Synthesis: Should Certain Countries, Like Somalia, Deemed Havens For Terrorists Be Banned By The UN From Global Economic Participation? Essay Samples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: United Nations, Terrorism, Economics, Politics, Social Issues, World, Violence, Security

Pages: 9

Words: 2475

Published: 2021/02/21

"Sweet Path to Success - Improving Economic Livelihoods for Somali Women [press release]." Africa News Service 6 Nov. 2014. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
The article provides an insight on the importance of empowering women and youths in Somalia as a way of achieving long-term stability in Somalia. The article has interviewed few women in order to determine the effectiveness programs that has been developed to empower women and young people in the country. The results indicated that in order to improve the success and the stability of the country, it is important to improve the economic livelihoods for women in Somalia. For instance, this can be improved by ensuring women are supporting other women and improving their access to employment opportunities. The article goes on the ground to investigate the impact of the women empowerment programs through interviewing the Somali women, hence making the information credible. I think that best war to fight the political unrest in Somali is by empowering people especially women so that they can stand on their own and shift from terrorist activities.
"Supporting the emergence of a private sector." Mena Report 22 July 2014. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
The article, prepared by the Mena Report elucidates on providing support to the private sector in Somali through The Private Sector Development Project. The article provides a solution to the deteriorating private sector that can help to improve the economic situation in Somali. The Mena Report suggests that the project aims at encouraging the growth of the private sector through inclusive market development, microfinance initiatives, and inclusive financial sector. The article provides a sustainable solution to the obstacles that impends private sector development in the countries affected by the terrorist activities. This implies that in order to improve the likelihood of the communities living in the conflict areas, it is advisable to empower them through enhancing the private sector. According to the article enhancing private sector entrepreneurship creates a favorable environment to minimize conflict and promote peace in Somalia. In my opinion, the economic participation of the communities living in the conflict countries helps to address the problems that make them engage in the terrorist activities. Therefore, this article provides appropriate and sustainable solution for the affected countries.
Reisman, W. Michael. "International legal responses to terrorism." Hous. J. ïnt'l L. 22 (1999): 3.
The article illustrates how the technological improvement has increased the risk to conduct highly destructive terrorist activities in the territory of another state. The spread of information, diffuse of modern technology, and the amplification of the damage caused by terrorists makes terrorism attractive. Therefore, the article has analyzed several legal option that can be used to counter terrorism. This includes political-philosophical problems, intelligence gathering, the content threat of massive retaliation, preemptive actions and internationally cooperative anticipatory. One of the internationally cooperative anticipatory responses is regulation of the sale of materials with a high terrorist potential. Therefore, the article suggests that the bans for the global economic participation of terrorist territory provides a solution to curb terrorism.
"OIC underlines central role of UN General Assembly in fighting terrorism." Xinhua News Agency 28 June 2012. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
In this article, The Organization of Islamic Corporation (OIC) raised their concerns regarding the manner in which the UN General Assembly is fighting the war on terror across the globe. They challenged the body to ensure transparency and accountability in UN anti-terror activities. OIC members fully supported the fundamental role of the General Assembly because the body is autonomous and universal. The article indicates that OIC has the responsibility to safeguard the interest of Muslims in the world. The objective of the organization is to promote international peace and harmony across the globe. The article evaluation indicates that the source is credible because it clearly defines the role of the UN General Assembly in eradicating terror. Issues are also covered comprehensively citing various leaders who voiced their concerns about the war against terror. In my opinion, researchers should include data to support the arguments that are addressed in the article.
Melvern, Linda. "United Nations Security Council." Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. Ed. Dinah Shelton. Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 1086-1092. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
According to Melvern, more than Fifty –one governments came into an agreement and signed the U.N Charter, an international treaty that confines the signatories to mandatory promote actions that would enhance peaceful coexistence. The author highlights that UN has not met its goals and objectives despite being the world principal organization that maintains peace and security. Moreover, the role of the UN in fighting for human rights is stated in the article. The challenge that interferes with the role of UN in promoting peace, stability and security is outlined. The author has also included the role of UN Security Council in countries like Somalia, Bosnia and Rwanda. In my opinion, the reliability of is enhanced by the way at which the opinions, thoughts, and ideas, are stated clearly and expounded to support the context.
