers about how to deal with such children. Such problems pervades all over the country. The only way to stop this from happening is to collaborate the teachers and parents for a singular mission to prevent the children from bad influence of the society.
Other moral dilemma that the government faces in today’s world is about the education of the backward classes and economically poor people. If the government do not pay proper attention in educating these people’s children, sooner or later, these children may turn towards illegal industry. Money and basic survival needs are required for every family. The less fortunate class of the society, has to think about the daily wages that can feed their children. Thinking about their education in a good school is just a dream for such parents. Without the support of government or some helping hand, these children are a potential threat to the country’s future generation. This moral dilemma is the concern for every developing as well as the developed countries of the world.
Yes, beyond the shadow of any doubts, the education should be promoted in any developing country before concentrating in any other industry for that matter. In every aspect of human life; especially in this era of technology and communication; education is a pioneer step involved to thrive for any individual. Each and every profession; a minimum education is essential. Without basic education; only raw manpower is utterly useless and will not last long.
The 3 pillars for any country’s growth are Education, Defense (Army) and Health (Medicine). Without developing these 3 fields; any country cannot grow in any other industry. An educated and accurately qualified individual can better serve the purpose rather than an uneducated or half-educated one. In order to function properly; any industry should have the apt man-power placed in the correct position to yield the best results; and that is near to impossible without education.
Education is linked and intertwined to the core of any country’s development. It begins from children and can go on up to youth empowerment. Government can provide distance education and many other programs to serve the education need of every individual in the country; also the government should not hesitate to spare a large chunk of finance for education and scholarships for the potential candidates to support them in every step of their career. Educating the children from the rural areas of the country can start a chain reaction of awareness throughout the community and that will show result in another 18 years when those children grow up to be next responsible citizen and rest of the things will just start snow-balling.
Hence again, education should be prime focus for the developing countries rather than industrial development. Recent research on people that are happy people showed numerous important findings. Compared to people who are less happy, happy people normally have more pleasant lives and better social relations. For instance, Diener & Seligman (2002) indicated that very happy individuals have satisfying relationships with family members, romantic partners, and friends compared to their less happy people, they reported more positive emotions and events in their daily lives relative to the negative ones. They came to the conclusion that the happy people are less neurotic, more agreeable, more extraverted, and they score low on numerous measure of psychopathology. Another research shows that subjective happiness is one main factor in subjective general and well-being satisfaction with life.
Recent decades have witnessed a growing interest in the moral domain of teaching among educational researchers and teacher educators. This trend to emphasize the ethical nature of teaching and the teaching profession has been reflected in the texts of Tom (1984) and Strike and Soltis (1985). In the 1990s the moral dimensions of teaching have been further conceptualized (Goodlad et al., 1990; Sockett, 1993; Oser, 1994a). The moral dimension of teaching might become more concrete when a teacher faces a conflicts in his professional conduct. Many educational conflicts require decision making from a teacher. Based on earlier research findings, it might be assumed that teachers are good problem solvers in moral dilemmas. According to a Greek study, teachers ranked very high in their moral reasoning. Helkama refers to this particular study in which Kohlberg’s scale was used to measure the level of moral development of teachers.
Of almost 100 teachers, more than half scored on the post-conventional level of Stage 5 in their judgments (Helkama, 1993, p. 65). This result might indicate that teachers have good potential for arriving at just solutions in their judgments. However, according to the model of professional morality presented by Oser, responsible judgments in educational settings require more than justice-orientated solutions (Oser, 1991). In addition, the real-life dilemma- mas a teacher encounters in his/her work are evidently very different from the hypothetical dilemmas formulated by Kohlberg. Teachers have indeed expressed their difficulties in the moral domain. In a recent American survey, teachers reported that they are ill-prepared for dealing with ethical dilemmas in their classroom. The major conflicts experienced in teaching were judged to be ethical in nature by 70% of teachers. The majority of the teachers surveyed did not see clear ways to resolve the conflicts they had faced (Lyons, 1990).


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