Sample Research Proposal On Effects Of Smoking On Academic Performance

Type of paper: Research Proposal

Topic: Smoking, Health, Tobacco, Students, Performance, Body, Education, School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/23


While tobacco has been known to cause several forms of heath complications including different strains of cancer, not much has been said about how it affects academic performance. Smoking is generally considered asocial evil (Brock, William and Durlauf 51). In the society, it is treated with disdain and school going youths are discouraged in many ways rom smoking (DiFranza 336). Tobacco is easily one of the substances that can have devastating effects on almost all parts of the body. Smoking attacks and destroys all major organs of the body. It can therefore lead to systemic failure of the body. In most cases, this would be lethal (Chaloupka and Michael 114).
The effects of smoking on academic performance are often linked to its devastating health effects (Russell 294). Students who smoke are more likely to develop respiratory problems as well as other health complications (Chaloupka 22). This inevitably keeps them away from school for long hours. Where smoking students are able to attend their classes, they may not be healthy enough to concentrate in class due to infections related to smoking (Hogan 951). Research on this topic is therefore very important as it will give insight into the nexus between smoking and academic performance (SAMHSA 17).
This research is majorly going to rely on secondary sources. Reference will be made to reports and data from health institution on the effects of smoking on health. Books, journals and other materials where the effects of tobacco have been written will also be used. This information will be used to qualify the research topics and the findings made at the end of the research. While this research departs from the premise that smoking is bad for health, it will seek to uncover more in terms of how smoking affects academic performance in school. This is important as very little has been done on the subject.
The outline of this paper is going to be plain and simple. First, a comprehensive introduction will be done to give the reader sufficient background on the topic. Research methods will then be reviewed under the methodology section. Thereafter, literature review will be undertaken on the topic. This will be followed by the results, findings, conclusion and recommendations.

Work Cited

Russell, MA, “The nicotine addiction trap: A 40 year sentence for four cigarettes,” British Journal of Addiction 85(2):293-300, February 1990.
DiFranza, JR, et al., “Tobacco Acquisition and Cigarette Brand Selection Among Youth,” Tobacco Control 3:334-38, 1994.
Hogan, MJ,“Adolescent Medicine: Diagnosis & Treatment of Teen Drug Use,” The Medical Clinics of North America 84(4):927-66, July 2000.
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), HHS, Results from the 2008 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, NSDUH: Detailed Tables, Retrieved from on 18th March 2015.
Brock, William and Steven N. Durlauf. Discrete Choice with Social Interactions.
Review of Economic Studies, 68: 235-260, 2001.
and Neighborhood on Disadvantaged Youths”. NBER Working Paper, 3705, 1991.
Chaloupka, Frank J. “Rational Addictive Behavior and Cigarette Smoking”. Journal of
Political Economy, 99: 722-742, 1991.
Chaloupka, Frank.J., and Michael Grossman (1996). Price, Tobacco Control Policies, and Youth
Smoking, NBER Working Paper 5740.

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