Research Proposal On Terrorist Group: Japanese Red Army

Type of paper: Research Proposal

Topic: Terrorism, Japan, Jra, Terrorist, Social Issues, Community, Organization, Armed Forces

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/23

Terrorism is related to ideological, religious, and political non-public organizations preparing and performing violent acts. These actions are usually directed to harm security of governmental authorities, as well as civilians. Thus, one of the world-famous terrorist groups is considered to be Japanese Red Army (JRA).
This political organization was founded in 1970 rooted in the militant new-left Communist League. Its headquarters was in Lebanon. The founder and leader of this extremist group was a young woman Fusako Shigenobu (
Taking into consideration their threat and aggressive actions, protests and demonstrations against Japan and the United States held in the belief that American imperialism should be destroyed, the F.B.I. defined JRA as an extremely terrorist organization. Indeed they committed hazardous crimes such as attacks on police stations, hijacking of a domestic Japan Airlines jet, bank raids; seized French embassy in the Hague and embassies of the United States and Sweden in Kuala Lumpur; redeemed prisoners in Japan ( This terrorist group was really a great threat for the society.
The JRA's historical goals have been the toppling of the Japanese government and monarchy, as well as support in fomenting world revolution ( Thus, it is hard to accept the fact that achievement of those goals was made by some just actions. The tactics of horrification, aggression and a great number of innocent victims don’t indicate the just war. Moreover, the group of people having received the terrorist reputation cannot be associated with justice.
For the moment JRA has the status of inactive organization, but according to some sources, some separate members of this group still operate with different Asian terrorist organizations ( Thus, the terrorist danger from JRA still remains.

Works Cited 2015. Movements Of The Japanese Red Army And The "Yodo-Go" Group. Web. 17 March 2015 <> 2014. Japanese Red Army (JRA). Web. 17 March 2015 <>

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