Report On MBA 6503:global Strategy & Competitiveness Capstone Business Project Proposal

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Dubai, Customers, City, Business, Information, Study, Services, Workplace

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2020/12/25

Advance customer experience at Dubai Industrial City

3.0 Methodology
This chapter describes the research methodology and the selection of the samples during the study. The methodology chapter describes the procedures that were used in the collection of data and the instrumentation design. Additionally, the chapter offers statistical procedures that were used to interpret and analyze the data. This study used the online survey methodology, and a total of eleven questions were used to assess the total customer experience at Dubai Industrial City. One question was open-ended, and the questions assessed the extent of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Four questions focused on the innovative business approach, and the answers were scaled from one to seven. One implied that the approach is least important, and seven implied that the approach is highly important. Three questions assessed the demographic characteristics of the selected samples. The total number was 767 customers, and the number of respondents was 130. The sample consisted those companies that utilize land lease, labor accommodation, warehouse facility, office, retail and showroom facilities at Dubai Industrial City. The researcher guaranteed all the respondents that no other person could be authorized access their personal data. The number that completed the responses was 120; thus, the response rate was 15.65%. Microsoft Excel was used to analyze the data and the data.
3.1 Research Methodology
3.2 Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods
The quantitative research methodology was used during the study. The data collection and analysis procedures in the quantitative method are normally quantified thus the quantitative approach is more formal than the qualitative approach. The study variables in the quantitative methodology are quantified thus it determines the relationships between them. Conversely, the qualitative method is exploratory in nature, and it normally measures, describes and explains phenomena. The tools that are used in the qualitative methodology are documents, observations, interview and focus groups. The quantitative methodology uses tools such as surveys and questionnaires. The quantitative method produces numerical data, and such data is analyzed by either statistic or mathematical methods. The quantitative methodology helped the researcher to translate the responses into numerical data thus it made the analysis easy.
The quantitative methodology identified the types of commercial facilities that the customers had utilized in the Dubai city and the facilities were quantified into percentage using the quantitative method. The quantitative methodology gathered information on the number of fulltime staff that the various companies employ in UAE (United Arab Emirates), and the responses were presented in percentages. The quantitative methodology was used to get explanations concerning the respondents' overall experience with the Dubai Industrial City and the method presented the percentages of customers who had been either satisfied or dissatisfied with their experiences with the Dubai Industrial City.
The quantitative methodology identified the percentages of those customers who would recommend and those who would not recommend the Dubai industrial city to their business, associates, friends, and relatives. The number of those companies that would renew their lease agreements with the Dubai industrial city and retain their existing size and those that would renew their license but expand out of Dubai was determined. The number of those companies that would renew their license and increase their operations within Dubai and that of those companies that would renew their license but downsize was ascertained. Additionally the percentage of those companies that intended to move to alternative spaces was determined. The quantitative method led to easy data analysis because it studied the relationship between various data variables.
3.3 Population and sampling
