Project Proposal Research Proposal Samples

Type of paper: Research Proposal

Topic: Microwave, Health, Technology, People, Equipment, Internet, Oven, Time

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/01/07

Health Impacts of Microwave Oven

My topic of interest for final research project will be Health Impacts of Microwave Oven. First, my proposal will involve historical background of microwave technology. In the proposal I will also explain how the microwave works and other applications of microwave technology. But my proposal will mainly focus on the investigation of the health impacts of using a microwave oven. I will be collecting opinions of people regarding their experience with microwaves. Microwave technology is an ingenious technology that has offered convenience for heating and defrosting cold food at home, hotels, offices, restaurants and many other places. It is one of the most popular kitchen equipment and people have been using it over time.
I also own a microwave and before I acquired mine, we have been using microwaves in our family for a long time. I have seen many people owning and using microwaves also. One of my most important equipment in the kitchen is the microwave. I use it often. However, unlike other equipment, I have been curious to know how it works. The benefits of a microwave is well documented. However, there is an emerging concern about its health impacts. A number of people has questioned whether it is safe to use a microwave and some have abandoned using it. Since it is an equipment I often use, I am also concerned. I would like to know whether the allegations are true or not. To conduct my studies I will refer to the works of Datta (2001), Wayne & Newell (n.d.), Does (2013) and also Banik, Bandyopadhyay & Ganguly (2003, p.155-159). Furthermore I will also find out some information in the website of World Health Organization (WHO).

Works Cited

Banik, S., Bandyopadhyay, S., and Ganguly, S. 2003. Bio effects of microwave––a brief review. Bioresource Technology, 87, pp.155-159
Datta, A.K. 2001. Handbook of Microwave Technology for Food Application. Basel: Marcel Dekker AG
Does, R.F. 2013. Microwaves, Radio Waves, and Other Types of Radiofrequency Radiation. [Online]. Available at: [accessed 01 April 2015]
Wayne & Newell. n.d. The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking. [Online]. Available at: [accessed 01 April 2015]
Word Health Organization (WHO). 2005. Electromagnetic fields & public health: Microwave ovens. [Online]. Available at: [accessed 01 April 2014]

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