Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Organization, Workplace, Management, Employee, Human Resource Management, Company, Public, World

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Published: 2020/10/15

Chapter-1: Summary

The World of Public Personal Management
According to the case, most of the organizations of the world give extra credit and attention to their HRM department because this is the only department that deals directly with the management of employees and the employee’s based policies. Apart from the hiring and firing, one of the major actions required to fulfill and complete by a HRM department is to maintain a powerful tradeoff between a management and its employees. The importance of PPM for an organization and how organizations can direct their performance through the utilization of PPM is defined exclusively in this particular study.
The study clearly highlights that the level of competition is increasing in almost every part of the world and only those organizations can sustain in this competitive world, which have a positive mindset towards the management of their workforce. The chapter also reveals that proper PPM enables the company as well as the economy to emerge positively on the front screen. After the current economic crisis, there are different economies which emerged comprehensively over the screen of the world due to the reason of active and positive management of their workforce. The names of these economies are Brazil, Russia, India and China. However, other countries are likely to adopt the system of HRM or PPM to broaden their vision positively (D.E, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2010). According to the case, most of the organizational officials consider the job of finance and marketing department as the toughest, tricky and technical one in nature. Apart from the jobs highlighted for these two departments, the association of work with the Human Resources Department is also very technical and complex. Human Resources Management (HRM), which is also termed as Public Personnel Management (PPM) is an important part of study relates to an organization that has a direct and positive linkage with their overall financial position (D.E, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2010).
There are numerous concepts that defined specifically in this particular study to provide thorough and complete knowledge to an individual regarding the actual function of a Human Resources Management (HRM) department, and how this department can be used to improve the entire financial and strategic structure of a company. There are number of functions to management human resources discussed in the case, and among them increasing the level of communication an important and widely used. Apart from increasing communication, giving high amount of intrinsic motivation can also manage the human resources effectively. It starts from defining the major functions that are required to manage the human resources of a company in a best possible manner. It is also summarized from the entire discussion that resources and human capital are very important elements for an organization and an entity with scarce resources can rarely makes a difference in a competitive environment. There are certain functions form which an organization can manage their human resources that include proper planning, training and development. Proper Planning gives an idea to the individual regarding their real worth within the company, and what organization is expecting them in terms of their future consequences and power. From the crux of this study, it is clear that public jobs are always scarced in terms of resources as compared to private jobs. The main reasons behind the public jobs are scarced resources that public jobs usually depends upon the allocated resources from the government related to the company. Through the patronage of government, all of public organizations operate in a given environment.
The discussion also highlights some of the major privatizations that take place in the United States, and one of the names was of NSWA known as a Civil Service Reform in the United States. The study highlights the importance of managing the workforce in a perfect manner even in the civil service based companies. The standards of HRM described in the code of conduct should be implemented and complied accordingly within the premises of an organization to make the regulations powerful and interactive. One of the best things highlighted in this conversation is the history of Public Personal Management and Human Resources Management of the United States, and how the functions of HRM are currently working in the country (D.E, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2010). The history of PPM sounded that the rights of the employees were very weak and ineffective in the past, however it has increased tremendously well due to which the level of employee’s turnover is decreasing day by day. One of the best things underpinned in the concept of this debate is the implication of one of the most powerful and effective management tools that has the tendency to increase the power and level of satisfaction among the employees, known as Management bi objectives (MBO), in which the employees are entitled to share their problems, issues, knowledge and even betterment with the management without any communication barrier. The model of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) countries work exactly on the same implication in which they are giving extensive values to their employees and promote them to come up with new and creative ideas (D.E, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2010).
The entire summary is to strengthen the HRM department in a perfect manner. It is also found that managing the human resources with positive implications and strategies is a perfect and positive thing, but the thing really matters for an organization is to bring transparency within their hiring, firing and evaluation procedures. If the level of transparency among such functions rest in a broad vision, then it will be equally beneficial, effective and powerful for the company in the near future. In the end, it can be said that the practice of PPM is very effective, and it should be promoted at an organizational level across the globe.

