Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Leadership, Vision, Compassionate, Compassion, Organization, Value, People, Honesty

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2021/03/29

Visions and Values

Visions and Values


A vision is a statement that shows the future of an individual or organization. It presents the goals of the individual, management and the workers. Vision statements are usually short and indicate where the organization is heading to (Fairholm, 2009). The goals stated in a vision statement should be realistic and achievable within a given timeframe. Values are the guiding principles of a person towards achieving a particular goal. It’s essential to have in mind the goals you would like to make when creating a vision. It should be small and bright to the goal of the organization. For instance, “My vision is to be a compassionate, impactful and truthful leader who will be internationally recognized for integrity.” In two years’ time, this is my vision as a leader.

Towards achieving my two years’ time vision, there should be strategies to be put in place. I should create platforms where I will bring the young people on board like events, conferences and workshops (Fairholm, 2009). I should look for speakers who will be able to inspire the young ones into becoming prolific leaders. In strategic planning, there is more of logistic science. The vision will be guided by specific values. The three values that will be guiding my leadership are compassionate, impactful and honesty.
Value 1: Compassionate value: in the next two years, as compassionate leaders, I have to be kind towards helping the less fortunate in the society. I have to live by example so that the people who will be looking up to me will be able to learn. The less fortunate in the society should be empowered so that they can be able to satisfy their needs economically.
Value 2: Impactful value: In the next two years, I have to leave a positive mark and change in my work place. I have to make an impact on my leadership (Fairholm, 2009). There are several ways of influencing the society. I will seek to have impact and change the people by coming up with projects that will offer employment opportunities to the people. Train the young ones on how to become leaders in the future. As an impactful leader, I believe that leadership qualities need to be nurtured so that the individuals can grow with high leadership qualities. Honesty is a guiding principle.
Value 1: Compassionate honesty: Throughout the two years, I will strive to be honest and show aspects of integrity. I will achieve this value by adhering to the codes of conduct and work ethics. I have to be truthful and transparent in my activities as a manager or a leader of an organization.


In strategic leadership, vision is at the top most because it is the future of the organization or an individual (Madu, 2006).In management, there should be a mission statement. It is the statement that explains more of who the organization is and the aims of leadership. For example, my mission is to nature young people into becoming credible leaders. It shows the most immediate goal that has to be achieved, but it is a long term goal. To achieve my vision, I will by guided by three values. The three values that will be guiding my leadership are compassionate, impactful and honesty.


Fairholm, M. (2009). Leadership and Organizational Strategy. The Innovation Journal: The
Public Sector Innovation Journal, Volume 14(1), Retrieved April 23, 2015, from http://www.innovation.cc/scholarly-style/fairholm3.pdf.
Madu, B. (2006) Vision: The relationship between a firm’s strategy and business model. Journal
of Behavioral Studies in Business. Retrieved April 23, 2015, from

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