Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Religion, Jesus Christ, Christians, Church, Empire, Rome, Roman Empire, Ancient Civilizations

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/16

Christianity started in Judea, presently called Israel in the mid of 1st century AD about 2000 years ago with Jesus Christ and his disciple faithful group. It spread initially from Jerusalem throughout the near east such as Assyria, Phoenicia, Syria, Egypt, and Jordan. In 4th century, it was adopted successfully to state region by Armenia in 301, Georgia in 319, Aksumite Empire in 325 and finally the Roman Empire in 380AD. Christianity is a religion basing on the miracles and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. It’s also a practices and beliefs in Jesus Christ.
Jesus of Nazareth is the founder of Christianity; it’s whom the teaching of the most denomination of Christianity holds to be the son of God. He was regarded as awaited Messiah to save all sinners. His teachings and life are recorded in the New Testament Bible and emulated by all Christians over the world.
The teaching of Christ was the kingdom of God; doing the will of God. Also, that he is not the Bible but God’s living and active word that brings life. Additionally, that Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it and that people should love each other.
Paul of Tarsus is an apostle (not among 12 apostles) who was teaching the gospel of Christ to the world’s first century. His Christianity conversion opened doors for the region. He made Christianity accessible to masses of people and extended it beyond the holy land.
The problems early Christians encounter regarding their new faith within Judaism was rejection and crucifixion of Christians, destruction of their temple and imposing Jewish tax to all Christians.
The Paul’s ideas about Christianity were that Jesus was a messiah who was anointed would become a ruler, Lord of all humanity and not just Kingdom of Israel.
The organization of the Christian community was known from 1872 to 2001 as Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (RLDS). It’s an international church based in America that have a mission of proclaiming Jesus and promoting community of joy, hope, peace, and love. It’s in 50 nations and was started by Joseph Smith.
The Christians were persecuted for their faith at the hands of both the Roman Empire that controlled land across which early Christianity was distributed and Jews from whose religion where Christianity arose.

The divisions within the Christian church were the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and Oriental Orthodoxy.

Rome becomes the center of the early church because it was originated from its land. Also, it was connected to established Jewish centers in the holy land and the Jewish diaspora. Jews were the first followers of Christianity.
The Romans’ relationship to religion change during the 4th-5th centuries was when the Roman Empire Council rejected Nestorius view of the gospel. Causing many churches centered on school of Edessa, to a Nestorian break with the Imperial church. Persecution within Roman Empire started; many Nestorians fled to Persia and joined the Sassanid church and making its center of Nestorianism. Also, the council stated that human nature and divine of Christ were separate but both part of a single entity. These were rejected by many churches or miaphysite resulting to schism creating a communion of churches including Syrian and Egyptian.
The imperial persecutions continued during the 3rd century. The anti- Christianity policies or prosecution of Christians in Roman Empire occurred for three century period. Christians were persecuted by local authorities on sporadic and ad-hoc basis, often more according to the local community than to the imperial authority's opinion.
Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to be converted to Christianity. He then converted the Roman Empire to Christianity. He also ended persecution of Christians within his empire through his faith in Christianity.
Theodosius was the Roman emperor from 379 to 395. He also, launched a campaign against Goths and other barbarians who had invaded the Empire; he failed to kill, expel and after the Gothic War they established a homeland in Danube. He fought two destructive civil wars and defeated the Eugenius and usurpers Magnus Maximus at great cost to power the Empire.
The Arianism was divisive within Christianity. Christians found by the imperial powers were subjected to summary execution. Individuals were forced to worship a non-Christian god called the Emperor. Those who did were freed but those who didn’t were killed. For those who accepted to worship the emperor were not accepted back into Christianity community again.

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"Sample Essay On Christianity." WePapers, Dec 16, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/sample-essay-on-christianity/
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"Sample Essay On Christianity," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 16-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/sample-essay-on-christianity/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Sample Essay On Christianity. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/sample-essay-on-christianity/. Published Dec 16, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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