The researcher selected the respondents because it was not economically feasible to survey the entire population. Random sampling was used in this study because it would help the researcher to collect detailed data from the respondents, and it offered all potential respondents equal opportunities of being in the sample. The sampling concentrated on those companies that utilize land lease, labor accommodation, warehouse facility, office, retail and showroom facilities at Dubai Industrial City. Those companies that had full-time staff at UAE and some experience at the Dubai Industrial City were included in the sample. The respondents that had ideas concerning the Innovative business units at Dubai Industrial City took part in the survey as well. 137 respondents took part in the study, and the high number of respondents was included in the study sample to enhance data reliability and to offer all potential respondents equal chances of being included in the survey. The respondents used during the survey were literate. The researcher conducted a pre-test on the questionnaires to ensure that all the respondents could read and understand English.
3.4 Instrumentation
This study used the online survey questionnaires, and a total of eleven questions were used to assess the total customer experience at Dubai Industrial City. Accordingly, the instruments that were used to collect data were questionnaires. A survey gets data from a specific population or a sample of the total population using either interviews or questionnaires. The survey was administered to customers who have used Dubai Industrial city's services, and questionnaires were used to collect data, in this case.
Surveys offer data concerning the participants; thus they are crucial when obtaining and analyzing data from specific individuals. Surveys are widely accepted tools in the quantitative research. Questionnaires are cheaper than interviews, and the process of administering them is easier than the process of conducting interviews. Questionnaires enhance the confidentiality of participants. Additionally, mailed questionnaires provide information and data more efficiently within a short duration at a low cost. Due these reasons, this study used online survey methodology, and the questionnaires were used to obtain the data.
Question one was open-ended, and questions 2-4 assessed the demographic characteristics of the selected samples. The demographic characteristics included the geographic region, industry, market share, employees, age, and income. The questions guaranteed in-depth explanations from the participants, and they were based on the study objectives. The questions followed a logical progression by starting with simple issues then progressing to complex topics. Questions 5-7 assessed the extent of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Questions 8-11 focused on the innovative business approach, and they were scaled from one to seven. One implied that the approach is least important, and seven implied that the approach is highly important.
The researcher considered the reliability and validity of the questions when designing the questionnaires. A reliable questionnaire design helps the researcher to elicit a consistent process during a study; thus it is crucial for a researcher to design a questionnaire that is reliable and valid. The researcher used simple terminologies when phrasing the questions, and difficult phrases and jargon were not included in the questions. The researcher did not make unwarranted assumptions concerning the respondents, and conditional information preceded key topics in the questions. An appropriate format for the questionnaire was chosen, and the questionnaire was pretested.
The researcher used the same questions for all the participant, and this enhanced the reliability of the responses. The questions were clear, and the respondents understood them easily. Accordingly, the interpretation of all items was easy and took place in the manner that the researcher had intended. Cover letters were attached to the questionnaires, and they explained the research purpose and sought consent from the participants.
The survey identified the number of those companies that would renew their license and increase their operations within Dubai and that of those companies that would renew their license but downsize. The survey identified percentage of those companies that intended to move to alternative spaces. The survey instrument focused on the respondents’ overall experience with the Dubai Industrial City and on the percentages of those customers who would recommend and those who would not recommend the Dubai industrial city .The survey instrument identified the number of those companies that would renew their lease agreements with the Dubai industrial city and retain their existing size and those that would renew their license but expand out of Dubai. The survey instrument identified the types of commercial facilities that the customers had utilized in the Dubai city and gathered information on the number of fulltime staff that the various companies employ in UAE.
3.5 Collection of Data
