Sample Research Paper On How To Find And Get A Job

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Workplace, Job, Internet, Interview, Letter, Cover Letter, Company, Writing

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2021/02/05

Finding and getting a job could be one of the most important life events a person engages in. After all, we derive a sense of accomplishment -- as well as money, of course -- from our employment. Thus, tips for finding and getting a job are of the utmost importance -- especially in today's highly-competitive job market. Nowadays, jobs are scarce, and only those who are adequately prepared can better their odds of landing a good job. The advice below, if applied, will help you do exactly that.


Time Management
Time management is an important part of any job search. According to Williams (2015), 75% of any job search should be spent on what is called "focused networking". Focused networking is simply getting to know the people in your network in person. Despite the popularity of on-line tools (such as LinkedIn or, in-person networking is much more effective (Williams, internet).

A Proactive Approach

A proactive approach, as opposed to a reactive approach, entails "getting out there", and utilizing personal recommendations, and not sitting back, waiting for your job contact to respond. Rather, it is wise to obtain referrals from your personal contacts, and follow up with informational meetings (Williams, internet).

Stay positive

Staying positive, and focusing on small achievements will help you conquer frustration, in the long run. Even if you do all of the footwork, those who can maintain a positive mentality will beat out the rest. Thus, the psychological benefits of having a positive attitude go a long way.


As every job seeker knows, the resume is extremely important, but few job seekers have much of a clue about how to write a winning resume. Simply put, a targeted resume is customized for the job you are applying for. This entails a great deal of research about the company to which you are applying, information such as mission statements, populations served, services provided, length of time in business, as well as who works at the organization (, internet). The ultimate goal of a targeted resume is to show the prospective employer that your skills are the perfect match for their required qualifications. Using keywords and phrases help immensely. Furthermore, it is helpful to keep in mind that your targeted resume should use action words, transferrable skills (skills that can apply to more than one discipline or industry), specific tasks performed at jobs, and outcomes, which are achievements or results -- or both (, internet). The use of numbers (such as "increased revenue by 10%) makes your targeted resume more specific and effective.


Again, most job seekers are well aware of the necessity of a great cover letter, but few take the time to master the skill, let alone apply it towards their unique job search. Writing a cover letter demands research, be it on the internet or by checking out books from your local library. The following bulleted points will help you write a better cover letter, one that gets noticed. Maybe it does not need to be said, but also dress for the interview appropriately (business casual usually works), be manicured, clean, and well-groomed.

Draw a Venn Diagram

A circular highlight of "your skills" and your prospective employer's ideal candidate. Themes, as well as keywords, will emerge from the Venn Diagram, which will assist you in writing a better, more-specific cover letter (Sen-Gupta, internet).

Be Specific

You need to write your cover letter directly to the contact person as well as the company. Be specific about what skills you can offer the organization, and include a call to action, which means that you would like a formal interview (Sen-Gupta, internet).
When writing your cover letter, appeal to the core values of the company -- after you have researched them --- especially their mission statement (Sen-Gupta, internet). Such an appeal shows that your values resonate with the organizational values.

Use Keywords/References

Just as with your resume, you need to use industry-specific -- and company-specific -- keywords that show you know what you are talking about, and that you are in sync with the company's job requirements (Sen-Gupta, internet). However, potential employers will be turned off by the use of too much jargon.

Be original and Avoid Overselling Yourself

Avoid the use of cliches and trite jargon. Make yourself stand out from the pack, and do not be afraid of risk taking in your cover letter. This is an opportunity to give your potential employer a glimpse of your true self. Also, avoid cockiness and show how you can serve the company by replacing the pronoun "I" as much as possible (Sen-Gupta, internet).


It is important to not be intimidated during an interview, and not show that you are pressured. If an interview attempts to use scare tactics, do not lose your composure. Stay relaxed, grounded, and cool under fire. Many employers will ask "left-field" questions such as "Who is your favorite President", and then argue against your response. This is a tactic designed to see how well you react under pressure, and once again, it is important to remain calm, cool, and collected (LearnVest, internet).

Questions about your "Greatest Weakness"

Answer these questions as thoughtfully and truthfully as possible, avoiding cliched responses like "I work too hard", or "I do not delegate enough". Everyone does these things from time to time, so they are trite answers and do not show honesty.

Early-Onset Salary Question (LearnVest, internet)

There are two ways to answer this question: save it for later by requesting that you and your interviewer discuss compensation at a later date, or name a very high figure, which helps deflect the question. It is important to at least appear uninterested in monetary compensation.

The Hypothetical Question and the Hobbies Question (LearnVest, internet)

The hypothetical question is designed to determine how you would react to a given scenario by the interviewer. These are "What would you do if?" kinds of questions, and are best answered by exhibiting your "prior experience and problem-solving skills" (LearnVest, internet). The so-called hobbies question seems innocuous on the surface, but common interests (or conflicting) interests can make or break the rapport you have established with the interviewer, thus jeopardizing your chances of getting hired for the company.

Works Cited

Creating Your Targeted Resume. (n.d.) Retrieved on 08 Apr 2015 from
LearnVest. (24 Apr, 2013). "8 Tips for Acing a Tough Job Interview." Retrieved on 08 Apr 2015 from job-interview/3/
Sen-Gupta, Gianna. (09 Apr, 2014). "Expert Advice: 8 Tips for Writing a Standout Cover Letter." Retrieved on 08 Apr 2015 from cover-letter/
Williams, Mary Eileen. (03 Jan, 2015). "4 Power-Packed Resolutions for Job Search 2015." Retrieved on 08 Apr 2015 from job-after-50_b_6372590.html

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Sample Research Paper On How To Find And Get A Job. Free Essay Examples - Published Feb 05, 2021. Accessed October 18, 2024.

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