Research Paper On Alternative Jobs To Social Worker

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Workplace, Sociology, Human Resource Management, Labor, Education, Relationships, Skills, Worker

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/12/22

Personal Career Choice

In my personal life, I have desired to be a social worker; I believe that social workers play a significant role in shaping their communities through studying various social challenges and formulating solutions on the identified challenges. In this aspect, social workers shape play critical roles in promoting social and community development processes. I love encouraging people and motivating people to focus and commit them in everything they engage in.
Taking into consideration my personal characteristics, specifically the ability not to let people make negative decisions regarding my life and other personal activities, I ensure that I use this perspective to encourage people. On the other hand, I believe that social work requires a great sense of appreciation of social processes as well as community development processes. Some of these processes are cultural values, political and socio-economic facets. Beings a social worker requires an appropriate understanding of these issues, hence I consider myself an appropriate personal to fit any work that entails social work (Ruebush, 123). That is, I have great sense of appreciation and understanding of diverse social values, I believe that my capacity to understand and apply this knowledge can enhance my performance as a social worker.
Educational objectives play crucial role in achieving one’s career goals; they ensure that one keeps focus on participating in activities that will ensure that he/he achieved targeted results. Personally, I have educational objectives that will ensure that I meet my career objectives. The first educational objective is to study the interaction between social processes i.e. culture and religion and how they impact upon each other. This objective will enhance my understanding on the relationship between culture and religion and how this can impact development. I believe that the acquisition of this knowledge will enhance my social development processes. My second educational objective is to develop networks and collaboration with different stakeholders as a means of promoting sustainable community development. Research has indicated that social issues are dynamic and diverse, hence challenges that may arise within these issues, require a multi-disciplinary approach (Ruebush, 126). In this case, I believe that my educational objective as a social worker, will improve my academic and career network, thus enhancing my efforts towards promoting social development.
I appreciate interact between people; I have an interest in making new friends and learning their perspectives regarding certain aspects of life. On the other hand, I appreciate social events, especially those that are meant to enhance cohesiveness among people of various cultural and ethnic backgrounds living in a specific geographical location. This is an imperative skill among social workers: It is one of the careers that require a person with proper inter-personal and communication skills. The ability to interact harmoniously with other people enhances the functions and efficacy of social work.
Considering the fact that I am not married and that I do not have major family obligations, I believe that I have adequate time to focus on developing my career and participating in numerous social work activities. Currently, I am not focused on generating income from my social work activities but rather on ‘sharpening’ my skills as a social worker. However, in future I may consider applying for jobs in community development organizations as a means to participate in social development and earn an income. It apparent that there is a high rate of competition on the available job opportunities, although I believe that with appropriate skills and knowledge regarding one’s career, he/she does not have to rely on employment, but seek opportunities and platforms where they can apply their knowledge.

A significant number of people usually desire to become social workers as a means that will enable them assist other people within their societies. The traditional roles of social work basically involve helping people who are need ( However, there are other alternative jobs that one may engage in by using knowledge gained from social work studies; these careers could be Human Resource Managers or even Labor Relations Officers.

Human Resource Managers

Most social workers have similar capacities compared to human resource managers. Some of these capacities are; proper communication skills, inter-personal skills, ability to appreciate and working in an ethnically and diverse team, capacity to work under pressure and motivate others et cetera (Huffmire, Donald & Jane, 3). Holmes. Taking this factor into consideration, the field of human resource management appeals to my skills as a social worker. I believe that I can perform effectively in human resource management roles such as: Hiring of new staff, training and counseling staff members, provision of motivational talks as well as encouragement. In addition, I believe that my capacity as a social worker to assess and comprehend social issues would enhance my efforts towards understanding an organizational direction, thus giving staff and colleagues directions accordance to the objectives of the organization. Moreover, as a social worker, I am confident that I can act as effectively as a human resource manager in facilitating coordination among personnel and departments.