The researcher emailed the questionnaires to the participants, and an explanation was included to guide the respondents on how to feel the questionnaire. The process collecting data was dived into three steps, and the first step entailed construction of the questions, and the respondents were told to respond to all questions appropriately. The second step entailed administering the questions to the respondents, and the last step entailed analyzing the responses from the participants. Microsoft Excel was used to record all the data from the respondents, and the data was organized into rows and columns.
3.6 Analysis Method
Microsoft Excel helped in analyzing the data, and the data analysis process aimed at ascertaining the correctness, coding and recording of data during the survey. Tables and charts were used to present the data. The process also analyzed the respondents' descriptive statics using descriptive statistics and frequency distribution tables. The data on the categories of commercial facilities that the customers had utilized in Dubai Industrial City were categorized into Land Lease(Industrial land); labor accommodation, warehouse facility, office, retail, and showroom. The data on employees that various companies employed in UAE was divided into 1-2 employees; 3-10 employees; 11-25 employees; 26-50 employees; 51-100 employees and over 25-0 employees.
The data concerning the respondents' experience with the Dubai Industrial City was categorized on a scale of 1 to 7 and 1 indicated complete dissatisfaction whereas 7 indicated completed satisfaction on the part of the respondents. Similarly, the data on respondents who would recommend the Dubai industrial city to their business associates, friends and relative was ranked on a scale of one to seven. The likely actions of the companies in the coming two-three years were categorized into six classes namely: renewing their lease agreements with the Dubai industrial city and retaining their existing size: renewing their license but expand out of Dubai; renewing their license and increase their operations within Dubai; renew their license and downsizing move to alternative spaces and couldn't say. The innovative Business initiatives were categorized into SSTs, Account management, single window and touch point improvement.
3.7 Confidentiality and Privacy
The respondents designated the conditions of releasing, using, retaining and disposing of their personal data. Therefore, the researcher obtained used automated mailing list, public emails, and online communities when selecting the sample sizes. After the selection of emails, surveys and invitations were sent separately. Web pages were used to select potential participants, and the respondents were provided with multiple response answers. Re-mailers were used to uphold the anonymity of respondents and cookies were not used. The sampling procedures were disclosed to the participants and certifications were provided to third parties. Additionally, the results of the survey were availed to all the respondents. The researcher guaranteed all the respondents that no other person could be authorized access their personal data and established credibility in the opening statements of the in the questionnaires.
4.0 Findings and Analysis
4.1 Commercial facilities at Dubai Industrial city
The main types of commercial facilities at Dubai Industrial City are land lease, labor accommodation, warehouse facility, office, retail, and showroom. According to the survey, 45.38% of the respondents utilized land lease (industrial land), 36.15% respondents utilized labor accommodation, 53.08% utilized warehouse facility; 10% utilized office and 0.77% utilized retail. These findings show that Dubai Industrial City has attracted many industries, and it will keep attracting new businesses. The occupancy rate in the Dubai Industrial City is high because it stresses on the success of UAE industry sector.
Dubai Industrial City is committed to providing an internationally competitive platform to foster the growth of the logistics and manufacturing sectors in UAE. The industrial property at UAE has the highest momentum, and it is likely to increase in the near future. Dubai Industrial City accommodates many sectors, and it meets most of the manufacturing sector's requirements more especially halal products, machinery and mechanics, foods and beverages, minerals, chemicals and base metals. Therefore, Dubai Industrial City catalyzes the expansion and Growth of UAE’s manufacturing sector.
Dubai Industrial City is highly committed to facilitating the advancement of UAE's manufacturing enterprises. Dubai Industrial City offers all the necessary services to promote optimal operation of all industries within its premises. The companies that are located in Dubai Industrial City have full access to industrial real estate solutions and it includes facility start-ups, facility operations, self-build industrial land, onsite help with constructions, Dubai labor villages, commercial land, office space and storage yards. The chart below presents a summary of findings for the commercial facilities at Dubai Industrial City.