Chapter-2: Summary

Doing Public HRM in the United States
United States of America is known as the largest economy of the world in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) as well as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) level. The HRM based function in the largest economy of the world, and an economically weak country of the world should have a slight difference between each other, and it is clearly found within the HRM based myths and strategies among the economy of the United States and other parts of the world (D.E, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2010).
This particular debate diverts their attention towards one of the most important and significant factor that lies within in the Human Resources Management function, known as transparency and merit. The conversation summarized that there are number of myths famous related to the employment factors present within the United States, and the reality is totally different than the same. Some of the people say that Public Employment are not on the merit, as it usually accomplish on the basis of source, however the reality is totally different from this. The discussion highlighted that public or government employments usually have no transparency factor in its hiring, firing and management of incentives; however the reality is totally against it. Public and Governmental organizations have somewhat similar functions and applications as the private organizations. Merit and Transparency are some of the major factors that deem significant for their growth and development (D.E, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2010).
The discussion emphasizes a lot over the internal shareholders of an organization that they have high responsibility in terms of managing their employees as well as the entire function and operations of an organization. The debate highlights that, management officials, managers, directors and other important personnel of an organization should share their responsibilities with the employees of the company, and also share the major functions for the sake of strengthening accordingly. Communicating the objectives and aims with the employees of the company is one of the best strategies underlying in the effectiveness of an organization, and it is very important to enhance the power of the company and managing their employees.


Civil Services
Collective Bargaining
Affirmative Action
All of these HRM systems are powerful and has the ability to improve and direct the performance of the teams working exclusively in the company for the betterment of the company. Patronage and Civil Services are the models and system through which organizations can do the job as prescribed in the regulations.
In this discussion, the importance of decentralized operations have been highlighted completely, and found that decentralized operations are comparatively sounder and power than that of the centralized operations, and that is the main thing why organizations from all over the world emphasize a lot over this system after the current economic downturn. Responsibilities should be share between the employees, supervisors and the management, and every personnel should be responsible behind their duties and acts.
The role of HR manager and other important officials have been defined comprehensively in this discussion to make it more interesting and effective in terms of being understood. The key roles of the HRM functions are defined accordingly in this debate that include technicians, educators, professionals and mediators, as every role is important for an organization to have powerful financial and strategic effects over the company. The four roles of the HRM is as follows
There are number of ethical and professional competencies related to the career making within the Public Sector, and these competencies have been clearly identified and highlighted in this analysis. Likewise, the last summary, there are lots of examples which have been highlighted in this particular study as well just to make it more apparent and understandable for the general public.

Personal Commentary

The discussion highlighted the issues that face usually by the organizations during their corporate moves. Most of the issues relate to their strategies that are less likely to be achieved and maintained by an organization and the increasing employee’s turnover. No organization supports the fact that an employee on whom they spent millions of dollars in terms of training, development and research would leave the organizations with a hanky reason. After read out the case it is found that there are two major issues which are currently found in the current corporate world due to which the essence of employee’s turnover and problems are increasing over time. The two major issues highlighted in both of these contents are as follows

Communication barriers between the officials and the employees

Inefficiency in transparency
As highlighted in the case, communication is the most important activity that relates to an organization, which has a direct linkage with their financial function. An organization which has a positive mindset towards increasing the internal communication level within their premises are comparatively sounder than that of those organizations who do not have any inclination towards enhancing the level of communication by following upward communication model. Low communication among the employees and the management usually increases due to the high communication barriers found between the employees and the organizations. It is recommended to almost every organization of the world to completely eradicate every communication barrier from their premises, as they are good for nothing. 1st discussing study relates to Public Management (PM) that highlighted a concept named as Delphie Technique or MBO which are currently implementing in numerous organizations of the world to enhance the level of satisfaction among the employees. The approach has a great ability to empower the employees to share and communicate their issues and problems with the upper management directly and without any fear. As a result, management officials are obliged to overcome on the issues instantly or provides clear picture to the employees of the company regarding the problem and its definite impact. This approach not only enhances the level of communication among the employees and the management, but it is also important to keep the operations of the company going smoothly in future as well. By consideration, this approach will certainly have a positive attitude towards the company.
Transparency is an important activity that is associated with the organizations due to which they become able to hire the best talent from the society. In terms of hiring, the factor of transparency also applies on the promotion of employees. All of these debates and conversations highlighted different factors of transparency that deem effective for the organizations to increase their potential growth. As discussed in the case, organizations should use transparency in their every function, as it is the only way from which they can delete the factor and essence of favoritism from the company, which results in increasing the level of security and satisfaction among the employees.


D.E, Nalbandian, J., and Llorens, J. (2010). Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies (6th Edition). New York: Longman/Pearson

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"Public Administration Essay Samples." WePapers, Oct 15, 2020. Accessed March 27, 2025. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/public-administration-essay-samples/
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Public Administration Essay Samples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/public-administration-essay-samples/. Published Oct 15, 2020. Accessed March 27, 2025.

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