Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace, Job, Elections, Selection, Skills, Security, Company, Officer

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2021/03/27

Personnel selection entails the activities involved in hiring and also promoting competent individuals in organizations. This term in some cases, is also used to illustrate the wider processes involving; recruitment, selection, acculturation and also hiring. During the processes of personnel selection, the selected candidates are differentiated from the rejected applicants, and the key intention is to identify the competent and appropriate individual who is most qualified, and has adequate potential of introducing valuable contributions for the benefit of the entire organization. The selection decisions are usually based on tests. The selection tests are utilized to illustrate the aptitude of a person, in relation to a given position within a specified organization. In companies and industries, the tests are commonly referred to as the personnel assessment tools. The tests assist the people given the responsibilities of hiring personnel. The tests are applied in selecting people for the hiring process, and also in the placement of the successful candidates in the correct positions within the organization. The selection tests and procedures greatly vary, depending on the standardization level required and also the room for error available.
The selection predictors mainly have reduced perfect validity, and the scatter plots can be applied in identifying the mistakes. The appropriate cutoff point is the level that differentiates the successful and the unsuccessful candidates, based on the standard determined by organization which is hiring. The true positives illustrate the candidates that are believed to be successful in the work environment, because of emerging successful from the selection processes. The true negatives illustrate the candidates who were appropriately rejected, due to the measures explaining they will be unsuccessful at the workplace. The false negatives take place when individuals are rejected based on the failure of the selection test. However, these people have adequate abilities of satisfactory performance at the work environment. The false positives explain the people who emerge successful in the selection tests, but perform unsatisfactorily in the work environment. The errors in the selection process are reduced through enhancing the validity and the reliability of the selection or predictor tests.
The procedure of identifying the cutoff levels of performance are diverse, and should be in line with the requirements of the appropriate job. Controlling the cutoff either way automatically enhances the error levels. It is very important to therefore understand the error category that is generally harmful, based on case by case analysis. Branding is also an alternative technique that can be utilized in setting the cutoff levels. The test score differences are generally ignored if the candidates with the same scores are in the same range, are identified according to other factor spas to minimize the negative effects. The band width is affected by test reliability, and the two are negatively correlated. Branding enables the managers to completely discard the test scores, through utilizing random selection.
Meta-analysis involving the selection approaches in personnel psychology illustrated that the overall mental ability is the most effective general predictor, in the area of training process and job performance. In relation to the interview procedures data exists that adequately questions the techniques for selecting candidates. The key reason for job interview entails identifying suitable candidates who will illustrate superior performance in the identified work. The other selection approaches illustrate more predictive authority with minimal costs. Unstructured interviews are majorly applied; however, the structured interviews mainly generate better outcomes and they also illustrate better practice. The interview structure involves minimization of procedural variance for the applicants. This translates to discretion degree allowed to the interviewer during the interview process. The interview structure is analyzed in terms of the normal pencil and paper tests. Unstructured interviews utilize diverse questions and scenarios. The structured interview aims at generating better results, and thus is effectively used for the selection purposes. The structured interview aims at standardizing the popular selection technique.
Several studies and meta-analyses are continuously performed to understand the relationships involving organization behavior and also organizational performance. The job candidates who illustrate great levels of loyalty, helping and voice actions or behaviors, are generally rated as confident, have higher income, and receive more recommendations on career advancements, than the candidates who have low levels of the behaviors. This was even true, after taking into consideration the task performance levels of the candidates. The content studies of the responses to the open ended questions, illustrate that the selection decisions are greatly sensitive among the candidates who illustrate low levels of helping cats and also weak voice expressions.
The selection task analyzes a total of 499 candidates. The candidates are of either gender, and they have diverse academic qualifications, ranging from no education to masters level degrees. The age and the work experience of the applicants are also diverse. The selection tests used in the identification of appropriate candidates are diverse. These tests are in the areas of emotional stability, behavior, academic abilities, and social relations skills. These selection tests are; extroversion, cognitive skills, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, realistic, openness, investigative, artistic, enterprising, social, and communication tests.