A chart for commercial facilities at Dubai Industrial City

4.2 Full time staff at UAE
According to the survey, 20.77% of the respondents employed 51-100 full-time employees in UAE. The survey indicated that 25.38% of the respondents employed over 250 full-time workers in UAE. Dubai Industrial City provides a working environment that is vibrant and inspiring to the full-time workers. Companies can lease flexible spaces in the Industrial city. Additionally, Dubai Industrial City offers logistics and manufacturing facilities, thus the high number of full-time employees. Dubai Industrial City has an innovative design that promotes communication among administrators and their employees. There is a Building Management System in every office at Dubai Industrial building thus there are integrated services and security systems that meet the needs of all employees. Dubai Industrial City supports commercial areas that offer government, catering, banking and retail services among other services. There is an ample outdoor and indoor packing for most of the employees at Dubai Industrial building. The table below presents the results for full-time employees at Dubai Industrial City

A table for full-time employees at Dubai Industrial City

4.3 Experiences with Dubai Industrial City
According to the survey, 1.54% of the respondents were completely dissatisfied whereas 17.69 % of the respondents were completely satisfied with their experiences at Dubai Industrial City. Therefore, the findings indicate that the overall customer satisfaction with the Dubai Industrial City is satisfactory. Dubai Industrial city's customers get satisfactory utility by interacting among themselves, their clients and the products and services provide there. The matching of customers' reactions to anticipated experiences confirms that the customers are satisfied with their experiences with Dubai Industrial City. Additionally the touch points from the clients play a crucial role in promoting satisfaction with Dubai Industrial City. The ability of the respondents to co-create value is another factor that contributes to their satisfaction. The respondents embrace three systems that guarantee a good experience with their customers, and the systems include sensation, affect, and cognition.
Co-creation occurs when customers are involved in the process that creates, design and manufacture various products and services. It is logical to conclude that Dubai Industrial City strives to balance between customer loyalty and high profits, and that is why large number of respondents is satisfied with its experiences there. Dubai Industrial City has succeeded in creating value that guarantees high customer experience, customer loyalty, and high-profit levels. Dubai Industrial City interacts with their clients in a positive and encouraging manner thus it has succeeded in matching the respondent's experiences with their anticipated reactions. Additionally, Dubai Industrial City utilizes the customers' touch points to increase satisfaction with the products and services. Dubai Industrial City has mastered the ways of co-creating co-value with all their custom service thus enhancing the customers' satisfaction. Dubai Industrial City utilizes sensations, effects, and cognition to strengthen the relationships with their customers. The chart below presents a summary of customers' experiences at Dubai Industrial City

A table for customers’ experiences at Dubai Industrial City

4.4 Would you Recommendation of Dubai Industrial City to associates, friends, and family?
The survey indicated that 2.31% of the respondents would not recommend the Dubai Industrial City whereas 36.15 would recommend the Dubai Industrial City to their business associates, friends, and relatives. The percentages indicate that customer loyalty at Dubai Industrial City is sustainable. The respondents' loyalty towards' Dubai Industrial city's products and services may help to bring in new customers. Sustainable customer loyalty at Dubai Industrial City ensures that there is continuous co-creation and that the existing customers are aware of the co-creations. The sustainable customer loyalty guarantees that the positive customer experience at Dubai Industrial City will improve its reputation and take customer loyalty a notch higher.
The sustainable customer loyalty at Dubai Industrial City shows that it has been successful in using the customers' touch points to promote satisfaction and to improve customer experiences. Additionally, Dubai Industrial City has been successful in integrating multiple channels whereby it can interact well with all the customers. The low percentage of participants who are not likely to recommend Dubai Industrial City implies that
Dubai Industrial City understands and meets the needs of its customers and various relationship cycles; thus it has been able to segment its customers depending on the facilities they utilize at Dubai Industrial City. Accordingly, effective customer service at Dubai Industrial City plays an instrumental role in ensuring the loyalty of customers is sustainable in both the short-run and the long-run.
The sustainable loyalty of customers towards Dubai Industrial City shows that it has incorporated the objective of positive customer experiences in its mission. Dubai Industrial City has reached a new height by creating a unique and distinct experience for their customers. The effective customer experience has led to loyalty of the customers and satisfaction. Accordingly, Dubai Industrial City interacts with all customers at a personal level and involves them emotionally, physically and rationally. Other factors that have contributed to the sustainable loyalty towards Dubai Industrial City include the social environment, the assortment, the service interface, the price and promotion and the retail atmosphere. .
The satisfactory utility that the customers derive from Dubai Industrial City is likely to make the recommend it to their associates, friends, and families. Many participants will recommend Dubai Industrial City because of their satisfaction with it services and the ability of the city to co-create value with them. Because, Dubai Industrial City is committed to attaining 100% customer loyalty and offering the best service, respondents would recommend it. The ability of the Industrial City to create high values and to offer high customer experience increases the chance of participants recommending it. There were participants who are impressed with the Way Dubai Industrial city's management interacts with them and how the city meets their anticipation; thus they would recommend it without hesitation. The ability of the management at Dubai Industrial City to use the customers' greats touch points and its ability to use sensation and cognition when dealing with customers will influence some participants to recommend it. The chart below presents findings on customers who would recommend and those who would not recommend Dubai Industrial City.

