Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Border, United States, Homelessness, Security, Law, Terrorism, Money, Policy

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/21

After 9/11, increased efforts to improve security at the borders to prevent illegal immigrants and terrorists from entering the United States were put in place (Ackleson, 2005). The U.S. border security after 9/11 requires careful determination of all potential threats geared towards eradicating or reducing circumstances that may lead insecurity. However, the policies and strategies developed by the U.S. after 9/11 have had a significant impact on other activities at the border (Ackleson, 2005). For instance, the U.S. - Canadian border access to refugees has reduced due to the overlapping security concerns and immigration especially refugee issues. These changes have significantly reduced the entry of refugees who are genuinely in need of protection and a new life because many terrorists can pose as refugees and gain access to the country (Adelman, 2002). The Canadian system of selection and control that assumes that a desirable refugee can be differentiated from the undesirable poses risk concerns at the border (Adelman, 2002). The system has proven to be a loophole for both governments because terrorist claiming to be refugees gain access into the country. Due to this risk, the Canadian government has imposed new rules to curb the entry of terrorists into their country that include the imposition of a visa requirement on travelers from particular countries (Adelman, 2002). However, many refugees seldom own a visa or passport that makes them inadmissible into the country. The border wall created by the United States on its Mexican border has created a barrier that promotes unequal power relations. For American citizens, entry into Mexico is free and fair, and goods coming from the United States are received without prejudice. On the other hand, for Mexicans moving south into the U.S. the border imposes exclusion despite the fact that most individuals from Mexico are people seeking economic opportunities in the United States’ low-wage industries. In addition, the security border policy has increased drug trafficking from Mexico to the United States through illegal smuggling. The border security imposed by the United States gave rise to small groups of smugglers who are mostly drug traffickers and terrorists. The impact is increased drug trafficking to the United States and illegal trafficking of people most of whom are women who are later sold into sexual slavery. The flow of individuals and goods to the United States is important in maintaining trade between its government and its neighboring countries. New policies should be implemented to foster better relations and trade without affecting security of the United States (Ackleson, 2005). For example, to curb the illegal trafficking in drugs into the countries, programs to combat traffickers’ money laundering schemes should be implemented. In addition, programs to detect a big inflow of guns and money from the border should also be put in place. Communication between law enforcers around the border and law enforcers beyond the border should be improved to reduce money laundering and drug trafficking schemes. To allow for the safe and free entry of refugees without permitting the entry of terrorists into the United States border, the country should put more emphasis to purchase and equip border patrol with DHS information systems (Ackleson, 2005). Accessing the correct data at the border before allowing refugees will play a vital role in determining the legality of a person’s refugee status. The United States government also needs to improve communication with its allies abroad and around the world to differentiate adequately between terrorists and genuine refugees.


Ackleson, J. (2005). Border Security Technologies: Local and Regional Implications. Review Of
Policy Research, 22(2), 137-155. doi:10.1111/j.1541-1338.2005.00126.x
Ackleson, J. (2005). Constructing security on the U.S.–Mexico border. Political Geography,
24(2), 165-184. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2004.09.017
Adelman, H. (2002). Canadian Borders and Immigration Post 9/111. International Migration
Review, 36(1), 15-28. doi:10.1111/j.1747-7379.2002.tb00066.x

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Sample Essay On Border Security. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/sample-essay-on-border-security/. Published Dec 21, 2020. Accessed October 18, 2024.

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