Social Media As A Hindrance To A Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Sociology, Media, People, Life, Addiction, Internet, Time, Communication

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/10

Fulfilling Life

Fulfilling Life
As the society is being more accustomed to the idea of technology and social networking sites as a regular part of people’s lives, the dilemma of the social media becoming a hindrance to a fulfilling life arises.
According to some statistics, most people would spend a rough estimate of three to four hours a day in social media (Bilton 2014). As fast as it started fascinating us is also how swift social media proves itself to be a threat to people’s lives outside the digital realm. Clearly, it has become a good example of what Judith Wright calls as soft addiction. What is a soft addiction? It is the term used to describe a habit which may seem harmless on the surface but actually keeps us from achieving more in life (Wright 2006). Soft addictions can also have long-term consequences which can be very harmful to people if they do not try to moderate themselves on their addictions (Mclaughin 2015).
With the rise of social networking sites to fame, people nowadays spend an incredible number of hours online in social media every day. These days it has become disturbingly convenient to stay online in social media for twenty four hours a day and seven days a week with all the types of gadgets that our modern technology is unceasingly providing us. What happens when people continue their soft addiction towards the social media? For one, it can create a culture of procrastination. It is alarmingly easy to forget school works and work load by being online. Usually when people come at home, social media comes first and when the time comes that all deadlines are fast approaching then that is the only time people start to work with the things they have to finish and thus begins the cramming process ending in, well, mediocre works.
Another thing is that spending too much time being online in social media can also have its medical implications. Having this kind of lifestyle can be one of the causes of some diseases which can be prevented through an active lifestyle. There is more to life than social media. Traveling, hanging out, and playing sports are much more interesting and healthier ways to socialize with other people. Perhaps the most unsettling thing I find in social media as a soft addiction is that people tend to create a virtual world for themselves in the internet. Yes, communication in social media bridges the gap between long distances but this helpful aspect is constantly being overpowered by a disturbing aspect of communication in social media in which people tend to hide behind their virtual identities. People talk so much online such that verbal communication lessens. In worst case scenarios, the social media has also turned into a very convenient platform for bullying and abuse due to people’s addiction towards it.
Social media is neither completely helpful nor completely harmful to people. However, it is important to note that moderation is one of the best ways to avoid its harmful effects. Lastly, it will always still be better to live life in the “real world” rather than in a “virtual one”.


Bilton, N. (2014, July 16). Reclaiming Our (Real) Lives From Social Media. Retrieved February 12, 2015, from from-social-media.html?_r=0
McLaughin, L. (2015). Soft Addictions: Are You Hooked? Retrieved February 13, 2015, from
Wright, J. (2006). The soft addiction solution: Break free of the seemingly harmless habits that keep you from the life you want (Rev. and expanded ed.). New York: J.P. Tarcher/Penguin.

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