Religious Studies Essay Example - Latter-Day Saints

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Religion, Church, People, Family, Teenagers, Youth, Latter, Saints

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/27

Latter-Day Saints

2. I found this religion both mystic and strange. It is definitely new belief and new culture. I was impressed by the fact that at the beginning male believers were allowed to marry more than one wife. It was also unusual to know that Mormons now account to more than 2% of the American population. At the same time Latter-Days Saints have outstanding performance in business and politics. Many talented people who belong to this congregation are occupied in the scientific, literature or social fields. Family values and moral virtues are above everything in the Mormon families. They do not practice premarital sexual relations.
3. The meaning and significance of a “Temple” for the Latter-Days Saints is based on Old Testament imagery. This building serves only for special range of sacred rituals and can not be used for ordinary ones. These rituals include “endowment”, baptism, “sealing” of marriage and a very rare “second anointing”. These temples have separated rooms for each of the above-mentioned rituals. It differs from the other Latter-Days Saint facilities because admittance to the temple is closed to everyone including members until they get special “temple recommendation” from the local church leaders. All other facilities can be used without any restrictions. That is why this place is devoted to emphasize the sanctity and importance of the rituals held there and to add to the faith of believers.
4. This religion attracts people throughout the world by its family values and successful members. Many people find this religion close to their views on the world order because it is mostly based on the American values. Young boys and girls from the Saint families are taught foreign languages. Also it must be taken into account that young people who serve on a prophetic mission win hearts of those who decide to convert soon. The church also offers funds to help the young Saints from the developing countries obtain an education degree. This religion can easily accommodate to other cultures and societies that is why its congregation is one of the fastest growing one.
5. The most striking things to me are the hierarchy in this religion and the unity of people who converted to it. Despite this young church has schism, one of its branches is the most numerous and continues to grow. People form communities in every country or city where they live and they share common values. They help each other because they occupy different positions in the society and they spend hours together. It looks like one big family. In order to organize congregation and to exercise control over hundreds of people around the globe, the hierarchy was established. They have presidency and other positions that define the grades of leadership in the church. In my opinion, it is very effective because Mormons are famous for their organization and subordination.

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