Silva, Mario. "Somalia: state failure, piracy, and the challenge to international law." Va. J. Int'l L. 50 (2009): 553.
The article reconnoiters the problems that face Somalia as a state, as well as the effect of piracy on international commerce and maritime security. Silva explains how the Somalia state has failed to improvise measures that curb piracy in it waters. Moreover, the Gulf of Eden witnesses the active offshore privacy that continues to take place within the state. In addition, the article explores poor governance and high poverty levels as factors that highly influence piracy within Somalia borders. The role of the UN body is discussed, and an analysis is conducted to measure the impact that can be induced. In my opinion, the issues in the article are well articulated to bring out the clear picture of the activities taking placed in Somalia. Scholars and pundits can draw insights from the article since it also provides data to support the arguments throughout the paper.
Le Sage, Andre. Somalia's Endless Transition: Breaking the Deadlock. Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, 2010.
In 2009, successful negotiations in Djibouti led to the establishment of the Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) that received back up from the international community. TFG is not strong enough to eliminate the worries and fears established by the Al Shabab and Hizbul insurgents. The international community is involved in “constructive disengagement” since it has not succeeded in bring to an end of the ongoing stalemate in the country. The role of United Nations in the negotiation cannot be underestimated. The final stages of the article highlight the strategic security planning that will assist TGF to establish a political support towards fighting the insurgents. In my opinion, the article is credible because it expounds the key points to develop an easy understanding to the readers. The topics are aligned with subtopics, and this is very appealing to scholars.
"Kenya Orders UN to Move Massive Somali Refugee Camp." Africa News Service 14 Apr. 2015. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
In this article, Kenya has ordered the UN to relocate a camp that is accommodating more than 600,000 Somali refugees in three months. This was a response to the current killing attack that left 148 innocent students who died from the attack by Somali gunmen. In the past, Kenya has been suspecting that the terrorists were hiding in the camp at Dadaab. Therefore, the government requires the UNHCR to relocate inside Somalia. From the spokesman of UNHCR, Mr. Emmanuel Nyabera they have not yet received an official communication from the government that will make them moves across Kenya’s boundaries. The UN places the population of refugees in the persistently congested settlements of long-lasting structures, tents and mud shanties approximately 335,000. The Dadaab camp provides refugees with clinics, schools and community centers.
Baldauf, Scott. "In Somalia, Foreign Intervention Won’t Resolve Al Shabab Threat." Terror Haven. N.p., 2 Sept. 2010. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. <>.
According to the Western Governments, they contemplate that increasing powerful militant group will fight Al Shabab in Somalia. However, Western military interventions are not the solution. East Africa has joined up to fund the 600-strong African Union Peacekeeping Mission (AMISOM). Overseas troops tend to reinforce the hand of violent anti-occupation activities (Baldauf). AMISOM has claimed that the resolution to the instability in Somalia will have to come from the government itself, be it weak or not. After the fall of Somalia’s last government, the country has not been free of external intervention. The country has been in a crisis of the draught (Baldauf). Therefore, foreign relief food has been the solution. Currently, one-third of Somalia population survives on foreign food aid. However, Al Shabab spokesman Sheik Ali Mahamoud Rage, on 24th August he said that they will be establishing a war against invaders. According to AMISON spokesman, the Somalia government should intervene in this war of terror (Baldauf).
Cortright, David, George A. Lopez, and Linda Gerber. Sanctions and the search for security: Challenges to UN action. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2002.
The book tries to examine the changing context and meaning of sanctions and the security dilemmas United Nations now faces. However, there are challenges of UN in this action (Cortright et al. 130). Despite extensive disagreement about the efficiency of United Nations bans as well as the need for reform, the Security Council continues to impose banning Somalia from United Nations’ global economic participation. The book evaluates a range of new approaches to bans as well as economic governance. The book also reviews the heated debate over the humanitarian effect of bans and, therefore, reflects the increasingly significant role of NGOs in United Nations policymaking (Cortright et al. 130). The book enhances smart sanctions strategies to impose on countries with an aim of fighting terrorism not increasing it.

