Sample Thesis Proposal On Human Cultural Intelligence

Type of paper: Thesis Proposal

Topic: Intelligence, Information, People, Culture, Goals, Employee, Workplace, Management

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/10/20

Project proposal

Over the past, questions have been raised about the relationship that exists between a person’s intelligence and cultural background, and the manner that they perform in their job/work places. Although a lot of research has been carried in this field, no conclusive answers have been given, capable of satisfying the public. Because of this, my research will be based on the need to give a conclusive answer as to whether there is a relationship between diversity and cultural intelligence. In doing this, the research will take the format of an essay; with various sub-topics to ensure that the various aspects of the topic are clearly addressed in a manner that is not only simple to understand, but also enjoyable and appealing to readers.

History and nature of the problem

For years, human resource managers have faced challenges when hiring employees. One major challenge entails whether the potential employees are likely to meet the expectations and fulfill their potential. Such uncertainties have resulted to some managers employing only people from specific regions because of their perceived ‘industrious nature’. With this, discrimination and unfair treatment is always promoted. By carrying out this research, I intend to address such issues and ensure everybody is treated equally. To add up on this, the research will also seek to explain what makes some people more focused and able to adapt to various environments than others.

Definition of the problem

Personal intelligence has in most cases been associated with cultural setting. Whether this is true or not is debatable, depending on the approach that one may take. Available data tends to show that even when all conditions and factors are kept constant, certain geographical areas produce people with high intelligence when compared to other areas. This is despite the fact that such individuals may be put in similar conditions, for instance, same schools, attending same classes. In this research, I will analyze people from different geographical settings and monitor how they cope to various measures of testing intelligence and their ability to cope to different settings. This will give a better perspective as to whether human intelligence has anything to do with the culture of a person.

Research objectives/Significance of the research

Like any other research, my research will be guided by certain objectives. Such objectives are as explained below:
Collection of data
In going about this research, I will first analyze the available literature about the problem at hand. As a matter of fact, a lot has been explained about intelligence and cultural background. By reviewing the literature, I will explain what the current situation and available information is like. In going about this project, I will mainly employ primary data. Through interviews and first-hand analysis, I will get the necessary information required to make a valid conclusion. The research will involve people from various parts of the world so as to better understand the forces and how they work.

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"Sample Thesis Proposal On Human Cultural Intelligence." WePapers, Oct 20, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.
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"Sample Thesis Proposal On Human Cultural Intelligence," Free Essay Examples -, 20-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Sample Thesis Proposal On Human Cultural Intelligence. Free Essay Examples - Published Oct 20, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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