The company intends to hire five people to work in various capacities. These capacities are management, human resources, security and finance. The company has advertised for two positions of security officers. One management position has also been advertised in the area of sales manager. One accountant position is required in the finance departments. The human resource department requires a staff welfare officer. The five vacant positions were advertised on March 30, 2015. The advertisement media utilized are; company website, newspapers, industry magazines, social media (twitter and LinkedIn), and the professional meetings that took place during the advertisement period. The adverts illustrated the application process, including the job descriptions and the job specifications. The application deadline was two weeks after the advertisement date, and it was illustrated as April 13, 2015. All the applications are supposed to be submitted in the electronic formal. The applicants thus used the recruitment platform available at only the company website. The advertisement process was very effective in attracting potential selection candidates; this is because 499 applications were made. Electronic application was very desirable because of the effectiveness and efficiency involved. It is very easy to sort applications in electronic format, due to the database software that conducts queries. Thus, candidates are able to be listed bases on various factors; for instance, gender or academic qualification. The recruitment was only targeted at the American citizens. This is because the expatriates were only recruited for senior management positions.
The job description and the job specifications explained the characteristics of the candidates required for the vacant job positions. The sales manager position was created due to the increasing production levels, with the aim of increasing the sales revenue. There are five major duties and responsibilities associated with the position. One duty entails expanding the market position of the company, through entering the new markets within and outside the country. The second responsibility involves increasing sales revenue, with the aim of improving company profitability. The third responsibility involves Fourth duty involves, developing marketing strategies that ensure competitive advantage of the company in the international market. The fifth role involves the effective supervision of the sales team, to ensure appropriate performance standards. To effectively perform the role of the sales manager, certain characteristics are desirable. The candidate should be a youth with the right energy and vision for the company. The academic qualifications should be high at master degree level or more in the field of business. The candidate should possess adequate levels of cognitive abilities and also the soft skills needed in management. These soft skills include; agreeableness and conscientiousness. The candidate should have a clean criminal record. Another critical factor is that the successful candidate must possess marketing work experience of not less than 3 years. Other important factors studied include good communication skills and also adequate job knowledge as determined through the interview process.
One accountant position is necessary. The accountant has the main responsibility of updating the sales records and associated expenses and income. The five responsibilities for this position are aimed at sound financial management. The accountant is expected to update the daily sales records. Providing allowances and financial incentives to the sales team is also another responsibility. He/she is required to make and produce interim financial statements in the sales section. The accountant must ensure financial efficiency, through releasing only finances that have been budgeted for. Thus the accountant is supposed to ensure financial transparency and improve efficiency, in the entire sales activities. The important responsibility of the accountant thus requires adequate characteristics of the job holder, as illustrated in the job specification. The accountant is supposed to possess a minimum academic qualification of the degree in Accounting. The job holder should also possess work experience in the accounting are, for a minimum duration of 3 years. Cognitive abilities are very important for this job, and thus the job holder must possess high levels of the job characteristics. The communication skills are very important, because the job holders are expected to share financial position of the company to key stakeholders as at a given time.
Two security officers will be hired through the selection process. The key responsibility of the officers will be to ensure only authorized entry and exit from the company premises. One officer will join the night shift security team, and the other officer will be part of the day shift security team. There are several responsibilities for the security officers. One role entails recording all vehicle exit and entry. Secondly, the security officer ensures only authorized entry and exit from the premises. The security officers also record all company properties that enter and leave the organization premises. The security act as the first organization contact; thus they should appropriately receive visitors and then direct them to appropriate offices and individuals, or adequately address their queries. In the security officer, the computers are connected to CCTV cameras, and thus the security officers can monitor activities in all parts of the company. This is the reason why certain qualifications by the candidates must be met, so as to be competent in their roles. The position requires basic education level. Hence, this position is opened to high school graduates, who have the desire of pursuing further on-the-job training and coaching, with great possibilities for future career advancement to supervisory positions based on job knowledge. The job holders are required to be youthful, because the security officers’ job is mainly physical. The position does not require any previous work experience. The two chosen candidates will be given adequate mentorship and training while performing the job. The job holders must also have good communication skills, because they will be continuously communication with key organization stakeholders, especially when entering and leaving the company premises. He/she should be socially agreeable; so as to effectively understand the needs and interests of the individuals they continuously interact with. They should be open to new ideas, especially during training sessions and when communication to company stakeholders.
