Seha Literature Review Literature Review

Type of paper: Literature Review

Topic: Health, Health Care, Services, Information, Medicine, Business, Quality, Workplace

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Published: 2020/12/12

Anderson, L., Scrimshaw, S., Fullilove, M., Fielding, J., & Normand, J. (2003).Culturally competent healthcare systems. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 24(3), 68-79.
Culturally competent healthcare systems are those that have the capacity to provide both linguistically and culturally appropriate services. Such providers have the capacity to reduce ethical and racial health disparities in the provision of health services. One thing that hampers the provision of qualities services in the healthcare system is when the clients are unable to understand what the health care providers are telling them. It is even worse when the providers do not seem to understand the client’s language or they seem a bit insensitive to the cultural differences. The paper presents five major improvements that can make sure that such problems are properly death with. One of the strategies is to recruit more staff that reflect the cultural diversity of the society, consider the use of bilingual or interpreter services for clients that have difficulties in speaking English. It also proposes the use of cultural competency training for the staff. Finally, the paper proposes the use of materials that are linguistically and culturally appropriate to the specific setting of the society. Though the paper does not determine the effectiveness of this strategy, it provides a good background on which one can analyze and understand the need to have a healthcare that is culturally and linguistically sensitive. The problem of cultural disparities is also one of the problems that SEHA faces and this paper provides critical solutions to the problems.
Ideally, customer satisfaction is vital to the provision of healthcare services. That paper provides important clues to solving the problems of customer satisfaction. With the solutions that the article provides, it is possible to enhance the quality of services that the hospital provides to its clients. It is clear the problem of quality has been facing this hospital for sometimes, and this paper provides quite important tools to solve the problem.
Bates, D., Cohen, M., Leape, L., Overhage, J., Shabot, M., & Sheridan, T. (2001).Reducing the Frequency of Errors in Medicine Using Information Technology. Journal Of The American Medical Informatics Association, 8(4), 299-308.
There is substantial evidence that shows how errors frequently occur in the medical environments, and the results are always harmful. Taking this knowledge in mind the paper analyzes the frequency of these errors in the medical care and proposes strategies that can reduce such instances. The paper recommends the use information technology to reduce these errors and subsequently improve the service delivery in the healthcare environments. The author gives the following recommendations. Implementation of clinical decision support judiciously is one of the recommendations that these paper proposes. As well, it is necessary to consider the consequent actions when designing any systems. It is also important for the current systems to be tested so as to show the errors that the systems have. It also proposes the adoption of standards that analyze systems and data. At the same time, there is need to develop systems that can communicate with each other. Measurement is also necessary since there is a need to develop systems that can measure and also prevent adverse consequences. This will make sure that quality structures are meaningful. The new system should come with quality measures such as bar-coding for the medications, devices, blood, and even patients. It is important that the Medicare systems embrace modern electronic systems that can make it possible to communicate issues such as asynchronous data that can facilitate proper service delivery.
This paper provides background data that can be used to analyze the effectiveness of the system that I propose. The recommendations that the author provides in this paper gives me a perspective on how I should make my system error proof and also effective.
Duda, C., Rajaram, K., Barz, C., & Rosenthal, J. (2013).A Framework for Improving Access and Customer Service Times in Health Care. The Health Care Manager, 32(3), 212-226.
This paper seeks to analyze various ways in which the medical care can be enhanced. The concept of health is redefined and reviewed with an aim of developing a framework that can affect how the population at risk gets access to medical services. Various aspects of measuring medical services are assessed. As well, the paper develops a theoretical framework that is based on the population receptors as the major indicators of the relevant aspects of population access to medical services. Ideally I choose this paper because it provides more knowledge on how to analyze the effectiveness of provision of medical services. Since it provides a framework of analyzing the access to medical services, it provides me with the opportunity to assess how quality my proposal is. The framework from this article helps me to narrow down onto the specific problems in the institution and to see the way towards handling them.
Franco, L., Bennett, S., &Kanfer, R. (2002). Health sector reform and public sector health worker motivation: a conceptual framework. Social Science & Medicine, 54(8), 1255-1266.
Motivation in the workplace is simply the individual’s degree of willingness to maintain and exert some efforts toward achieving the organization's goals. Most notably, the health care sector greatly depends on the worker's motivation. For the services to be quality, efficient, and equal then the worker must be ready to demonstrate the willingness to carry out their tasks. This article argues that financial incentives may be important for determining the worker's motivation, but they cannot solely solve the worker's motivation. The complexity of employee's motivation requires the input of other factors such economics, psychology, human resource management, sociology and organizational development. It requires the understanding of the internal individual level factors that interact with the external factors to facilitate motivation. The paper mentions that some of the issues that affect the worker's motivation are the reforms in the health sector. These changes affect issues such organization culture, human resource management, reporting structure, accountability channels and client interaction models.
This paper provides insight into one of the most important factors that affects service provision in the health sector. Motivation of employees is one of the things that need to be analyzed carefully when improving the quality of services in the healthcare sector. I find this paper vital in the development of this project.
Jha, A., Doolan, D., Grandt, D., Scott, T., & Bates, D. (2008).The use of health information technology in seven nations. International Journal Of Medical Informatics, 77(12), 848-854.
This paper analyzes the use of health and information Technology and its adoption in seven industrialized nations. The information that one gets from this paper is empirical because it uses various credible sources of information such as interviews and literature review. Four nations that are at the top in the use of technology in the provision of health care include the UK, Australia, Germany, Australia and New Zealand. In these countries, data revealed that the use of EHRs or electronic health record was at 90%. Canada and the USA had a percentage use of the EHRs that ranged between 10-30%. It also emerges that all the hospitals that were examined the seven countries had no key components of EHR. Most of the data that was found showed that EHR was used on ambulatory services. On the contrary, the implementation of inpatient on EHR was quite low.
