Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace, Management, Emotions, Human Resource Management, Ethics, Employee, Leadership, Human

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/19

The human factor is the basis of management, which is in the knowledge of the subject of management of the business, the ability to organize own work and the work of the staff, in interest, self-development and creative activity. The central figure of the management is a professional-manager, who is able to see the prospects for the business development, which he has, able to quickly assess the real situation and find the best solution to achieve this goal. In this context, the manager must have a certain professional and personal qualities, namely high competence, flexibility of thinking, the ability to take risks, to implement plans and to be a leader in the team. However, the head should, first of all, be a human in relation to the staff. Therefore, the valuable aspects of human side of management and leadership are emotional connection, loyalty to employees and business ethics.
For effective personnel management in the period of instability the head should have well-developed emotional intelligence – the ability to understand own and others’ emotions, and manage them. Emotions of staff are a resource for improving the efficiency of business organization. Leaders with high emotional intelligence are responsive and friendly to others. They develop staff, inspire staff by their vision for the future, establish normal communication and are sensitive to the feelings of others, exerting positive influence on them. Emotional understanding by the leaders of their subordinates contributes to the positive changes, cooperation and teamwork, conflict resolution. Such leaders create a network of relationships within the organization and outside it.
Emotions are transmitted from person to person. Being in a society of cheerful and energetic people means their emotions are transmitted to others. On the contrary, sad man is capable to instill despondence. This emotional contagion of leader, preserving balance and intrinsic motivation, is an example for subordinates, inspires them and provides them with his feelings. Optimistic and energetic leader is able to increase the activity of the entire organization. Sensitivity and the ability to interact help to motivate, inspire and unite people. Perhaps most importantly that emotional intelligence allows a leader is an opportunity to attitude to the subordinate as a cohesive person with feelings, opinions, ideas, needs, abilities and dreams. The emotional intelligence helps to develop staff and maintain high self-esteem of every employee. Employees need to see that the head is calm and confident – and then they will calm down and be able to concentrate on work. If the “captain” lost his head, endlessly giving and cancelling orders, he is closed or pretends that he does not care – the team only affirms the idea that the ship is about to go to the bottom! Self-help skills will help the head to remain calm and to serve as an example for subordinates.
Concerning loyalty to employees, the manager should explain the purpose of the company to its employees, to tell them what will work and so on. Knowledge of the company’s goals and confidence in the leadership are interrelated elements. After all, if employees are not aware of the purposes, the management will no longer be trusted. To convey to employees the company’s goals can be achieved by constant reference to the mission and strategy of the company in the process of communicating with them. The manager must convey to employees that the company has a specific, realistic and achievable action plan and show employees that each of them plays an important role in this respect that the company values ​​them and needs them. If some negative situation appears in the company, the manager must officially comment on it in front of co-workers, share with them his action plan to solve the problem, and ask them for advice and recommendations on this issue. To facilitate the formation of employee loyalty manager must provide an environment, in which the team could build a friendly relationship.
Human (his interests, motives, goals, needs, ideals) now is not viewed as an ordinary factor of production along with equipment and raw materials, the cost of which should be minimized. In this regard, the growing role of business ethics in general and administrative ethics, in particular, in the process of production management, where there is not only equipment and technology, the economy, but also a complex area of ​​moral-ethical relations and human relations, should be noted. Business ethics is a kind of code of ethics, rules and principles of entrepreneur conduct expressed in the imperative form, such as: be polite, punctual, humble, responsible, fair, principled, honest, practical, etc. Managerial ethics allows instilling a person the best moral qualities, namely simplicity, tolerance, unobtrusive, efficiency, dignity, integrity, practicality and ability to argue and disagree with an opponent.
Business ethics, in fact, regulates the behavior of executives, managers in the field of ethics and morality, helping to achieve the goals of general importance, since morality is not only the rules and principles, but also the ability to self-realization of the individual, his government and the ordering of relations between people on the basis of generalized concepts of values ​​and ideals, erecting a good value.
Therefore, human side of management and leadership should always be considered as the crucial aspect in business effectiveness and success. The most valuable factors of human side are emotional connection, loyalty to staff and business ethics. Their mutual application will only benefit the organization, which respects its employees and strives to provide them with the best attitude.


Armstrong, M. A handbook of Human resource management practice. 10th ed., London: Kogan Page Publishers, 2006. Print.
Mathis, R. L. and Jackson, J. H. Human Resource Management, 13th edition, South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010. Print.
Schuler, R. S. and Jackson, S. E. Strategic Human Resource Management. Wiley, 2007. Print.

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