Sample Research Paper On Diabetes Mellitus

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Hepatitis, Hepatitis C, World, Variation, Health, Development, Diabetes, Study

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/05

International Variation in Drug Use

This section focuses on global prevalence of diabetes mellitus, identifying it as one of the contemporary health challenges. It also describes global economic impact of diabetes and the anticipated future expenses. Additionally, this section identifies certain challenges that are faced in relation to the management of diabetes type 1 and 2. The other important aspect of global prevalence of diabetes discussed in this section is the variation that occurs in regard to prevalence of diabetes in various parts of the world. The section highlights and discusses causes of variation in global major economies for instance: Germany, France, USA, United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, Spain and Canada. Consequently, case studies regarding variation in regard to diabetes prevalence and medication are provided in this section.


Apart from HIV/AIDS, Cancer and Leukemia, diabetes mellitus is also among health challenges that have affected global populace overtime. Research has not provided any form of medical remedies against diabetes mellitus. However, I believe in a collaborative research approach where experts from different disciplines work in partnership to determine the most effective modes of treatment. This solution can effectively work through development of regional reseacg centers that accommodate research stakeholders from various parts of the globe.

Hepatitis C

In this section, the author focuses on a discussion of Hepatitis C as one of the leading global health challenges. The section begins by describing the scientific meaning of hepatitis and its associated health consequences. Moreover, the introductory section highlights and explicates efficacy of current treatment measured and how they have facilitated reduction of hepatitis outbreak as a global health menace. Additionally, this section explores variation of hepatitis C drug usage, majorly focusing on developed nations as mentioned in the Diabetes mellitus section. Statistical data regarding variation of Hepatitis C drug usage is also provided in this section. Another important issue covered in the section is studies that have been conducted in regard to variation of Hepatitis C drug usage. The studies mentioned majorly focus in England and a general study that was performed by World Health Organization in Hepatitis C medication. Consequently, this section highlights and explains health services as well as features that can assist in explaining variations in hepatitis C medication. This data is provided by the WHO study conducted in the UK indicating variation of services and features that have been implemented to assist in the management of Hepatitis C.
This section focuses on majorly on Hepatitis C, however, there are various types of Hepatitis that have been considered health threats. Taking this factor into consideration, the researcher fails to provide the reason why this study majorly focused on Hepatitis C, rather than all types of Hepatitis. It would have been of great important to explain the reason why among the different strains of Hepatitis viruses, Hepatitis C appears to of great consideration in this study. In addition, the case study provided in this section majorly focus on the variation of drug usage on Hepatitis C among developed nations. That is, the research does not approach the discussion on a global perspective; that is in a manner that covers both developed and developing nations. In this regard, this information can be considered more relevant to the developed nations compared to developing nations. It would have been appropriate to award this research a global perspective in a manner that gives a global outlook of the disease in concern. This could have been achieved by incorporating health data from developed nations as well as a few selected developing and least developed nations.
Hepatitis C is a global health challenge. It requires a multi-disciplinary and a participatory approach geared toward formulating appropriate solutions and preventive measures. Multi-disciplinary approach would involve the participation of stakeholders from different fields i.e. social scientists, medical professionals, medical engineers et cetera. This would ensure contribution of diverse ideas leading to effective preventive and medication measures on Hepatitis C.

Work Cited

Nolte, Ellen, and Jennie Corbett. International Variation of Drug Usage: An Exploratory Analysis of the Causes of Variation. Santa Monica, Califf: RAND Corporation, 2014. 1-79. Print.

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Sample Research Paper On Diabetes Mellitus. Free Essay Examples - Published Dec 05, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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