Ideally, this paper provides vital information on analyzing how the world and especially the developed world view the use of IT in the provision of medical services. There seems to be a lot of challenges that come around with the use of it, but there are merits to using the technology. This paper provides insight to understanding the challenges of using technology in healthcare. The information in this article provides a basis on what I can develop my system to make sure it serves the purpose with which it is intended for.
Sureshchandar, G., Rajendran, C., &Anantharaman, R. (2002).The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction – a factor specific approach. Journal Of Services Marketing, 16(4), 363-379.
In the past few years, there has been a rise in the attention given to the relationship that exists between service quality and customer satisfaction. These have majorly come about since it is thought that there is the need to understand the relationship that exists between these two issues how they affect the quest to ensure healthcare services are at the best. One thing that the paper mentions is that there are still a lot of uncertainties that shroud the exact relationship that exist between customer satisfaction and service quality. Most importantly, there is uncertainty on how the two constructs have been operationalized. While some researchers opt to use multiple item scale to operationalize customer satisfaction other opt to use only one item scale. That paper seeks to present quite a different and new approach which views customer service and service quality as a multidimensional construct. The paper argues that both service quality and customer satisfaction should be operationalized on the same factors. It is this approach that forms the basis for analyzing customer satisfaction and service quality. From the result of the investigation, the paper argues that the two are independent, but at the same time they are closely related. In this case, when one of the factors increase then the other one might also increase.
This paper provides a strong basis on which I analyze my proposal. From the evidence from SEHA, it is clear that service provision in the institution is poor at the same time the quality is poor. The paper provides vital impetus that I can use to analyze the provision of service in these institutions and as such propose the measures that can be used to get solutions. I choose this paper because ideally it provides a framework that can guide me through the analysis of service quality and customer service at SEHA.
Vilma, Z., &Egle, K. (2007).Improving motivation among health care workers in private health care organizations. Baltic Journal Of Management, 2(2), 213-224.
The paper analyzes issues related to the provision of healthcare in Tanzania. Despite the fact, that the country’s healthcare systems are well spread, there are still issues of bypassing. The paper analyses and seeks to explore the experience of health workers working in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania and getting their perspectives on issue of motivation to work, frustration satisfaction with the aim to identify the most effective sustainable policies. The issues that arise from the study reveal that most healthcare providers have issue that revolves around the complexities of multitasking especially in environments that have a shortage of staff. As well, many mentioned that they needed a more structured and supportive supervision from managers. The issue of transparency in the career development opportunities also seemed to take an upper hand on motivation of healthcare providers.
This paper provides a wide a range of information on the issue of employee motivation. This is one of the vital issues that determine service delivery in the healthcare environment. If the healthcare providers are not motivated, then it is quite hard for them to deliver quality services. I choose to use these paper because the environments that the research is done have some similarity with SEHA. The issues also presented by the healthcare providers in this paper have a lot of similarity with the issues raised by healthcare providers at SEHA. Ideally this paper has a lot of information that is vital to my work.,.(2015). Health Data and Information Analysis Department. Retrieved 7 March 2015, from
One of the most effective ways to gather information about anything especially on technical issues is to use a survey. Survey always provides vital first-hand information on any problems. It is important then to use such a methodology when looking for data. As such, any source of information that uses survey as a model of data collection can provide vital information when one is making such a research. In this case, this site provides vital data and analysis to various issues that revolve around the provision of healthcare in various environments. The research provided in this site analyses various healthcare issue in the UAE and also provides some important measures to be taken so as to solve the problem. This site was also vital because it provided me with various surveys that have been conducted in the UAE. The analysis of these surveys provided me with a solid framework under which I developed my policy. I believe that this site informed my strategy in a big way., (2015). Middle East Health Magazine. Retrieved 7 March 2015, from
The site mentions some of the advantages of having a federal government and how it affects the implementation of medical policies. It analyses some of the disparities in term of policy formulation and implementation between to the three regions in the UAE. The paper goes ahead to analyses how the public-private participation has enhanced the provision of healthcare in the various regions of the UAE. The paper shows the advantages that come about when both the private and the public get involved in the provision of healthcare services. Through such cooperation, it is easy to enhance and develop the provision of healthcare. The website was important to me as it provided me with quite a wealth of information on the health developments that have been taking place in the UAE. I needed this site so as to understand some of the issues that have troubled medical institutions and how they have been solved. From this article, I found vital information that makes me understand the need for cooperation between both the society the private sector in the provision of healthcare. It is important to have such knowledge when developing a system such as the one that I have developed.,.(2015). 2011 healthcare statistics revealedUAE - The Official Web Site - News. Retrieved 7 March 2015, from
The paper analyses the issue of mortality rate and how it has reduced in the past five years. The paper gives various statistics on the causes of death in the UAE and gives specific figures on such issues. The site provides data on both the present and the previous health situation around the UAE. With clear analysis of these issues, one can understand the challenges in the UAE and how to solve them. The paper also goes ahead to show the efforts that various institution have done to better the healthcare systems in the UAE. Such a site was necessary from my study as it provided me with some of the statistics on the state of health in the UAE. It also provided me with data on the effort that are being done by various governmental agencies to enhance healthcare provision in this region. It is with this information that one formulated a concrete solution the current problems in SEHA. The information helps me to look at the reality within SEHA and pick the right strategy that reflects the national and federal outlook of the healthcare system.


