Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Women, Society, Men, Gender, Difference, Sphere, Sociology, Confidentiality

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/16

Hist 3A Heifetz

2 / 17 / 15


The current position of women in the society can be traced back their active involvement in the historical changes, social structure and the restriction they came across. Gender clearly explains what the role of women and that of men has been within the society. As a result, it is now possible to historically define the qualities of masculinity and femininity that were connected to nature. Gender further illustrates the various conception of femininity and masculinity in the different power changes such as social, cultural, economic and political.
Gender became much popular in the 1970s when feminist writings came into being. The major aim of this was to explain the difference between men and women in the society in terms of roles to play. Gender further defines the disparity of behavior between men and women. The assumption is that these differences are not biological but socially constructed within the society.
The assumption among various theorists is that, men and women disparity is as the result of physical and mental difference. Men are viewed as mentally and physically superior to females. Additionally, other believes that the difference is socially created by the patriarchal system. This makes men superior as compared to women. This makes women social object.
For a long time, there has been a lot of debate regarding sexual division of labor. Historically, the society was characterized by gender inequality across all setting. This involved both at family level and society as a whole. In this regards, many theorist and authors have concentrated much on the roles of women domestically and not focusing on their public roles within the society.
The industrialization and dramatic enhancement within the society has created a lot of changes both socially and economically. The changes have had a tremendous impact on the men’s and women’s roles in the community. For instance, after industrialization, women authors focused much on the change of social structures. This is defined by the extent to which the division of labor had altered the roles of women from household level to factory level. There was a significant advancement of women status within the community.
Despite this advancement, historically, the work done by women is considered of less importance or inferior as compared to that done by men. Additionally sexual inequality was highly witnessed in terms of work share. The result of the difference is the subordination of women in the society. To finds answers to the unequal division of labor, women were actively involved in the fight against their oppression. Women groups believe there is a need to understand the origin of the hierarchical society and the unequal treatment of women so as to eradicate this problem within the society.
Focusing the on the society, it is evident that the society, both public and private, is made up of two different spheres. The public sphere is made up of individuals who carry out their activities within the community together with others. Such activities include being involve working for pay and also taking part in politics, fights for democratic rights and fair rule of law to all. On the other hand, the private sphere is made of individuals who carry out activities in particular.
In this regard, historically, men have much been linked to the public sphere and across into the private sphere. On the other women and children have much limited to the private sphere and have been under the power of men. This difference in gender has had a lot of impact on women. For instance, they have been excluded as citizens for many years making them reluctant in political participation and economically dependent on men. Additionally, their body integrity has also been undermined since they are subjected to rape and sexual harassment and domestic violence.
Based on the above discussion, it is evident that women violence has been there for so long. However, there have been a lot of changes as the result of fight against inequality and gender balance.

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"Sample Essay On Brendan Slevin," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 16-Nov-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/sample-essay-on-brendan-slevin/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Sample Essay On Brendan Slevin. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/sample-essay-on-brendan-slevin/. Published Nov 16, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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