Puberty In Young Girls Research Paper

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Childhood, Puberty, Anorexia, Women, New York, Teenagers, Disorders, Internet

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2021/01/05

Puberty in girls usually begin earlier than in boys; sometimes, it may start as early as nine, but it usually begins between ages nine and eleven. Most often, a breast bud (bump under the nipple that can be a little tender) shows up first. It can appear in one side before the other; do not panic--the other side will eventually develop. Sometimes, the first sign of puberty is dark, coarse hair in the pubic area on a girl's labia as well as in her armpits. A girl grows a lot before her first period begins, and she will continue to grow for a couple of years after her period, but at a slower pace. Additionally, a young woman's hips and shoulders round out, and her breasts continue to grow. Generally, by age sixteen girls start looking more like women (Revell, no page). The T-chart provides a comprehensive yet concise data about puberty in young girls.
Persons suffering from anorexia nervosa show extreme tendencies and self- induced weight loss because they feel they are not good looking in their skin. The most affected are teenage girls especially those who want to keep ‘ideal looks’ that they feel are better than their personal physical features. During puberty, the developmental levels and stages of anorexic people seems to fall way behind normal expectations seen in normal adolescents. In many cases, they do not reach developmental milestones at the expected time.


Attwood, Sarah. Making Sense of Sex: A Forthright Guide to Puberty, Sex, and Relationships for People With Asperger's Syndrome. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.
Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Adolescents: Nature, Assessment, and Treatment. Edited by David A. Wolfe and Eric J. Mash. New York: Guilford Publications, 2006.
Jones, Richard E. and Kristin H. Lopez. Human Reproductive Biology. Burlington, Ma: Academic Press, 2006.
Kapunan, Rocio Reyes. The Psychology of Adolescence. Quezon City: Rex Printing, 1971.
McCoy, Kathy and Charles Wibbelsman. The Teenage Body Book. New York: Berkley Publishing. 1992.
McCune, Noel & Walford, Geraldine. Long-Term outcome in Early-Onset Anorexia Nervosa. British Journal of Psychiatry. (1991). 159, 383-389.
Precocious (early) puberty in girls. Retrieved from:
Rees, Jane Mitchel. Eating Disorders During Adolescence: Nutritional Problems and Interventions. Web. Retrieved from
Warren, Michelle P. & Locke, Rebecca J. Anorexia Nervosa and Bilumia. The Global Library of Women’s Ministry. Web. Rerieved on 29th March 2015.

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