Strategies And Policies For Prime Team Partners Case Study

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Company, Teamwork, Team, Cost, System, Training, Employee, Workplace

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/15

In an attempt to help the Prime Team Partners to execute their business practices with the ongoing flow of new hires more efficiently, several recommendations are made. Four particular recommendations, that are intended to help minimize the number of hours spent on follow up with new hires as well as inputting information into the system.
The goal to help implement these changes by way of the recommendations requires certain strategies and plans to support the proposal of the new plan for the Prime Team Partners. Various factors such as budget, schedules, and specific tasks need developing to help develop the new plans for the company to improve the flow of work that is slowed down by the lack of time and training in efficient systems.
The first task in creating a convincing proposal for the Prime Team Partners is to understand the cost and complexities of the new automated systems that are recommended to the company for improved productivity. The company will have to be presented with the initial cost of the software and services that will take the place of the tedious system that is currently used by the organization.
The improvement is time efficacy by using Docusign, the ADP system, and automating emails with templates is crucial to the communication of the proposal on the system. Prime Team Partners may find the initial investment of these programs and the training hours for employees overwhelming, but showing the long-term cost benefit will be the primary selling point on convincing the company how they must adopt these automated systems. The preparation for the objections by the organization should be met with a proper cost analysis as well as a detailed schedule of the undertaking in training the employees in the new methods that the company is transferring to. Lastly proof of these new systems and their success with other organizations may prove valuable in the presentation to the company as tangible evidence of why the recommendations are worth the investment.

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"Strategies And Policies For Prime Team Partners Case Study." WePapers, Dec 15, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.
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Strategies And Policies For Prime Team Partners Case Study. Free Essay Examples - Published Dec 15, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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