Review Of: The Effect Of Income Inequality In Providing Universal Health Care Essays Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Researcher, Health, Education, Study, Taxes, Income, Countries, Focus

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/02

In the topic, the researcher anticipates to study the “Effect of Inequality in Providing Universal Health Care”; it is expected the research would narrow down to the what income disparities affect the access and other aspects of health care in a particular country. Instead of focusing on that, the researcher anticipates to compare income disparities in different countries. In the methodology, the researcher asserts that that “this research is to make a comparative study between countries that have universal health insurance coverage and those that does not have one.” Such an approach changes the focus of the study as stated in the topic. The researcher needs to amend the topic to state for example, “A Comparative analysis of income disparities in OECD Countries.” Alternatively, the research can focus on the how income disparities in the income affect the access and quality of health care in a particular country.
The researcher does not have clear questions and hypotheses that are to be tested. The hypothesis can be presumed to be topic of study. It is expected that the researcher state both null and substantive hypotheses, and a clear methods of testing the hypotheses. The significance of the study needs to be included as well.
Nevertheless, despite those few shortcomings, the researcher has given a strong background on the healthcare disparities. There are enough statistics and an excellent incitation of most of the major points mentioned. The introduction, historical background is done properly using current journals, publications, among others. In addition, the researcher notes some of the possible challenges that may be encountered during the study. In general, the work is well-written in both language and arrangement. If the researcher makes the suggested changes, the research would gain a better focus and yield better result.

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"Review Of: The Effect Of Income Inequality In Providing Universal Health Care Essays Example." WePapers, Nov 02, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.
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"Review Of: The Effect Of Income Inequality In Providing Universal Health Care Essays Example," Free Essay Examples -, 02-Nov-2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16-Sep-2024].
Review Of: The Effect Of Income Inequality In Providing Universal Health Care Essays Example. Free Essay Examples - Published Nov 02, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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