Extended Part

The UN has a bigger role to play towards combating terrorism in Somalia and other countries that are affected. The threats posed by terrorism groups jeopardize the wellbeing of individuals within the society. For instance, since time immemorial, piracy in Somalia waters, has affected social and economic status in many countries. The Somalia government is unstable, and this has made it hard for them to eliminate the Al Shabaab terror groups links and networks (Le Sage 4). UN can proceed to impose sanctions in Somalia but only target the areas that are economically controlled by the Al Shabaab (Silva 562). The sanctions deny people the opportunity to engage in economic activities in the targeted regions. The strategy will weaken the common enemy and reduce the terror group from expanding and enrolling new members. Destroying the economic networks of Al Shabaab will weaken the group to a great extent.
The UN organization must also avoid any incidences of discrimination against the innocent people of Somalia. Therefore, it should keep away from the ideas of imposing sanctions on the entire country. The areas that experience political stability and peaceful coexistence need to be safeguarded from the terror groups (Melvern). If UN fails to impose sanctions on the members of the Al Shabaab, the terror group will grow strong and continue to enroll young people to engage in illegal activities. Known members of the terror group should be blacklisted and denied the opportunity to participate in global economic forums. The UN Security Council is charged with the mandate to establish peace and stability within a country (Melvern). The sanctions will weaken the terror group, and this will destroy the networks that promote extremism and radicalization of the youths in Somalia.
Somalia should be banned not only from United Nations participation in global economic but also in any involvement with the United Nations. As a result of last attack in Kenya by Al-Shabab, in which at least 148 students from Garissa University died (Africa News Service). Kenya government has urged UN to move massive Somali refugee camp. UN is a non-government organization that secure safe and dignify refuge for all persons of concern to UNHCR, in agreement with known international standards. However, in a country like Kenya UN is not supported to achieve its objectives. Therefore, Somalia should eradicate terrorism for it to have a chance in any participation of United Nations. "We have asked the UNHCR to relocate the refugees in three months, failure to which we shall relocate them ourselves (Ruto, 2015).” This is a challenge to the UN due to al-Shabab acts. But through sanctions, Somalia government will reform and fight terrorism hence it will be given rights to any UN participation (Africa News Service).
However, western military interventions are not the solution either a ban from United Nations’ global economic participation in Somalia land. Sanctions are a weapon that enforce a numerous of US foreign policy goals to counter terrorism havens. However, in this case of Somalia, one-third of the country depends on relief foods that are issued by United Nations. Therefore, sanctions are not the solution to terrorism havens, but policies such as African Union Peacekeeping Mission with the aid of Western governments can be a strategy. The policy can be used to reinforce the government of Somalia hence fighting terrorism in the Horn of Africa. Sanctions to Somalia in large will lower the economic status of the country. Resources will be scarce and will result in the Al Shabab attacking neighboring countries like Kenya. Therefore, United Nations should ban terrorism territories but not as country as large.
The United Nations fight against terrorism will be long. In addition, the fight will require a key commitment of resources by member states. The member states of UN will provide economic help and other encouragements to reinforce international cooperation. Solidifying the capacity to impose financial bans as well as other restrictions on terrorists will require massive changes in political and economic practice in Somalia. Therefore, in such situation United Nations can be most helpful. Consequently, there will be no need for United Nations to put bans on Somalia, rather it should build sustained political will for the effective contributions to the globally campaign against terrorism.
The United Nations fight against terrorism will be long. In addition, the fight will require a key commitment of resources by member states. The member states of UN will provide economic help and other encouragements to reinforce international cooperation. The capacity of imposing financial bans, as well as other restrictions on terrorists, will require massive changes in political and economic practice in Somalia. Therefore, in such situation United Nations can be most helpful. Consequently, there will be no need for United Nations to put bans on Somalia, rather it should build sustained political will for the effective contributions to the global campaign against terrorism.
The approach to banning the countries that are havens for terrorist should appropriate in a way it does not affect the common citizens. In other words, that United Nations should not place bans on the regular citizens but empower them through economic and development programs in order to find a long run solution and stability to such countries and their neighboring countries. According to the Africa New Service article, empowering youths and women through economic programs improves their livelihood and help to find a long-term solution to the terrorist activities in their countries. In the conflict-affected communities, the best and sustainable solution is to empower women and youth so that they can have access to employment opportunities and hence shift for the terrorist activities.
Similarly, Mena Report suggests that the sustainable solution to promote peace and reduce conflict is through economic empowerment of the citizens. For instance, the article enhancing private sector entrepreneurship creates a favorable environment to minimize conflict and promote peace in Somalia (Mena Report). This argument supports that the ban on global economic participation should be for the terrorists controlled territories in order to weaken their economic advantage. As a result, economic empowering of the citizens living in such areas gives them economic advantage relative to the terrorists’ territory. According to Reisman, the internationally cooperative anticipatory response is regulation of the sale of materials with high terrorist potentials can be the solution to curbing terrorism (21). This confirms that while banning the countries that are prone to the terrorist activities, it is important to consider empowering the citizen to be economically better off. Therefore, from this argument the United Nations should also ban the terrorists’ territories from economic participation but empower the adjacent citizen for economic growth.

Work cited

"Kenya Orders UN to Move Massive Somali Refugee Camp." Africa News Service 14 Apr. 2015. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
"OIC underlines central role of UN General Assembly in fighting terrorism." Xinhua News Agency 28 June 2012. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
"Supporting the emergence of a private sector." Mena Report 22 July 2014. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
"Sweet Path to Success - Improving Economic Livelihoods for Somali Women [press release]." Africa News Service 6 Nov. 2014. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
Baldauf, Scott. "In Somalia, Foreign Intervention Won’t Resolve Al Shabab Threat." Terror Haven. N.p., 2 Sept. 2010. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. <>.
Cortright, David, George A. Lopez, and Linda Gerber. Sanctions and the search for security: Challenges to UN action. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2002.
Le Sage, Andre. Somalia's Endless Transition: Breaking the Deadlock. Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, 2010.
Melvern, Linda. "United Nations Security Council." Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. Ed. Dinah Shelton. Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 1086-1092. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
Reisman, W. Michael. "International legal responses to terrorism." Hous. J. ïnt'l L. 22 (1999): 3.
Silva, Mario. "Somalia: state failure, piracy, and the challenge to international law." Va. J. Int'l L. 50 (2009): 553.

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Synthesis: Should Certain Countries, Like Somalia, Deemed Havens For Terrorists Be Banned By The UN From Global Economic Participation? Essay Samples. Free Essay Examples - Published Feb 21, 2021. Accessed March 06, 2025.

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