Would you recommend Dubai Industrial City chart

4.5 Likely actions in the next 2 to 3 years
The survey indicated that 4.17% of the respondents were intending to renew their lease with the Dubai Industrial City and to retain their existing sizes.25% of the respondents maintained that they were planning to renew their leases with the Dubai Industrial City and expand their sizes. These results indicate that the probability of customers switching from Dubai Industrial City is low. The respondents prefer Dubai Industrial City to other commercial spaces; thus they are likely to expand while there. The services provided art Dubai Industrial City are of high quality that is why customers are not likely to move out of there. The positive experiences at the Dubai industrial city contribute to the low customer switching; thus Dubai industrial city offers unmatched service and experiences to its customers. The ability of Dubai Industrial City to offer high-quality service to its customer has proofed to be beneficial because it has enhanced customer, satisfaction, positive customer experiences and a high customer loyalty. Dubai Industrial City has been successful in identifying the needs of its customers and meeting them appropriately. Consequently, the customers' experiences at the Dubai industrial city have been satisfactory, and there is effective management of customer service at Dubai Industrial City.
Dubai Industrial City considers all the customers' emotions and touch points thus it offers positive experiences that prevent them from going to other commercial spaces. Dubai Industrial City has highly experienced teams that identify and prioritize development areas with Dubai Industrial City, thus, it meets the development needs of all the customers. The respondents' loyalty towards' Dubai Industrial will encourage then to expand within the city. The provision of effective customer service at Dubai Industrial City will encourage the respondents to renew their lease in the next two or three years. The positive customer experiences that are unique and distinct will encourage companies to renew their leases sand to expand further without thinking of moving to other commercial spaces. Dubai Industrial city’s social environment, atmosphere, assortment and service interface will encourage the customers more. The table below presents the respondents’ most likely actions in the next two to three years.

A table for respondents’ most likely actions in the next two to three years
4.6 Innovative business units
The survey indicated that 27.50% of the respondents felt that the SSTs (Self Service Technologies) were least important whereas 30.83% felt that the SSTs were highly important.44.17% of the respondents felt that account management was highly important whereas 22.50 felt that account management was least important.45.83% of the respondents felt that the Single Windows were highly important whereas 24.17% felt that the Single Windows were least important.31.57% of the respondents felt that Touchpoint improvement was highly important, but 30% of them felt that it was least important. Majority of the respondent 60% agreed on the importance of touch points improvement.
Self Service Technology (SSTs) appeared not very appealing to the respondent they preferred one to one solution. These findings indicate that technology is crucial when it comes to efficient service delivery. The introduction of SSTs in Dubai Industrial City has enhanced the customers' experiences by improving their flexibility and has increased the number of ways through which customers can access various services. The advancement of technology has helped in increasing the experiences of customers. Accordingly, Dubai Industrial City has adopted strategies that engineer the customers' experiences is such a way that creates values for all customers in an effective way. Other innovative business units such as account management, single windows, and touch point improvement impact on the experiences of customers at Dubai Industrial City. According to the survey, high personal touch and high technology service offer excellent service to customers and improve their satisfaction. Accordingly, high technology at Dubai Industrial City has enabled it to achieve top notch customer experiences and services.
However, the innovative business units have created some challenges, and this made some respondents to reason that such technologies were least important to them. For example, there are instances when self-service options are not appropriate because personal services are required. Customers' experience at Dubai Industrial City commences as soon as they start interacting with employees, and that is why most respondents felt that account management was very important for them. Interpersonal contact plays a crucial role when it comes to customer experience thus technology should complement and not take the role of personal contact. The innovative business units at Dubai Industrial City have enabled customers to access new segments and new markets. The analysis of the respondents' responses towards the innovative business unit is presented in the chart below.

