Sample Case Study On Groupon Case Study

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Marketing, Business, Innovation, Products, Services, Time, Information, Company

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/05

The outcome was the increase in the sales and the simplification of retail processes. With the Groupon coupons, there are many procedures and processes which have been introduced and have made the system simpler and in the right procedures. With the use of Groupon, money is made for both for the retailer and the company supplying. With the use of the coupon, the customers will be able to get the introduction of the products. It makes the knowledge and the marketing of the products and the services that are offered simple to understand. One of the processes that will be simplified is that of marketing process. The marketing of the products will be made simple. Another aspect of the value-addition is the customer interaction process. The company and the clients will be able to interact with eth clients in a way that increases the entire process.
One of the theories that worked include the aspect of innovation. Innovation is an important component in any business. Innovation helps to improve the products and the services that are offered in the entire process. The theory of innovation has been of great concern and has been there in the entire process. Another theory is that of marketing. It is important to improve the marketing process from time to time. The marketing and the enhancement of the interaction of the whole sale of services is a significant theoretical process. There are many issues that have been noted in the case. It is important to understand these issues and have ways in which the marketing process will be achieved. Marketing and innovation are important components and have been in use for a time.


Hamidi, A., & Safabakhsh, M. (2011). The impact of information technology on E. marketing. Procedia Computer Science, 3, 365-368.
Trainor, K. J., Rapp, A., Beitelspacher, L. S., & Schillewaert, N. (2011). Integrating information technology and marketing: An examination of the drivers and outcomes of e-Marketing capability. Industrial Marketing Management,40(1), 162-174.

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Sample Case Study On Groupon Case Study. Free Essay Examples - Published Oct 05, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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