Labor Relations Officer

Working as a labor relations officer means that one has to work in unionized organizations and companies or in some cases, in governmental organizations as well as agencies. The main duties and responsibilities of labor relations officers is to act as a link between unions, employers, employees and managers, basically assessing collective bargains and agreements between and among these stakeholders as a means of enhancing their well-being and their harmonious relations. I believe that as a social worker, with proper bargaining skills for legal rights of certain aspects of the society, I believe that the field of labor relations provides me with a platform to advocate for the rights of employees through mutual agreements between them and their employers.
Certain people have been driven to act as labor relations officers by the desire to advocate for fair practices among employers as a result of the fact that they have special skills i.e. communication skills that can be used for dispute resolution. I posses similar skills, hence I consider this field an alternative field of employment. In most cases, labor relations officers act as middle-men between employers and their employees; they may be engaged in activities that facilitate or prevent strikes among workers. This requires a great sense of understanding and listening skills, ensuring that the grievances of both parties are considered and acted upon appropriately. In most cases, labor relations may be engaged in investigations and assessment of situations in order to formulate appropriate solutions to identified challenges. Social workers possess similar skills, that is, investigative and assessment skills, hence they may also act as effective labor relations officers.

Part Two

The most common educational requirement for a social worker is a bachelor’s degree in social work. In some cases, employers or organizations focusing on social work may also require people with degrees on psychology or sociology studies. In some cases, licensing is also required although the stipulations of these certificates may vary from one region or state to another. In order to become a social worker, most employers consider graduate with an average grade point of 3.0. Taking into consideration my performance over the last two years, I believe that I have more than the required points to become a successful social worker, most of my grades are averagely at B. In order to successfully pursue social work as a career, one is typically required to undertake a four year degree course, however, in some cases; they may be required to take two more years of Masters Degree in order to get promotion. In a research article published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is indicated that each state has an approximate 1000 employment vacancies for social workers; this figure has been regarded as low considering the fact that more than 1000 social workers graduate annually from various colleges, hence it is quite challenging for graduates to access job opportunities among employers such as non-governmental organizations, the government et cetera. The current salary for the entry level of a social worker is approximately $44, 000 annually, with a full range salary of $56,000 annually. One of the most common challenges associated with being a social worker is the fact that it is characterized by numerous cognitive challenges such as: Conflict of cultures, communication barriers among others.

First Career Alternative: Human Resource Manager

There is no specific degree required to become a Human Resource Manager, however one must have attained the highest level of education with a degree certificate (Huffmire, Donald & Jane, 6). The minimum average grade required for this level is 3.0. I believe that I am capable of becoming a successful HR Manager considering the fact that my grades averages at B. In some cases, HR applicants may be required to possess a Masters degree, although this is mostly common when one is seeking promotion. Becoming a successful HR in various platforms i.e. government departments, profits and non-profit organizations is currently characterized by high level of competition considering the high number annual graduates and the limited employment opportunities. The current entry level salary of a human resource manager is $52,000 annually and may be raised to a maximum of $99,000 annually depending on one’s experience and level of education. It has also been considered a challenging job position considering the fact that it entails direct interaction with human resource issues.

Second Career Alternative: Labor Relations Officer

In order to become a labor relations officer, one is required to have attained a degree in Human Resource Management, Sociology and Political Science with an average graduate grade of 3.0 ( My average performance over the last two years is B meaning that I am still in a position to become a successful labor relations officer upon graduation. Considering the high number of graduates i.e. approximately 1000 graduates from each state in sociology, it is apparent that this is another employment opportunity characterized by lack of adequate opportunities for new graduates ( The average entry salary of labor relations officer is $52,000, but may reach to a maximum of $82,000 upon one’s promotion. It offers a lucrative job opportunity for many graduates; however, it is important to acknowledge the fact that it is associated with challenges i.e. dilemmas of scenarios where a labor relations officer is confused on whether to support workers or their employees (

Work Cited

Gibbs, Ian, and IRISS D. Block. "Sharing the care: The qualities sought of social workers by foster carers." Child and Family Social Work 5 (2000): 225-233.
Huffmire, Donald W., and Jane D. Holmes. Handbook of Effective Management: How to Manage or Supervise Strategically. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2013. Print.
"21-1029 Social Workers, All Other." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. <>.
"Labor Relations Officer." Labor Relations Officer. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. <>.
Ruebush, T et al. "Qualities of an Ideal Volunteer Community Malaria Worker: A Comparison of the Opinions of Community Residents and National Malaria Service Staff." Social Science & Medicine (2013): 123-31. Print.
Winfrey, Oprah. What I Know for Sure. Flatiron, 2014. Print.

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