Project Scope Statement Case Study Example

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Project, Control, System, Camera, Equipment, Information, Budget, Feasibility

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/10/27

Inventory Management Systems

Access control systems are security systems deployed in a building in order to deter, monitor or control unauthorized entry into a premise. These types of systems are fitted in specific locations, at an angle in order to help focus on an image. They can be full based systems which consist of biometric scanners, security surveillance cameras, commonly known as CCTV (Closed Circuit Television), which are pre-configured using certain rules in order to deny or allow an object (Ballad et al, 2011).
In advanced scenarios, such systems are fitted with an automatic electronic reader that are connected to a security camera, which may be at standstill or rotate in order to capture all a person's details. This document establishes the layout of deploying an access control, together with project details and specifics that pertain to the access control project.

Business Justification:
The main objective is to ensure the success of the access control deployment project.
The project is to ensure that all project phases have enough personnel and resources.
Project Deliverables:
Deploying the access control modules to ensure they work optimally
The project will reduce unauthorized access to the dormitory hence prevent theft.
Project milestones
Project Inception - 04th – February, 2015
Project Planning - 06th – February, 2015
Project Equipment Selection 07th – February, 2015
Project Construction - 08th February, 2015
Project Delivery - 09th February, 2015
Major Milestones
Access control modules are purchased per specifications and within budget.
The school administrators approve the concept as well as the budget
The access control modules are well programmed and synchronized to work optimally.
The number of the project members is a constrain in case a medical issue arises.
The project schedule highly depends on the completion of each phase.
The budget is sufficient enough to cover resources, equipment and transportation costs.
The phases will be completed within the duration.
Acceptance criteria
The project is successfully delivered on time.
The project is well managed under the estimated budget.
The product and system meet the specifications.

Project inception:

This is the initial stage of the project. The concept is initiated and discussed among the
stakeholders and a budget drafted to suit the project. In this phase, there is the requirements' gathering subtask.

Requirements gathering

The requirements gathering subtask involves collecting specific information concerning the requirements of the project
Project planning
This stage involves planning the project requirements in terms of resources, ascertaining
the approved budget and outlining how the various phases of the project will be accomplished.

This stage consists of the feasibility subtask.

Feasibility analysis
In the feasibility subtask, the project team leader assesses the feasibility of the project in order to ascertain whether it is achievable.

Project Equipment Selection

This phase involves sourcing for materials and equipment from vendors. It involves ascertaining that the specifications meet the project requirements in terms of the hardware and software.

Equipment approval

This subtask involves approving the equipment sourced from suppliers according to the standard specifications.
Project construction
This stage is the main phase. It involves systems design, programming and synchronization of the access control modules as well as deploying the system in the dormitory.

The user manual is also created in order to help users and administrators properly work with the project.

Systems design
This involves the actual design, configurations and deployment of the access control system.
Project delivery
This is the final project phase. It involves finalizing the project. The access control modules are tested in order to ensure that all parameters are programmed and working optimally.

Project acceptance reporting

The project is finally approved by the school management, stakeholders and handed over to the school fraternity.
The Access Control System
The access control system is connected using data communication cables. The data communication cables link together the in-house camera to the system module and the central processing unit. These are the main equipment that are used to record and store images captured via the camera. It is also aided by an image recorder that is used to record an image that comes through the camera lens, and then passes the image to the central disk storage in the central processing unit.
The electronic readers are also programmed and linked to the system module via communication cables. They are used to authorize or reject access cards that need authentication in order to automatically open the doors. The system module stores the authentication data that grants or revokes any information fed into the electronic proximity reader. The security cameras are tilted to capture and record all information that it detects in the room and displays the same on the external monitor for monitoring purposes.


External monitor
Electronic proximity reader
Image recorder
Central processing unit
System module


Ballad, B., Ballad, T., & Banks, E. K. (2011). Access control, authentication, and public key infrastructure. Sudbury, Mass: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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