Type of paper: Essay

Topic: People, Connection, Sociology, Literature, Technology, Writer, Media, Company

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2023/02/22

Synthesis Proposal:

“Every Nook and Cranny” by Gary Ruskin and Juliet Schor
“Every Nook and Cranny” is an article written by Gary Ruskin and Juliet Schor elucidate the undesirable effect big companies have on the society. They define how these companies project marketing operations to employ individuals into purchasing their produces. This category of marketing is termed commercialism. The growth of commercialism is an item of the development of business influence (Ruskin, & Schor, 2005). Ruskin and Schor clarify to their readers on by what means these businesses apply their advertising operations. Promoters have applied schools and TV appearances to aim at kids. Chris Whittle’s Channel One attracted schools to take advertising, by proposing to loan TV arrays to schoolrooms.” Companies struggle on discovering every approach imaginable to promote to children. Stores similar to Wal-mart and Toys “R” Us achieve most their incomes from children which is the motivation they aim at them. Yet, children are not the simply sufferers, grown-ups and youths are correspondingly directed through the utilization of television. This particular scheme of advertising is termed, “product appointment,’ in which promoters arrange for payments to have their produce incorporated in cinemas, TV appearances, museum exhibitions, or other systems of media principles.” Advertising businesses take gain of the influence they ensure in order to advance more proceeds. These businesses and companies have grasped the art of impact and apply it to corrupt the thoughts of the community (Nguyen, 2011). Going through this article unlocked people’s perception to new perspectives about the risky spread of commercialized values of people.

“Social Connections” by Steven Johnson

Steven Johnson’s essay entitled, “Social Connections” instigates by means of elucidating of the conflicting views. The writer mentions about Thomas Friedman’s claim that the latest technology has somehow created some distance between those people who are supposed to be close, although it has become a potent tool for connection of people far from each other. He does not completely agree on Thomas Friedman’s claim on New York Times although somehow there has certain realistic points to consider. On the particular line that the writer claimed that presently, the society has become enslaved with IPod. It denies the people to have the capability to share physical space with, and this notion directly means that instead of being united, people become divided from each other. The “social disconnection among the people in the society is a concern that Johnson agrees to consider but on the essays progression he made some argument that such idea is only half true (Johnson, 2006). Commuters in the subway areas may have really found some excuses no to talk to each other because of the latest gadgets available but the latest technology has also brought fresh possibility of sharing ideas in a wide-ranging scope. He pointed out that the connectivity in the worldwide web has brought several significant impacts on people’s lives. It has correspondingly prominently heightened and improved the manners of discussions that materialize in real-world regions(Thinda, 2011). So as to the argument that IPod and mobile phones denies the opportunity for people to discuss various perspectives and it does not value the benefits of having the face-to-face connection, are still debatable because surveys have revealed that these new communication gears has actually increase access to social networks. Social networks and the provided and opened a wider scope for people to share ideas and perspective not just in one’s vicinity but to the society around the world.

Synthesis Essay:

“Every Nook and Cranny” by Gary Ruskin and Juliet Schor
This article has clearly delivered the significant points in their arguments. One would somehow contemplate on the compelling claims by the two writers. The latest schemes organized by business communities may really cause further undesirable outcomes instead of good ones. The way they have arrange their personal thoughts on the progression of the paper compels readers to seriously consider what they are trying to convey. As businesses associate their mechanism in governments and civilization, people would not certainly be expecting an immediate reverse of commercialization in the coming future. Its influences seemed unstoppable and undeniable. The mechanism of these domineering companies has turned out to be more intrusive and disturbing (Ruskin, & Schor, 2005). Although there have been movements from some private and public sectors about restricting it, somehow efforts have been proven futile. There has to be more support from the government so that lawful approaches will be applied to restrain or muster restrictions for such offenses. More strict regulation should be implemented by the government to stop the spread of wrong notions in the media of which will seriously and directly affect the children (Nguyen, 2011). Even though it cannot be repudiated that these corporations have also helped the nation in terms of gaining profits for the government, the issue of considering about the enormous impact of commercializing must not be silenced. The writers’ claims truly proved to be an essential hint for people to be aware of the possible detrimental effects of commercialization.
“Social Connections” by Steven Johnson
The writer effectively elaborated his side of the argument. He was able to point out that although some of Friedman’s points are true; there are issues that need to be thoroughly considered. Johnson presented significant details on how the latest technology affected the lives of the society nowadays. People in public places progressively lost their desire to communicate with each other as they become engrossed with IPods and mobile phones (Johnson, 2006). However, although these things happened evidently, it does not necessary mean that all the effects of the latest technology have been undesirable. The writer just failed to mention the beneficial effects of this technology to schools, most especially to teachers and students. Ages before, a student or a teacher has to go to a library just to have a thorough research of their assignments or projects. Sometimes, libraries could not even suffice the needs of every researcher that visit it. Nowadays, Google and other websites proved to be very efficient and most reliable for research and information gatherings. Books are sold online and this idea actually helped a lot people. However, it cannot be denied that there are some undesirable influences brought by these technologies. Although Johnson claimed that half of Friedman’s assertion is true, he also failed to mention more supporting details for it. He only presented about bloggers, specifically Peace bloggers (Thinda, 2011). The writer should have explored deeper about these bloggers to be able to offer a stronger argument. He should have augmented the notion about bloggers connected with business sectors. As business sectors would sure agree on such desirable influences offered by the new technology and even other sectors as well would approve of this idea as the web has been a great help for any existing transactions involving communication. All in all, despite a few deficiencies on some examples to support his claim, the writer was able to illustrate a compelling paper about the effects of the new technology to social connections.

Works Cited:

Ruskin, Gary & Schor, Juliet. “Every Nook and Cranny: The Dangerous Spread of Commercialized Culture”. January/February 2005 Volume 26, Numbers 1 & 2. <http://nepc.colorado.edu/files/CERU-0504-122-OWI.pdf
Nguyen, Alexander. “Every Nook and Cranny: The Dangerous Spread of Commercialized Culture”. December 5, 2011. <http://alexandernguyen2.blogspot.com/2011/12/every- nook-and-cranny-dangerous-spread.html
Johnson, Steven. “Social Connections”. November 28, 2005. <http://johnson.blogs.nytimes.com/2006/11/28/local-connections/
Thinda, Mohit. “My Response: Social Connections" by Steven Johnson”. November 1, 2011. <http://thindamohit.blogspot.com/2011/11/social-connections-by-steven-johnson.html

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Synthesis Project Essays Examples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/synthesis-project-essays-examples/. Published Feb 22, 2023. Accessed October 18, 2024.

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