Research Is Ceremony. Indigenous Research Methods Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Understanding, Ceremony, Literature, Culture, Thinking, Reflection, Style, Material

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/10/03

Research is Ceremony. Indigenous Research Methods by Wilson, Shawn

In the book, “Research is Ceremony. Indigenous Research Method”, Wilson tries to explain in an indigenous approach in the way research is done through demonstrating ways in which the research paradigm can be applied and put into practice (Wilson, 2008). There are also some principles that the author states which are more complex, but needs to be followed while carrying out an indigenous research. He states that while carrying out such research, one needs to be prepared to face some challenges and implications for researching. Wilson also created a comprehensive study on different theories, the important practices, and history of the Indigenous research.

Critical issues raised in Chapter 2: On the Research Journey, pp 22-42

Reflective analysis in Chapter 2
It is important for the research to contain such special style of text for effective understanding of the findings of the research and its importance. Paradigm that is a typical example of the research item or the model of research that is being researched upon. Such like aspects are very important while carrying out research.
The key definitions are also some important aspect that a researcher also needs to include in his or her research material to enable easier understanding of the research outcomes. Moreover, use of such simple style in the context of academic books is also an important thing that the writer also tries to put across.

Critical question about the reading in chapter two.

In which ways can one be able to record the findings from research in a more friendly way that even the non-experts will be able to understand?

Critical issues raised in Chapter 3: Can a Ceremony Include a Research Review? Pp 43-66

In this chapter, the author continues to elaborate on two voices used in communication. These voices are the voice of a dominant-culture-thinking academic the other voice is the one that is more casual of the indigenous man that tries to explain his difficulties when thinking about the expectations of the dominant culture.

Reflective analysis in Chapter 3

In any research, there needs to be a chronological way in which the ideas needs to be presented. The chronological way of presenting the ideas will enable other people in understanding the research findings. Furthermore, the two voices that the author talks of are also more important since they enable any person to understand the research material being read.

Critical question in chapter 3:

What are the steps to be followed while presenting the research finding in a more chronological way that will enhance the understanding?


Wilson, S. (2008). Research is ceremony: Indigenous research methods. Black Point, N.S: Fernwood Pub.

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