One staff welfare officer will also be hired during the selection process. The key aim for this position is to enhance work-life balance and also ensure favorable work environment. The welfare officers will perform five key roles. He/she will be responsible for ensuring health and safety at the workplace. The working conditions should be free from hazards of any form. The welfare officers will also ensure comfortable working environment, through initiating flexible working environments. The welfare officer also ensures quick dispute resolution process in the organization; this enables employees to be comfortable. Employees must be involved in decision making process. The welfare officer has the major responsibility of developing avenues that will ensure employees participate in company communication and provide opinions. Thus, the welfare officer is a significant role in the company, and the person who possesses the position must have competent characteristics. Thus the job specification of the job holder must have adequate academic competencies. The minimum academic qualification for this position is a university degree. Candidates with higher qualifications will have added advantage. The cognitive abilities required for this position should also be very high. This is because the position requires a lot of critical thinking. The holder must also be a good communicator. This competency will enable the job holder to share information with the employees in the most effective manner. The holder of the staff welfare officer should also have enough extroversion skills, to ensure smooth relationship and communication with the employees. Other important characteristics involve agreeableness and openness. Openness enables the officer to effectively share information with the staff members. Agreeableness involves the officer understanding the challenges experienced by the employees, and also understanding their interests.
The database of the applicants illustrates diverse competencies and abilities. The selection team put a lot of effort in identifying the qualified candidates based on the job specifications and also job descriptions. The selection panel chose two security officer candidates from the hiring database, for final approval by the head of the human resource department. The successful security officers are; applicant 4 and applicant 17. Applicant 4 is male youth because of his age of 21 years. Thus, he has the required aggressiveness, motivation, and energy needed to perform the job. The candidate has high school level of education, and thus he will be given further training. The experience level for the job is one year and, therefore, he understands the basic security policies and practices. The cognitive ability of the candidate is 96. This cognitive level shows adequate mental understanding and critical thinking. The agreeableness level is above average at 3.22. This explains that the officer will relate appropriately with company stakeholders. The second security officer qualifies for the position because of youthful nature (21 years) and basic education of high school level, because she will be subjected to further training. She has no former security experience, which is acceptable and proper situation for easily accepting new ideas. She has adequate cognitive level of 86, and thus can reason intelligently. She has no criminal record, and this quality is desirable for a security officer. Her social skills are enough at 3.62, and thus have adequate abilities of relating with people.
The staff welfare position candidate that emerged successful in the selection process is applicant 14. The 30 year old female applicant has a master degree in human resource management. This explains the high level of job knowledge. Her work experience in the human resource department is also adequate at 5 years. Her cognitive ability is above average at 120, and hence is a strategic thinker and can effectively analyze company situations with the aim of generating positive feedback. Her extraversion level is above average at 3.57, and thus she adequately socializes with staffs to understand their needs and interests. She is realistic at 3.15, therefore, she can properly understand the needs of staffs, and recommend to management the appropriate solutions.

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"Sample Essay On Personnel Selection," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 27-Mar-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/sample-essay-on-personnel-selection/. [Accessed: 29-Mar-2025].
Sample Essay On Personnel Selection. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/sample-essay-on-personnel-selection/. Published Mar 27, 2021. Accessed March 29, 2025.

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