Type of paper: Report

Topic: Strategy, Organization, Business, Environment, Company, Value, Entrepreneurship, Information

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/27

The organizational environment determine to a great extent, the success and going concern in the long run. In every corner of enterprise decision making, organizational environment is shaped by a system of values, rules, regulation, aims, and physical premises. The systems are what determine an organizational culture. Organizational culture encourages smooth and constant flow of information, fair competition, and best human resources practices. Therefore, this reveals how enterprise remote environment help in decision making.
Organization culture is a way of thinking that is unique in particular situation to encourage autonomous and creativity in corporate thinking. Investing in people and improvement in company’s brand increases the attractiveness and optimizes on the companies' profile. Good organizational culture are driven by the forces of change that encourage lifelong learning, commemorate the best talents as well as enhancing professional and entrepreneurial skills. Maintaining sustainable commitment to community service involves corporate citizenship ,and environmental conservation.
Towards organization competitive advantages are the people, products, and environment. Industrial economic drive is determined by strategic objective, source of information and business strategic plan in place and entire value chain. If we rebrand from inside through employee unity, teamwork, and motivation we will have a competitive organization. In his book, cultures of production, Du Gay (1997, pp.12-13) reveals that excellence of an enterprise lies in the shared way in which members have learned to think, feel, and act as this arouse the interest of the business and other organization.
The business society is faced with lots of challenges mostly attributed to the rapid changes in the market environment. This has partly been due to the introduction and the use of more sophisticated technologies which link businesses through electronic systems. With proper technology in place, we have seen changes in productivity, shifts in demand and supply, people being able to share knowledge and information, and it has made it easier for innovation and new inventions through research and analytical work. When faced with such challenges, most organization management determines a strategic and structured approach through creative entrepreneurship.
Innovation is a continuous process that involves creation and formation of strategic ideas in a tangible service or benefits that attract and bring value to the customer. Innovation is an inclusive process beyond organization satisfaction to meet the desire of other interested parties. It involves both social and economic context. On the same note corporate environment involves strategic management, which drives the organization in a competitive environment. Therefore, to wholly address issues of creativity and innovation in pursuit of organization objectives, the company employs strategic approach.
Appropriate strategies combined with innovation are the necessary pillars for stimulating economic growth and development. Open-mindedness and observant individual play a critical role in supporting the entity. They bestow in them the mandate to come up with a solution or preventive measures that will curb challenges and add value to the business. In so doing, the critical thinker would gather intelligence in form of data, analyze it and came up with a practical solution that would generate a competitive advantage. Business intelligence is all about value creation in the business enterprise (Martin, M.J.C,. 1994), and is therefore of vital importance for every organization decision strategies.
The world today is viewed as being in an information age, which is important to give leads to untapped business opportunities. The innovation is a process of acquiring high quality information about a particular subject matter by observation, analyses, evaluation, and data collection through interview and questioning. This is done to enable individual analyses the information, draw conclusion or make assumptions taking into consideration organization processes and technologies in place that can be manipulated to come up with a value added outcome.
The general life satisfaction of the corporate environment is characterized by a system of shared values and pursuance of the common purpose with strategic appreciation of good personnel, customer orientation, and business transparency. The association between organization, people, and management science is a blue print of perfect, efficient, and Communitarian Company’s mission structure. It stated by Pearce J.A., & Robinson R.B., (2013) that investment in people and management science will boost corporate and business computing global market through value added production and design line.
In highly globalized business environment, there is an increase in knowledge base. Success in the knowledge controlled economy employ the involvement of professional and expertise in developing business opportunities. In the pursuit of global opportunities, is the need to adopt an excellent model that will spur discipline and growth plan. This model cannot be sustained without an environmental conservation strategy and recognizing the people who work for the organization. Therefore, these are key factors that enable an organization to create and sustain a global competitive advantage.
In so far as that is concerned, having a business life line and following high standards seem as the effective risk mitigation strategy in global environment. This is achieved by showing commitment to create value for the company, adopting international strategies built on a set of values and concepts that are consistent with highly successful organizations. So, the value added approach is through commitment, aspiration, and statistical quality control techniques.


Du Gay, P. (1997). Introduction, in Production of Culture/cultures of production. Milton
Keynes: The Open University Press. PP. 12-13
Martin, M. J. C. (1994). Managing innovation and entrepreneurship in technology-based firms.
New York: Wiley.
Pearce J.A. & Robinson R.B. (2013). Strategic Management: Planning for Domestic and Global
Competition. 13th ed. New York, NY: Mc Graw Hill.

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Sample Report On Str Wk 2. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/sample-report-on-str-wk-2/. Published Dec 27, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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