A chart for innovative business units

5.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, this proposal has presented a case study that covered the total customer experience in order to sustain lasting customer loyalty. The increased market competition in the recent years has made customer satisfaction less important and made customer experience more critical for the organization in term of marketing strategy. The number that completed the responses was 120; thus, the response rate was 15.65%. Web pages were used to select potential participants, and the respondents were provided with multiple response answers and re-mailers were used to uphold the anonymity of respondents and cookies were not used. The sampling procedures were disclosed to the participants and certifications were provided to third parties. Dubai Industrial City is a new development in Dubai focusing in fostering the industrial sector and it is playing a critical role in Dubai Strategy. The positive customer experiences that are unique and distinct will encourage companies to renew their leases, and Dubai Industrial City has been successful in identifying the needs of its customers. The sustainable customer loyalty guarantees that the positive customer experience at Dubai Industrial City will improve its reputation. Dubai Industrial City interacts with their clients in a positive and encouraging manner. Dubai Industrial City has been in the establishment stage for the past ten years, and it has been focusing on the development of hard infrastructure and establishing its brand in the marketplace. The quantitative methodology was applied during the study. This study used the online survey questionnaires to collect data, and a total of eleven questions were used to assess the total customer experience at Dubai Industrial City. Microsoft Excel was used to analyze the data, and the analyzed data was presented in tables and charts.
This case study aimed at deploying the best customer experience model to ensure longer term loyalty of our customer, increase our sales and market share and achieve better efficiencies by reducing operational cost and improve our customer experience. The case study has defined a top five initiatives that will improve our customer experience based on different literature world-class models on notable results in the short term and long term. The overall customer satisfaction at Dubai Industrial City is satisfactory. The main types of commercial facilities at Dubai Industrial City are land lease, labor accommodation, warehouse facility, office, retail, and showroom. The customer loyalty at Dubai Industrial City is sustainable. According to the survey, 45.38% of the respondents utilized land lease (industrial land), 36.15% respondents utilized labor accommodation, 53.08% utilized warehouse facility; 10% utilized office and 0.77% utilized retail. The probability of customer switching at Dubai Industrial City is relatively low. The survey indicated that 2.31% of the respondents would not recommend the Dubai Industrial City whereas 36.15 would recommend the Dubai Industrial City to their business associates, friends, and relatives. According to the survey, 1.54% of the respondents were completely dissatisfied whereas 17.69 % of the respondents were completely satisfied with their experiences at Dubai Industrial City.
Self Service Technology (SSTs) appeared not very appealing to the respondent they preferred one to one solution. The survey indicated that 4.17% of the respondents were intending to renew their lease with the Dubai Industrial City and to retain their existing sizes.25% of the respondents maintained that they were planning to renew their leases with the Dubai Industrial City and expand their sizes .Government Services (Single Window Concept) possibly due to the location of the project, and Dedicated Account Management is highly satisfying for the customer. The survey indicated that 27.50% of the respondents felt that the SSTs (Self Service Technologies) were least important whereas 30.83% felt that the SSTs were highly important.44.17% of the respondents felt that account management was highly important whereas 22.50 felt that account management was least important.45.83% of the respondents felt that the Single Windows were highly important whereas 24.17% felt that the Single Windows were least important.31.57% of the respondents felt that Touchpoint improvement was highly important, but 30% of them felt that it was least important. Majority of the respondent 60% agreed on the importance of touch point improvement. The innovative business units have created some challenges in those cases when self-service options are not appropriate
6.0 Recommendations
Firstly, a single window concept should be implemented to attract all government agencies under one roof within next 12 months. The single window system will facilitate efficient trade within the Dubai Industrial City.AS such, the introduction of the single window system will allow the cross-border traders to send all their regulatory information to one place. The documents include customs declarations, import permits, export permits, trading invoices and certificates of origin among other regulatory documents. The main advantage of the single system is that it enhances efficiency by saving of the trader's money and time when they are dealing with the authorities. The single window system will hasten the process by which they get the required permits and clearance certificate to carry out their activities. The single window system will allow the trade and transport parties to lodge their documents and information n at