Sample Research Paper On AMD Vs Intel Processors

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Computers, Intel, Processor, Power, Performance, Brand, Cost, System

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2021/03/23

Which processor is better: The one from AMD or the one from Intel? These questions are constantly becoming the subject of heated debate on the Internet. The owners of the processors of different brands are fiercely arguing with each other, in fact, in most cases dealt only with their "favorites." Accordingly, in the course of this topic, it is almost impossible to establish the truth.
Processor industry is not less dynamic than other areas of information technology. Constant improvements and the recent release of new micro-architecture if not done at the beginning of 2015 the revolutionary breakthroughs, at least each of us were given with more choices within certain classes of CPUs. My aim is to discuss what processor is better - Intel or AMD, as well as to conduct a comparison of processors to the system for different tasks. I must say that the views on this topic are very subjective and can be supported and refuted by anyone and without consequence. As this is rather controversial topic this essay will not give privilege to one party or another, everything will be based on the actual situation of the world market of CPUs.(Bourque, 2014)
Intel Corporation and Advanced Micro Devices were founded around the same time: in 1968 and 1969 respectively. That means that behind the back of both companies there is a great experience as in the production of processors, and in competition between them. But somehow, in the environment of simple users Intel is more known brand than Advanced Micro Devices. And even in some of the antediluvian technical educational institutions old and painful to all techies students processor i8080 are still studied in detail. AMD at this time released clones 8080 as processors called Am9080. The first one processor of AMD that was good in all aspects may be called proprietary processor Am2900. But that is enough about old processors with a frequency of 3 MHz, executed by the process technology and equipped with 6 mm 8-bit data bus. Now we will slowly move directly to the topic of our discussion, and to modern processors with a joyful performance.(Goettler & Gordon, 2011)
It is very important to note that the description and resolution of the dilemma of «which one processor is better: AMD or Intel» should be approached comprehensively and from different angles, as a usual consumer needs one set of functions and an avid gamer or overclocker needs quite another set of functions. I must say that the appropriate answer to this question has to be dynamic, as the computer technologies tend to change extremely fast.
The first thing that draws the attention of most people is the price of the processor. After all, not everyone can afford to spend an extra hundred of dollars on computer components, and not in all cases it is advisable to do so. AMD processors can be referred to secondary and even economy class. If you are very limited in the budget, but your goal is to build a system of modern generation, the better way is to give preference to this company. For example, a quad-core AMD FX-4350 with a frequency of 4.2 GHz costs pretty much cheaper than the equivalent of Intel. Intel took a different path, significantly inflating prices on its processors. Therefore, they are unlikely to be cost-effective solution for the computer of accountant or any office worker.(Stevenson, 2015)
Just for the sake of what we buy a powerful processor for, we should speak about its performance, speed, the ability to solve tasks that we assign to it. AMD, though not demonstrating outstanding results appear to be an excellent value for the cost of performance. When these processors are properly configured, they work steadily without any complaints. With the AMD processors you receive excellently implemented multitasking, what means that the user can easily run multiple applications at the same time. A similar model of Intel in this plan will show a much more modest results. Also the attention should be paid to the predisposition to disperse: by using the standard software the performance of most AMD processors without any problems can be increased by 10-20% compared to the factory settings.(Walton, 2015)
Except for multitasking, Intel appears to be ahead of AMD in all other aspects. Already due to the fact that the most recognized developers of applications and games have the priority to optimize their creations to work under the processors that were produced by Intel, the performance of the work by Intel is much higher than by AMD. In addition, the memory clock speed of the second and the third level is much faster, and work with RAM is implemented on the highest level. Work with 3D-graphics, photo and video editing, and other intensive tasks - for these purposes it is recommended to take Intel's solution (yet another running application is active, there is a substantial increase in performance). For this reason, Intel is a favorite brand of processors for gamers, where CPU power plays second most important role after the power card.(Williams, 2014)
Power consumption and heat release is a very important criterion not only for those wishing to save money, but also for the owners who own laptops. The lower the power consumption, the longer it will last without recharging the battery of the device. With the heat everything seems to be clear, the process of overheating leads to a disruption in the operation and output components of the system.
Brand AMD processors consume relatively more power than their competitors, which is why you need to pay more attention to the selection of the motherboard and power supply. Otherwise, critical problem, brakes, hovering may appear. The same applies to the heat, which is still quite high (especially for older models), because of what the standard cooler that comes with the processor, cannot cope with cooling at high load. It is strongly recommended buying CPU from AMD, buy with it a quality cooling from Zalman, or other well-known brand.(Williams, 2014)
Intel in most cases appear to be much more economical and less heated. However, there has not been without exception. Older models of Intel Core i5 and i7 processors have already caught up with the flagship AMD and even exceeded their power to 5 watts with all the ensuing consequences. Now buying quality motherboard, power supply and good cooling has become a priority for anyone who uses a computer at full power.(Williams, 2014)
It is hard to say which brand’s processors are better. Both companies manage to produce quality processors, all arising from a single model deficiencies promptly removed in the next. Intel's dominance in the market caused not so much by its performance advantage (they just are not that great), but because of professional work of marketers who skillfully advertise their goods. In any computer shop with a probability of 95% you will be advised to take a processor form Intel. On the other hand, competition with such a strong opponent forced AMD to significantly reduce the cost of their products, which makes it good to buy processor at affordable rates for a very demanding user.


Bourque, B. (2014). Intel vs. AMD: Which brand of CPU should you choose when building a PC?. Digital Trends. Retrieved 22 April 2015, from
Goettler, R., & Gordon, B. (2011). Does AMD Spur Intel to Innovate More?. Journal Of Political Economy, 119(6), 1141-1200. doi:10.1086/664615
Stevenson, D. (2015). AMD vs Intel: which you should buy. PC Advisor. Retrieved 22 April 2015, from
Walton, S. (2015). The Best CPU for the Money: AMD vs. Intel Budget Shootout. TechSpot. Retrieved 22 April 2015, from
Williams, M. (2014). Intel vs AMD: which processor is best?. TechRadar. Retrieved 22 April 2015, from

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