Anderson, L., Scrimshaw, S., Fullilove, M., Fielding, J., & Normand, J. (2003).Culturally competent healthcare systems. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 24(3), 68-79.
Bates, D., Cohen, M., Leape, L., Overhage, J., Shabot, M., & Sheridan, T. (2001).Reducing the Frequency of Errors in Medicine Using Information Technology. Journal Of The American Medical Informatics Association, 8(4), 299-308.,.(2015). Health Data and Information Analysis Department. Retrieved 7 March 2015, from
Duda, C., Rajaram, K., Barz, C., & Rosenthal, J. (2013).A Framework for Improving Access and Customer Service Times in Health Care. The Health Care Manager, 32(3), 212-226.
Franco, L., Bennett, S., &Kanfer, R. (2002). Health sector reform and public sector health worker motivation: a conceptual framework. Social Science & Medicine, 54(8), 1255-1266.
Jha, A., Doolan, D., Grandt, D., Scott, T., & Bates, D. (2008).The use of health information technology in seven nations. International Journal Of Medical Informatics, 77(12), 848-854.,.(2015). Middle East Health Magazine. Retrieved 7 March 2015, from
Sureshchandar, G., Rajendran, C., &Anantharaman, R. (2002).The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction – a factor specific approach. Journal Of Services Marketing, 16(4), 363-379.,.(2015). 2011 healthcare statistics revealedUAE - The Official Web Site - News. Retrieved 7 March 2015, from
Vilma, Z., &Egle, K. (2007).Improving motivation among health care workers in private health care organizations. Baltic Journal Of Management, 2(2), 213-224.

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