one point to comply with import, transit, and export regulations. For electronic information, the single window system will ensure all the documents and information are submitted at once. The single-window system will guarantee high-revenue yields for the UAE and improve the compliance of trade requirements within the Dubai Industrial City. The system will enable the UAE government to employ sophisticated risk management techniques. The deployment of resources under the single window system will be effective and efficient after the introduction of the single-window system. Delays will be reduced under the single window system, and the release and clearance of the traders will be fast. The single system should have one authority that will enforce and coordinate all the controls that deal with border-related issues. The single window will have one system that shall integrate the electronic collection, usage and dissemination of data related to international trade and cross-border trade. The single system and single authority will improve the customer experiences, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction.
Secondly a new IT technology should be introduced to implement an Account Management model. The account management will focus on three areas namely: Building strategic relations with all clients; facilitating alignment within Dubai Industrial City and delivering value to the clients. Clear strategies will facilitate successful account management model by defining the account's added values and growth resource. The new It Technology will facilitate the organization by installing cross-functional teams through a multi-disciplinary method. The new IT will monitor those Key Performance Indicators(KPI) that add value at Dubai Industrial City by striving for the measure of costs through the full costing method. The key performance indicators in the case of Dubai Industrial City shall be management commitment, Customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer switching and customer experiences.
Thirdly, all touch points namely: the company's postal address, invoices, website, advertising and email address should be enhanced because they are influential in facilitating communication and creating the customers' experience. Enhancement of all touch points will enable Dubai Industrial City to execute all its strategies well and to attain measurable and realistic results. The management of customer service at Dubai Industrial City will determine the customers’ experience there and it will be a basis of their relations with the industrial city, accordingly, the customer relationship will govern their purchase decisions. Therefore, Dubai Industrial, City should enhance all touch points that deal will customer service and such touch points include the customers' environment, operational infrastructures for customer service, the brand, the interface, the platform for the management of customer service. Dubai Industrial City should manage the life cycle of its customer relationships which commences when a customer become aware of a service or product offered by a company. The second stage occurs when the customer gets some knowledge concerning the product or service and it is at this stage the customer considers going for the product or service. Eventually, the customer goes to the product and after the purchase, comes the satisfaction stage. If the product or service satisfies the customer, then the company' earns that customer's loyalty. Loyal customers advocate for particular company's products and services by recommending them to other people. Accordingly, Dubai Industrial City's goal should be engaging all touch points that will ensure a positive customer experiences at every stage of the life cycle. Dubai Industrial City should introduce a touch point map that will ensure the entire customer segments' have. The touch point map will act as guide towards improving customers' experience, satisfaction, and loyalty.
Fourthly, results should be reviewed after 12 months of the implementation. The results of the single window system should be reviewed to ascertain whether: it enhanced efficiency by saving on the trader's money and time when they are dealing with the authorities; it hastened the process obtaining permits and clearance certificate ;it allowed the trade and transport parties to lodge their documents and information n at one point; it enabled the UAE government to employ sophisticated risk management techniques; it enhanced effective and efficient deployment of resources ; it reduced delays on the release and clearance of traders; it integrated the electronic collection, usage and dissemination of data and whether it improved the customer experiences, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction.
The new IT technology in the Account Management model should be reviewed to ascertain whether it build strategic relations with clients; it facilitated alignment within the Industrial City and whether it delivered value to customers. Dubai Industrial City’s touch points should be evaluated to confirm whether they promote positive customer experiences. The touch point map should be reviewed to confirm whether the entire customer segments’ touch points were met. Lastly, changes should be communicated to customers on a continuous basis. The changes that should be communicated to customers include single window system, the account management model, and the touch point map. Continuous communication with customers will strengthen the links be the Dubai Industrial City and all its customers.

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