Strategy From Life Critical Thinkings Example

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Life, Decision, Strategy, Alcoholism, Music, Family, Talent, Friendship

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/10/16


Strategic decisions are basic choices that each and every individual needs to take in life. These decisions are the key guidelines that are essential to managing one’s activities and choices in life. Each individual has a right to choose or rather to decide the course of his or her own life (Werner, 2005). This is a remarkable privilege that when misused, it might result in serious consequences in one’s life. Some of the things that people do in their life are the strategic decisions that they make in their life. Other decisions might be dictated by the situation or the environment that one is living in. In my lifetime, there are some strategic decisions that I made that had a great impact on my life. Those strategic decisions have been a guiding principle in my life (Werner, 2005). One of the strategic decision that I made was to concentrate on my academics despite the fact that I am talented in music. Another strategic decision that I made in my life was to stay with my parents, although my cousin wanted me to stay with him in the city. Furthermore, I also made a strategic decision in my life that I should quit drinking and use of drugs that could affect my health.

Thesis statement

The strategic decisions that I have made in my life which are, to continue with education despite being talented in music, to stay with my parents and to quit drinking and use of drugs have been of much help to my life.
Since my childhood, I loved listening to music, and I had developed a passion for the music industry. My favorite musician was Justin Bieber, and a small figure in the music industry yet so popular and famous all over the world. I started developing an interest in being a singer too, and it all began as a joke and found myself doing well in music. I could attend some shows and perform. Many people praise me telling me that indeed I have a talent. After realizing that I have a strong talent for music, I thought of leaving education and chase my dreams in talent. Things never worked well as I expected. My parents abandoned me since I never used to stay at home. I met with my friend who was also talented in singing, but he was pursuing in his studies very well. He encouraged me and told me to think twice about my life. After a moment of reflection, I saw how important education was. I therefore decided to go back and continue with my education.
In a similar circumstance, my cousin wanted to go with me uptown and stay there with him. He was a businessperson, with a big club where people could go spent a couple of their cash buying alcohol. I reflected on my life how it would be when I get to the city. I knew very well that in the city, I will meet friends who will introduce me to bad habits. This was more of a dilemma since at home; My parents were so harsh on me. I needed that free life that was in the city. After a through reflection in my life, I thought twice, and I decided to sit back and stay with my parents. If I had gone to my cousin’s place, my life would have been in a mess.
Furthermore, when I was still a teenager, I was in a group of friends who used to take alcohol and use drugs. I joined the group as a result of peer influence. This lifestyle seemed to be much interested and so I joined without knowing the consequences (Tschäppeler et al, p 321). I could get away from home for over a week, and no one could tell where I was. I used to visit my friend and go to drink in the clubs despite the fact that we were still kids. This seemed to be the best way to me since I didn’t see anything bad with that. Something happened, and this made me change and see the indeed alcohol had nothing good to me. I quitted drinking, and this went back to my studies and concentrated.
The tactical decision that I made for the course of my life enable me to achieve in strategic decisions that I made. For example, while making a strategic decision about continuing who academics instead of my talent, the tactical decision that I made was to do away with music. Doing away with music helped me at a great deal in leaving a life of talent and valuing academics. I valued academics so that and thus I decided to do away with music as a tactical decision that enabled me to concentrate on my academics.
In making a strategic decision of staying with my family instead of staying with my cousin in the uptown, my tactical decision was to think hard and reflect upon my life. I thought of how my life would be when I go to the city. If at all I went to the city, my life would have been in a mess since I was going to join a bad group of friends. These friends would have influenced me into doing some things such as a use of drugs, and this would have affected my life at a great deal (Tschäppeler et al, p 212). By using this tactical decision, I was able to gain control over my life and make a wise decision of being with my father instead of staying with my cousin who would have allowed me to do anything of my choice.
In addition, I made a tactical decision that enable me in avoiding the use of alcohol and drugs. The tactical decision that I made was to avoid those friends of mine who used to give me alcohol. I decided to avoid them at all costs. This made me avoid alcohol. Whenever they came to see me and tell me to go for a walk with them, I used to excuse myself telling them that I had some work that is was to work on it. This tactical enable me to avoid alcohol and drugs.


Strategic decision-making is an important thing that one needs to make in his life. This can be used in many areas. It can be used in an individual’s life or in the business. In making decision about one’s life, strategic decision-making should be used as a key thing to be considered. I applied these basic strategic decisions in my life so that I can be who I am today. They enable me to have a new understanding of what life is and the importance of academics. Through the use of tactical decisions, I was able to implement my strategic decisions that concerned my own life.

Works cited

Tschäppeler, Roman, and Mikael Krogerus. The Decision Book: Fifty Models for Strategic Thinking. London: Profile, 2011. Internet resource.
Werner, Frank. Ambiguities in Decision-Oriented Life Cycle Inventories: The Role of Mental Models and Values. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005. Internet resource.

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